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Posts posted by kittysaysmeow

  1. You wrote that you exercise by walking or biking but you're probably used to that by now. Try making your workouts harder...add some running and weights to your workouts.


    I know you said that you're not comfortable with a gym, I would strongly suggest taking a fitness class or even some fitness tapes.


    It's also important to know that not everyone can be a size 2. Perhaps going to get an exercise analysis would benefit you. That way you can see what you need to change and also how much you can realistically lose. Remember, size doesn't matter...it's how you feel that's important.

  2. I think it depends on a few things. Can you live off your last pay check until you find a new job? If you need money, do you have a support system in place that will help you out?


    I have never quit a job before finding a new one. I understand what you're going through because I'm experiencing the same thing. This is my first job out of school and there's nothing to do. Ya, everyone thinks it's a great thing but it's very lonely and I know I have so much to offer. I'm leaving it soon and I have another one lined up.


    I think you should try your best to find something else before leaving your current job, but if you're really unhappy then make sure you can live off the money you have saved (keep in mind that it could take a few months to find something else!).

  3. The weather has a huge part in it I think...at least for me. There's snow everywhere and it was -30 for a few weeks here. It would make anyone go nuts having to bus it everywhere.


    I know BC has been getting some weird weather...


    But ya, maybe it has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with you being overwhelmed because of all the things that happened at once. It's normal, I wouldn't worry about it too much. When it happens just breathe and try to relax the best you can.

  4. I completely understand. I, like you, don't drive because I can't afford a car (student loans) and I also live in Canada where the weather has been brutal the past few weeks (in my province anyway). So, it's a pain in the butt to have to run errands on the bus and have so many things happen.


    But a lot of people are stressed this time of year. Christmas time is supposed to be joyful, but the stress of finances, party after party to go to, finals, and family is enough to make anyone go a little nuts.


    I think that going to the gym helps and so does just relaxing. I get so stressed out sometimes for no reason at all and what I do is take a bath and relax.

  5. I think it depends on the University you go to. When I went, I know that there was no way to get out of that situation. If you were too late in dropping a class then you'd get a NP (no paper) which is the equivalent of 40% (I think).

    I believe the only way out of it was if you had a legitimate medical problem but you needed to provide proof.

    Check with the registar again and see what they say. If it's too late then I think you might just have to take the hit.

  6. What I mean is that psychiatry may or may not take on a social/cultural point of view. The main thing is to remember is that it's based on biology whereas psychology is mainly based in experiences that have happened that make you the person you are today.


    Don't be scared to look for help and for sure don't be scared to find a new therapist if he or she isn't working out for you.

  7. To answer your question and not getting into a thread about Western vs other cultures, I think that since you are having intercourse with two people then you might want to let them know about it. The thing is that if you're that sexually "free" with both of them then the risk of STDs rises and they deserve to know what they're getting into.


    And since they have multiple partners I would also suggest always using protection.

  8. "Bear in mind many therapists went into the field because they themselves have a mental illness. Typically it's narcissism."


    That is so completely false I don't even know where to start with that one.


    Like everything there are good and not so good therapists out there. I suggest asking around and seeing which one specializes in depression. I would also suggest seeing a psychologist and not necessarily a psychiatrist. There reason for this is that psychiatry adopts a medical approach but may take in to account biological, psychological, and social/cultural perspectives. That said, you should go to someone that you feel comfortable with. If it isn’t working out then find someone else. There is definitely no shortage of psychologists/therapists/psychiatrists out there! LOL.

  9. Thanks for the advice. I've decided in giving a week's notice. I've only been there for 3 months so I don't think 2 weeks is necessary. I'll do the right thing...be mature and then see what happens.


    Like I've said before, I don't need a reference from them. I have enough from other employers, but it sure would be nice if everything was good between me and them. I'll keep you posted on what happens.

  10. Oooh, I understand what you were trying to say now.


    Yes, I agree with you completely about trying to take the high road and not burning bridges. I'm still on the fence about my situation as it is a little different than just being unhappy in my employment. There are so many examples of overtime worked and not recognized or paid for, inconsideration of my personal life, not taking my suggestions seriously or even acknowledging it…telling me to come into work early and then not being there or providing me the information in order for me to complete my work. It’s one thing after the other and they have no idea (or probably don’t care) that I’m unhappy and that I can do so much more than what they give me credit for.


    But thanks for your advice! I’m going to try my best to stick through it and do the right thing.

  11. DaDancingPsych: thanks for your advice! I have to disagree with you on a point. First, I don't think I should have to put up with an unhealthy (mentally, physically, etc) environment just for having given my notice.


    I never said I would quit early after giving notice (if that was my choice). I would only leave if the conditions were unhealthy. For example, if they were purposely causing stress, making remarks, calling me names, insulting me, etc.


    I don't believe in putting up with other people's stuff just because it's the "good thing to do". If they're going to be immature about it then I refuse to stay.


    That said, I agree with not trying to burn any bridges. I happen to like my bosses on a personal level so I'm leaning towards giving a week's notice. I would of course love to have a great reference and remain on good terms, but my fear is that it won't be possible. Numerous comments and actions indicate that me leaving will not be taken well.

  12. Thanks to both of you for the advice! I will think it over.


    You're right, if I can avoid burning bridges it's always the best option. My gut is saying there's no way that I won't so I might as well look out for myself. At the end of the day the reference from these guys isn't necessary for what I want to do.


    I think I'll see how the next 2 weeks go and if there's still drama then I'll leave without notice. If it's been good then I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


    Thanks again!

  13. I tend to agree with you, but there's the issue of money.


    I don't make a lot of money and the other job starts in Jan (I will be paid monthly)...meaning I don't get another check until the end of Jan.


    The best thing for me financially is to work there as long as I can but if I give notice then there's the stress issue and if they can me, etc etc etc.


    I really want to do the right thing but I also have to look out for myself. No one else is going to pay my student loans...unless someone here is volunteering?

  14. By the time I put in my notice or leave I will have been there 3 months. So, yes after the probationary time.


    I'm just conflicted on what to do. My boyfriend says "be the better 'man"" and to give my one weeks notice, but there a part of me that doesn't even want to bother and just leave.


    Technically speaking, they can't terminate me just because I give notice. They need just cause (i.e. theft)...which I have not done! And if they make my life hell it's against the law and I can file a complaint with the human right's commission.


    I just don't know if I want to deal with that especially when I have another job starting in the new year and x-mas to think about.

  15. Hi. Here's the problem...I'm planning on leaving my current employment in 2 weeks. I've been there for only 3 months but it's just not making me happy. I have university degrees and this company is not taking advantage of it's greatest ressource...me! LOL.


    Anyway, legally I don't need to give notice (I live in Canada) but I realize that it's the nice thing to do. The issue is that I fear that they'll either a) make my life hell for that week or b) try to terminate me after I give notice (which they really can't do but they don't seem to know the law very well).


    Should I give a week's notice and see what happens or should I just wait until the Friday is over, hand in my notice and walk right out? This job has been stressful, the employers don't know what they're doing with their employees, and I've had enough. That said, my bosses are good guys...they just need to get their stuff together!


    Please help! I'm so confused on what to do!!!

  16. My current boyfriend asked me my # and I refused to tell him.


    I haven't told anyone that information and I don't think it's anyone's business.


    The fact is that most people have been with someone else before their current relationship unless they are very young. I suggest to seriously move on and concentrate on right now! You said you were head over heels, right? Concentrate on what a great relationship you have right now because it's rare to find (just look at the other topics on this forum!).


    In the future I would also suggest not asking. If you're not prepared to live with the truth don't ask.

  17. I don't know what to tell you. I think you deserve better from someone that claims to love you.

    I've cheated in a past relationship and I regret it every day of my life. It was my cowardly way of wanting out of the relationship.

    The fact that she lied to you after coming clean with the cheating is unacceptable behaviour in my books. Not to say that she can't learn from her mistakes but she should really figure out if she wants to continue with you.

    I suggest going to a therapist on your own. I know you wrote that you went to see one with her but i think it would be good if you went by yourself too. Maybe it'll help you figure everything out.

  18. Im sorry to hear about what's been going on with you and your girlfriend.


    My only question is this: can you honestly trust her anymore after she lied to you numerous times and cheated?


    You need to have trust in a relationship in order for it to work. You can love the person all you want but without trust the relationship is doomed to fail.

  19. I think it's important to be satisfied and happy with all aspects...outer appearance, personality, soul...everything. That's why I'm asking for suggestions on how to feel good about myself.


    I don't care what other people think. I'm more concerned about what I think. I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but to say that appearance doesn't mean anything is not true. How you feel about yourself inside and out matters.

  20. Hi. I have this problem and I'm not sure how to make it better.


    I'm very confident when it comes to my intelligence or humour but I'm not at all when it comes to my outer appearance. A few years ago I weighed 25lbs more than I do now but I was really confident. I felt sexy. I decided to drop the weight and I'm down to a "normal" size for my height and body type.


    The problem now is that I have no self-esteem when it comes to my appearance. I don't get it. You'd think that losing weight would make me feel even better! I exercise regularly (I'm even training for a 1/2 marathon!), watch what I eat, I keep myself busy with friends and my bf. The problem is that I look at myself in the mirror and I feel fat and ugly. I don't get it.


    I know I look attractive to others, just not to myself. I've been trying to tell myself things like "you look good this morning, you're smart, that was a funny joke" but man...it's hard to cut all that negativity out!


    Any suggestions? I don't need to hear that I'm attractive from other people, I need to feel it for myself!

  21. It may not be fair to you but are you happy now? It isn't about being too nice...it's about what's right. They don't need to stop contact, but you and her do.


    It sounds as if you are unwilling to change your current situation even though it's bringing you pain and suffering. I know it's complicated and painful, but you either a) change something and maybe become happier with time or b) do nothing and hurt yourself more and the people you care about.


    I don't mean to be stern. I'm just trying to help.

  22. Yes, I understand. I don't know what else to suggest except either being with one of them 100% or neither. It's not being fair to your bf is you're still in love with someone else. If you decide on him then I seriously suggest to not contact her.


    Believe me, I know it's hard. I was in a very similar situation, but it isn't fair to either of them.

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