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  1. I am new here and I'm hoping I can get some advice. Okay, so I've been married for a year and a half and the problem is keeping the place clean. Now neither of us are the most neat and organized people ever, but while I'm messy he's dirty. Like he doesn't clean up spills or leaves food wrappers and food lying around. I don't like going in the kitchen anymore. (he does most of the cooking) I used to do the dishes but there would always be dead food because he doesn't scrape his plates, the packages the raw meat came in, or wet cardboard packaging for food. Doing the dishes has made me throw up in the past, I also have asthma and am allergic to mold. The floor is trashed and the refrigerator is nasty. I cleaned it and the microwave so well one day- they looked brand new. Two weeks later they were disgusting again. He just doesn't clean up after himself- if he spills something he doesn't clean it up. Its really hard because when I clean it doesn't seem to make any difference. We talked about it. We talked about the difference between messy and dirty, I don't mind messy, messy can be fixed. The living area is pretty good and I am working to keep it that way. The thing that made me write this, to ask for help, just happened tonight. He took a shower and went to bed. A bit after that I had to use the bathroom and when I went in I saw he had left his clothes on the floor (that's not the problem). The problem is that his underwear was left right on top and there was the most insane s*** stain I have ever seen. I mean it had mass. It wasn't just a stain you know? So as I stood there I wanted to cry because he's 33 and if he can't be bothered to wipe his own a**, what makes me thing he could ever be bothered to clean up spills? It is very disheartening and it is putting a strain in our relationship. I don't want to be the naggy b**** and I don't want to yell, but I really don't know what to do.
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