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Posts posted by _Jaffa_

  1. I finally found other people that apologise for getting a compliment. I've been doing it since I was a kid. And the whole turning it round in your head so it's not a compliment. Yeah, I do that too. I don't even know why I do it. Getting a compliment just doesn't sound right so I have to change it to something that actually applies to me.


    Anyway, nothing I've said so far is actually advice or even helpful so, yeah, sorry. I think what other people have said is more helpful to you. Read their replies...ignore mine.

  2. So, it's probably in my genes?


    I thought so. See this is why I can't have relationships then. Because one day it will rear it's ugly head and then I'll feel so guilty that I'll fecking kill myself. I'm not clever enough or good enough to stop it happening so my best bet is to carry on like I am and avoid relationships altogether.

  3. Anyone that takes an overdose is automatically considered a suicide attempt until proven otherwise. They just range from being non serious atempts to extremely serious attempts. Your friend is obviously an extremely serious attmpt and will thereforeeee be considered at great risk of attempting again and the necessary precautions/treatments will be put into place when/if she recovers.


    I can tell you that although you feel guilty there is nothing you could have said that would have stopped her from a serious attempt. When you're that far into that mindset there isn't a way back and you have to go through with it.

  4. Yeah, I don't think I would manage going to classes for this....It took me long enough to write it out here. I don't really talk about me and my thoughts very much. That's why I've joined here....to sort of force myself to open up, then maybe eventually I can do it in real life.


    We're the same age......still have a long life ahead of us. Who's to say I won't turn out like him eventually? Is there some genetic thing that means I will be like him? We share the same DNA unfortunately so does that mean I'm going to share his penchance for smashing someone's head into a wall one day? And if there is a genetic link what can I do to stop it besides topping myself?

  5. I never approach girls but I have had some approach me and I always wonder why....like what their ulterior motive is.....And then I get all shy and hardly speak and they get fed up and leave me alone again. In a way it's quite good though because if girls didn't approach me I'd probably never talk to the opposite sex.

  6. Hi. I'm new here. Been reading some posts for a few months and finally plucked up the courage to join. So, basically my father is an {mod edit}. He's a violent drunk and sometimes he says that I'll end up just like him.


    Do you think that's true? I mean, am I gentically predisposed to turn into a vile, disgusting, violent {mod edit}? Or can I escape it? People say that abused people turn into abusers. I dunno if that's true......I hope not. This is pretty much all I think about. It rules my life. I hardly go out in case I hurt someone. I don't have relationships with people in case I hurt them. I don't have many friends in case I hurt them. I've never hurt anyone before, physically I mean and I try really hard to not hurt people emotionally either but sometimes you don't even realise you're doing that right? So, yeah, am I going to turn into my father?

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