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Everything posted by lleessaaaa

  1. now i have another question, if i do start to date other people, do i tell him? cause after all, he is and has been my friend for years..then my boyfriend, he was literally my best friend and my boyfriend. and if anything, if he does choose to come back and i did date some people, wouldnt he have the right to know?
  2. my ex and i were together for 3 years. and he broke up with me about a week ago. he says he doesnt want to be in a relationship where there is no communication adn trust. but the thing is, he's the one that doesnt open up or is not understanding, and he gives me reasons not to trust him. he also said that he feels like he doesnt have time to keep me happy and to keep a healthy relationship. but the thing is, we did have a good relationship..we had a great relationship. we were good friends before we started dating. and we dated for a year and a half before becoming committed to each other. i know for a fact that he still loves me and cares about me. and i think he's just overwhelmed with school, work, and family. one of my good firends talked to him when we broke up, and she says he's really unsure of himself and he's afriad that this might be a mistake. i feel like he's just taking the easy way out. so its been one week...we barely talk. he said he wants space because he doesnt want to come running back. how long do i have to wait before we start talking again? and should i let him call me? or do i make the move and call him? i feel like i shouldnt call because i dont want to seem desperate and weak, or suffocate him. i still have hope in him though, and i still have hope that we might get back together. im just scared that if we dont keep contact, he might actually move on. but at the same time..he might miss what we had and he will come back.
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