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Posts posted by belinda_simone

  1. sounds just like my situation at the beginning.. he moved into my place after 3 months because he was over all the time anyway... i soon noticed his temper towards his parents was totally unacceptable - he would yell at his elderly parents to help him with things..like a kid having a tantrem.. When we had arguments he would say such hurtful things that could not be undone.. like he was going back to his ex cause she was waiting for him..that i was bad in bed etc (VERY bad for the ego!!).. and then one day he just picked me up and threw me accross the room in the middle of a fight. But of course it was my fault because i was yelling at him.. In the end our fights were so bad - i turned into a feral as well - when i tried to get away by getting out of the house for some 'time out' he would stand infront of the door and not let me leave. I would cry and try to run out the back door but he'd deadlocked it and had the key. I was a prisoner..in MY HOUSE. I know this sounds extreme and it is. Let me tell you that i had never ever had an experience like this in my life. We were both educated professional people. In the end i got the police to come over and stand there while he got his belongings and left. He immediately got together with a new girl and sent me pictures of them together within 3 days of me kicking him out.. And now he texts me every weeek telling me how much he misses me even though i have not replied to him for over 3 month. One year of my life was wasted on this guy even though i really did know he was a looser at 3 months. Don't waste your precious time. It will get harder to end it the longer it goes on..


  2. Just got a text from him.. my heart skipped a beat. It's been 8 weeks and he's just told me how he misses us. I feel sooooo good now!! Is that wrong? The fact that he is missing me and can't help but text me!! It has given me MORE power! MORE strength to maintain NC!! This guy is a nut case. He is such a manipulator.. I must keep reminding myself of this.

    oh what a wonderful day!! I love that he is weak and i am strong!!

  3. another day - about 8 weeks no contact, day 3 of the challenge. I don't want to contact him AT ALL.. i never want to see him again. He is dangerous. He is irrational. He is unreasonable. He is manipulative... He used to be sweet, funny, caring.. But NC is making me see the truth about him. I just want to hurry up and be completely over this.

    I know it's bad karma to wish him bad luck, but just a little accident with his face (even a large boil on his nose!) would make my day! I know I am bad..


  4. You don't realise it now but you have actually come a long way.. You are handling the situation a lot better that you were. I know it still hurts sooo badly.. but you are better off than you were at the beginning. What you are not taking into account is that he will be asking himself the same questions.."why doesn't she miss me? why isn't she calling?".. because don't forget, it;s going BOTH ways!

    Even tho it doesn't feel like it today, you ARE on the road to recovery.

    Just get through this crappy day and hope for a better one tomorrow.

    god bless. x

  5. Well another day has passed and i feel really good.. Hung out with a girlfriend and had a few beers in a new area, away from where i'm used to hanging out. I like it.. It's like a holiday not being where all the memories are. I'm trying to focus a bit on cleaning my house but can't seem to get motivated!! I MUST be feeling better! I don't feel the need to keep busy like i did at the start (about 7 weeks ago)..

    Believe me! It DOES get easier.. i feel almost healed.. but we'll see wont we..! I'm sure something will bring me back to square one soon, but until then i am going to enjoy feelong almost normal again.


    Lady Bugg!! Don't break NC!! Keep your power and let HIM be the one wondering!! Promise!!?

  6. Lady Bugg! what ever you do.. don't reply! Don't give him the oppourtunity to make you feel desperately sad, AGAIN! Keep the power.. Keep control.. Keep NC.. You will be SO glad you did! Stay in charge of your feelings by not letting him disappoint you. Keep with the program.. Keep with Super Dave's NC challange!

    It will be easier when you decide NOT to open any emails.. That is what i am doing with this challenge.. deleting the emails WITHOUT reading them!

    You can do it!

    You really can!

    good luck and god bless! x

  7. Well here is my 1st update.. I went out for dinner tonight with some friends who i have not been out with for ages.. they introduced me to some other people and it was just the best night i've had for a long time. Just a good night of chatting to good people who were not from the pretentious crowd (that my ex hangs with).. a different area and totally different type of people. I would not have bothered to go if i'd been with my ex cause i just would not have extended myself to bother. It's been about 7 weeks NC and i have not really felt like going out, but tonight i really pushed myself to make an effort and i am SO glad. I feel a bit more confident about ME.. about people likeing ME.. cause it was ME they were meeting, not "so and so's" girlfriend. I think from now on i am really going to make the effort to go out and connect with people. I'm not going to get drunk every time i go out - tonight i was very good, getting home at around midnight after only a few drinks. "Going out" doesn't have to mean wrecking yourself.. from now on i am going to go out and have a few drinks and come home.. that way i can do it more often!

    Feeling good today overall.. Never want to hear or see my ex again cause i don't want my heart to race with adrenaline and be back to square 1.

    I don't wish he was dead but i wish he did not exist.

  8. I have been NC for about 7 weeks. My problem is he contacts ME..with details about his new girlfriend (who he hooked up with the day after we broke up apparently!), including pics (i can really see what an unfortunate man he is!). When i see a message from him in my inbox i need to be strong enough to delete it without reading it first cause it takes me back to square one.. I don't want him - i broke it off.. but for some reason it really hurts that he has moved on (rebounded) so quickly. Even though it ended cause I wanted it to, i am still not ready to be with anyone else.. the fact that he is with someone else makes me feel like our time together did not impact him at all. My new years resolutuion was to give up on trying to get some of my belongings back from him because he really wants me to keep trying to get them. He enjoys that connection. ...so i'll let him keep my stuff and never have any contact with him ever again.

    Count me in Super Dave!

  9. You keep saying that larry and kelly will be spending time together and nights together.. How would kelly be able to do this if she is married? Wouldn't her husband be wondering where she is? I think your imagination is running away with you a bit. I'm sure they are not together as often as you think...and i'm sure larry is lonely a lot of the time.. He would not be able to chat to her on the phone at night like he chatted to you.. Kelly just would not be available to him like you imagine..

    Stay strong.. You are doing the right thing keeping on with NC.. Time to focus your energy on this new job.. what better way to start this year than to have a goal to concerntrate on? It's perfect timing..even tho i know you're thinking you cant function properly at the moment, just do your best. One foot in front of the other. Minute by minute..

  10. Today is a new year.. try to be positive and make an effort to move forward and not backwards. Even if he rang you today and said "i'm so sorry, i love you, can we get back together?", could you? This man has totally shattered you by just taking up with another woman and shoving you to the side like you never meant anything.. He has completely disregarded your feelings.. He has humiliated you. Would you really want him back after he has been so cruel? You two had been an item for 5 years!! The way he has behaved is so mean. Like you meant nothing!! He's done it to you once and he'd do it again. You could try and look at it as a blessing that it's happened now and not in 10 years.. with kids..

    Really try to use the new year as a good shove forward.. I know you miss him.. i miss my ex as well - even though he has taken another girl on my holiday to thailand, wont return my property, has called me a pshyco , left bruises on my body..! I miss the good times with him but could never go back because of the bad things that just can't be undone. And Larry being with Kelly cant be undone.. it would haunt you forever.

    He IS wondering about you.. He IS missing you.. but you deserve better than larry. ..and i know you know this in your heart.

  11. Imagine how you'd feel if you called him?! You'd be giving him the opportunity to reject you all over again.. Don't forget that he IS wondering why the hell you're not chasing him! There is NO doubt that he is feeling rejected by YOU because you haven't chased him.. Keep that power.. hold on to it. Don't hand it over to be shredded by this man. Kelly will be with her family.. It's new year's eve!! She can't make an excuse to be anywhere else.. Larry will be wondering what YOU are doing..cause you're sure as hell not calling HIM! TRUST ME! Please! He is hurting. He is wondering "why is she not chasing me harder after 5 years?!!".. you have to know he will be wondering and this will give you strength. Keep your power..

    Do you have any plans for NYE? I hate NYE.. But are you catching up with some friends?

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  12. I totally know the feeling of wanting to call.. but you really have to see that by not calling, you can be 100% positive that he is thinking about you and wondering what you are doing and why the hell you're not breaking and calling...!! It's about power!! and PRIDE! YOU keep the power and your pride by not calling.. So simple and yet so hard.. i know.


    i feel sick when i think of my ex of 2 months on holiday in thailand with a girl he met 2 days after I broke up with HIM! I didn't want him anyway and i still feel sick about him being with this girl (rebound).. he's been sending me photos of THEM.. can you believe this looser?? Still.. i AM heart broken and want to call and want to be missed etc.. What's wrong with us!!?? lol


    Just stay strong..

    god bless. x

  13. Just stay strong with the no contact.. although this feel impossible it is actually saving you. Any information from his camp will set you back. It's like a slippery slide. Just know that although it feel wrong right now, it would feel worse if you tried to find out what was going on with him.. Go and get a masssage today.. or a facial. treat yourself..put it on your credit card whatever!! just get through this next day with continued NC. He IS thinking about you, mainly because you haven't contacted him.. so leave him to wonder about whether YOU have moved to greener pastrures as well!

    god bless.. NC all the way. x

  14. When you said "She just has NO clue of what the real world is - cause she doesn't live in the real world" i find that really disrespectful of you.. It sounds as though even though you say what a fabulous home maker she is, you don't really respect the role at all..."She just has NO clue of what the real world is - cause she doesn't live in the real world... " Well it's her world and you need understand that many people live as home makers. It's a legitimate life whether you think so or not.. and much harder that you will ever know or choose to know! You say how lovely you are and what great money you make! Woo Hoo! Big Deal! You're obviously not good at keeping your woman happy!! Why would she get soooo frustrated as to throw things at you??!! Is she just crazy like you are implying or perhaps YOU, yes YOU may have something to do with her feeling like she's dying inside?...Money doesn;t fix everyghing. look in the mirror! Ask her some questions.. Put her FIRST..and not with the hope of romance as the reward. Build a friendship with your wife. Hang out. cause it's clear that it's all going to crumble very soon..

    I hope this doesn't sound too harsh but i want you to really try getting to know your wife again as a woman. She sounds as tho she's taken on the wife and mother role to the point where she's lost herself.

  15. It all seems too strange to accept. I think you have done the right thing. Some people are drawn back to what they know is not good for them.. she seems to be one of these people. Don't you be one of these people. You have enough respect for yourself to do what is right. This lady is too confused to give you respect whether she means to or not.. onwards and upwards.. god bless

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  16. you are soooo good for doing no contact! Now that he texted you and you did not text him back, you hold the power. Keep hold of that power because that;s what will keep you going... the fact that he contacted you and you (as far as he can tell) are too busy or don't care enough to reply.. He will now be wondering what you are doing! ..are you with a man? are you on a date? etc.. because he knows nothing about what you are doing his imagination will be driving him crazy!! Kelly will be with her family over christmas and HE will be lonely... You're doing great!! Don't get weak.. We are in a similar situation... god bless. xx

  17. i think it's just normal to do that.. you will feel good for a while and then have a relapse.. then you'll feel good for a bit longer till you have another relapse.. soon you'll feel good most of the time and relapses will be a thing of the past. Plus christmas is (i think) such a sad time cause everyone thinks everyone else is soooo damn happy and it just aint so! I've just had a break up and even tho i broke it off because it was totally disfunctional and violent and manipulative etc..i've been missing him and crying to myself as well.. it just makes no sense!! Keep at princess.. there;s no other choice.. we're all in this together and we just need to put one foot infront of the other..

    good luck x

  18. if you're unhappy in your mirrage.. end it. Don't start dabbling in other ways. Do the right thing and deal with the issue of the mirrage, within the mirrage. Your mirrage may be able to be saved. Have you asked your wife why she doesn't feel romantic with you?

  19. We need to make definite breaks with exes and force ourselves not be inquisitive about who they are seeing now.. very hard but it will save you this horrible feeling that you have to compare yourself with the new, 'improved' version of you. Try our best to move forward without looking back.. onwards and upwards!

    I've just had a breakup 2 months ago. He has turned out to be the most hurtful person, espicially since the breakup, sending me emails about the girl he started seeing 2 days after we broke up (i ended it).. he has sent pics of a his new girlfriend who is "younger, prettier and has a better job" than me!! Can you believe this guy?!! If i had any choice at all i would not want to know about his life and new girlfriend AT ALL!!! We had been together for one year. I would have hoped for a bit more respect but true colours show thru when things get bad.. He's 38 years old too..you think he's be a bit more grown up..

    Just do yourself a favour and don't look..

    good luck

  20. i always seem to have broken up with someone just before christmas so am always feeling super lonely during this supposedly happy festive time, too.. This christmas day at 12noon my ex of 2 months will be taking his new girlfriend on MY holiday to thailand. We booked it together 6 months ago but broke up.. 2 days later he hooked up with some other poor dear and now he's taking HER on MY holiday!! Aargh.. So your not alone with your sadness and lonelyness etc this christmas.. I don't know what women want - even though i AM a woman!! I'm not much of a comfort am i! Just know that you're not the only one who feels like crap.. and feels lost and lonely without a companian.. soon new years eve will be over with too and we can all take a breath and carry on with our usual lives and really hope that someone special comes our way soon. Everyone wants the same thing. It WILL happen for you. Try and enjoy your christmas and have some faith that you will meet someone lovely in the new year..

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