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  1. Thanks for the reply birdman. He says he has seen many doctors. When him and his sister had a bbq last year, I noticed a huge pill box in his room. He told me he was on "Paxil and a bunch of other junk". But I do think your right. I feel like I can't help him if I'm not there.
  2. Hi, I'm new here. Stumbled upon this site looking for an explaination. Here is my situation, any comments, whether I like them or not, will be appreciated. I am 26 years old and have been married for 6 yrs to a WONDERFUL man. We have a gorgeous 4 yr old son together. My husband and I get along perfectly. He is understanding, loving, supportive and very handsome. Alot of women would love to have what I have. I have a Mustang which is my second baby . When I joined a mustang club a year ago, I made alot of new friends. One of those friends had a brother. She introduced me to him because I mentioned I liked a certain band and that happened to be Jim's (the brother) favorite band. We hit it off and got along great.After a few months, I started getting feelings for him. So, I told him we shouldn't talk. He went a little psycho, but eventually left me alone. When I felt everything had cooled down (about 2 months) I started IM-ing him and we started talking again. Over the weekend, he was drunk and was calling my cell phone. We have flirted alot but, I never heard him say the things he was saying. Melting my heart. But then Jeckyl would come out and we got in an argument and I told him to leave me alone. After calling my cell phone 10 times, so far, I haven't heard from him but did see him online. We did not talk. I feel so heart broken. A mixture between losing a friend and a lover (we never did anything). Jim is sooo messed up in the head, he is 21 (5 yrs younger than me), still lives with his parents, is an alcoholic, very immature sometimes, has no goals in life, makes more enemies than friends, and his thought process on different subjects is just ridiculous (he always says I'm too grown up). But yet I can't stop thinking about him. I have a family, a house, a career....I have a good life and love my husband dearly.....I just want these feelings to go away. Why can't I stop thinking about him?????
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