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Posts posted by kelsey7210

  1. i had sex with my boyfriend about a month ago and we didnt use a condom.. BUT i am on the pill, now its getting time for me to get my period but i still havent gotten it. im really scared that i could be pregnant. if i dont get my period even when im supposed to from the pill.. does that definatly mean im definatly pregnant? what should i do?

  2. if you are planning on being with this guy for a long time and you think theres a chance you could end up together, i would tell him the truth. this is just my opinion but when you are in a relationship with someone, you want to be able to be completely honest with eachother. if he confessed to you that he did, i think he would apreciate if you did the same. and you dont want to feel guilty the rest of your relationship because of what you did. i think you should just follow your heart and do whatever you think is right, this is just my advice. goood luck! =)

  3. hi everyone.. my name is kelsey and i am 16 years old. to make a long story short, i have moved 9 times in my life and have lived in 3 different states. my parents were married for 20 years and i have two little brothers, we all lived happliy in pennslyvania. but now everything different. my parents started fighting and it got very ugly to the point that they got divorsed. not only did they get divorsed, my dad desicded to move to california. since he moved, my mom couldnt afford to have us living in the expensive area in PA that we lived in, so we moved to ohio. im a sophmore and i just started a whole new school where i barely know anyone. i have had the same boyfriend for about 2 years now and we are still together. you all probably think im crazy, but hes not only my boyfriend, hes also my best friend and we are so close. so its hard to be away from him.. but also all my friends too. i had so many friends back in pa and i always had things to do and i always felt comfrable. but now i sit at home on the weekends with nothing to do. im just feelign really empty and alone. not only that, i have a huge problem. in 8th grade i started tp pull my hair out and i didnt even notice i did it, now its 2 years later and im still doing it. i have really bad anxiety and its getting worse and worse. i get really bad migrains and i cant stop doing it. when ppl tell me to stop, i get really pissed off and it makes me want to do it more. i am starting to get little bald spots on my scalp and i cant wear my hair in a ponytail anymore. my hair is getting really thin and damaged and i dont like to swim because i feel like everyone notices. and then i try to stop doing it and that makes me stressed and makes me do it more. i feel like im going crazy and i dont know what to do. my mom knows but she acts like its not a big deal and my good friend just reciently told me that there is something called Trichotillomania that has to do with hair pulling. i never thought my case was a big deal but i think its starting to be. does anyone have any advice for what i should do? thanks.

  4. ok well, im in highschool right now and ive been best friends with this guy named matt since we were both in 5th grade. hes been my longest friend and i love him to death. hes always liked me since 5th grade but i never had the type of feelings like that for him until about 1 year ago. we have been acting like boyfriend and girlfriend for about 10 months now. we have soo much chemistry together and i always a good time when im with him. i also feel so comfrable when im with him because not only is he the person i like romantically alot, hes also my best friend. theres just acouple of problems we have-


    1. hes really self conscious because hes always had paler skin than everyone else and he thinks hes too good for me


    2. he doesnt want to go out with me or have people know about us and i dont know why


    3. im not sure if he actully likes me even tho he acts like it and he calls me and wants to hang out alllll the time since we are neighbors


    4. sometimes after we are done doing stuff (like kissing or something like that) he'll say, maybe we should just be friends and not do stuff anymore and then he will leave and come back the next day and do stuff with me again and i dont like how he does that...its like hes thinking something else everyday.


    can i just have some advice because i really do love him so much and i just need some adivce on the things above. thanks

  5. hey wow i have the same problem so i know what u mean...i really think you should talk to her though and tell her how you really feel unless u think that would ruin ur relationship with her. hope everything works out for u! byebye xO kelsey

  6. hey my names kelsey and i have a best friend named matt. we have known eachother since i moved to pennslyvania and we have been best friends for 5 years. our parents and our siblings are all best friends and close in age too and we are all always together. his parents are divorsed and i used to live right next door to his dads house and he would go over every other weekend and every wednesday and now my parents just got divorsed and i moved in right next door to his mom. so we are still really close to eachother and our familys go on vacation together and stuff too. i never thought i could ever like matt because of how close we are and the thought of just kissing him made me grossed out. but this last spring break, our familys and 2 other familys went on vacation together. one night on this vacation, i was just with matt and we snuck out and went to the pool at the hotel and we had so much fun together. i started liking him alot and it was a weird feeling because i never thought this would ever happen between us. then he told me he liked me and i told him i liked him too. then we kissed and it wasnt as weird as i thought it was going to be. and ever since then we have been really close and doing stuff. people at our school know that something finally happened between us. i like him soo much and now i want to be more than just friends...but the only problem is that he doesnt want to go out with me because our families are so close. but our fmailies dont even know something happened between us and its not a big deal even if thye do know. we are still young and our families wouldnt care at all. and he tells everyone we are just friends and then i start to think he doesnt like me like that and then he goes and does stuff with me again and tells me he likes me. i dont understand what he wants. he tells everyone else we are just friends but he tells me that he likes me. im afraid to tell him how i really feel because hes weird with girls liking him too much and he doesnt liek to get too close to girls in that way. so i just dont know what to think and one of my friends thinks hes using me but sometimes i start to think that but hes my best friend and we care about eachother so much...weather we like eachother more or not and i dont think he would ever do that to me. so if you have any advice or if u know what i should do then please please respond to this..that would be great. thank you!

    xO kelsey

  7. hi my name is kelsey and i am 14 years old. i know my family problems aren't nearly as bad as some peoples but i wanted to write this and get some good advice from people around here. i was born in ohio and when i was about 4 i moved accross the country to San Deigo. I lived in San Deigo for a while and i lived in two different houses there. I loved it there and i never wanted to move. i had soo many friends and i had the best school and i got good grades. then my dad got transfored to pennsylvania when i was 11. i was heartbroken to leave the place i loved and my best friends. (by the way i have two little brothers and i live with my mom and dad). but since we moved the trouble began..

    my dad ended up getting to be the president of his entire company and he started becoming very busy all the time. and he used to always be around and always be with the family and we all had such a fun time together but since we moved to pennsylavania..he stopped doing everything with us. he is now always working, he leaves very early in the morning and comes home after we r already alseep. and he goes on busince trips all the time. and on the weekends he either goes to work out or goes out places to run arens and stuff. my parents have been fighting ALOT since we moved too and it has become a very bad time. my grades have dropped and i dont want to do stuff anymore. i lost intrest in everything. my dad always talks about divorse but it never happens. my parents recitly started going to counciling and stuff. but i dont know if they will work things out or not. i have been thinking alot and i dont think my dad would do something like this but..do u maybe think hes cheating on my mom? i could never ever picture my dad doing that but i dont know..hes been gone alot and he never seems to want to be with us anymore. he has missed all my birthdays since i was 6. my brothers are upset about this too and we dont know what to do. my mom is becoming grouchy all the time and is getting in really pissing moods. so i dont know if my dad is cheating or what. if you have any advice at all that would be great! please respond to this message! thanks


  8. hi,

    i proubably cant help you very much because im only 13 but i think that if someone all of a sudden treats you like that then they are not worth it and just because that one guy in your life treats you like that..it doesnt mean every guy will treat you like that. i know.. i know.. a lot of guys are people you cant trust but you should be able to trust someone that you finally love. you should call this guy and tell him how you feel. ok sorry if i didnt help at all but i just wanted to try. good luck with everything! dont think thats theres no point of u living because there is and when you find the right guy, you will be the happiest person on earth. my sister is going through the same thing as you are so i kinda know how u r feeling. ok well i better go but im sorry for what he has done to you! bye




  9. hey,

    im 13 years old and i have 5 brothers and sisters. my mom and dad are married and have been for 20 years. my family has always been very happy and we all loved eahcother very much. but my parents have been fighting alot lately over my brother matt who is my twin, except im a girl, because he is involved in drugs and other things. and now they argue all the time over everything. my dad aalways mentions divorse and it scares all of us. my dad gets very crazy sometimes and we are all affraid of him. im scared that he will hit my mom. and my dad has been gone for three weeks and we dont know where he is. my mom called him and i heard my mom talking she said, alan what do you expect..i just found out the most shocking news of my life. and she was crying very much. my mom has been flipping out on us alot and has been going "crazy". i dont know what to do to help my parents and my family. i feel like everything i always had is falling apart. what do u think is going on with my mom and what do you think the most shocking day of her life is because i have no idea?! ok well if you can help me please write me back. i can use any advice any can give me! please help as soon as possible because i feel scared and alone!! thank you very much! bye!


    With lots of love,


  10. it sounds like you have alot of feelings for this girl and it sounds like you really do love her. i think you should go for it and ask her out. i mean, you guys were good friends before and everything so that means you would proubably have a good relationship. dont be shy or afraid, you know if you never ask this girl out, you will regret it. dont let this moment pass you by. go get her and let her know how you feel!!!

    good luck!

  11. i think the phrase "once a cheater always a cheater" is sometimes true and sometimes false. in my past experience, the guy i was going out with for 2 years cheated on me and now its been 6 years and he hasnt done it ever again. if you really love this girl, you should be able to trust her and let her know it hurt you and you wont put up with that. ok well good luck with your relationship and i hope it works out with you too!



  12. yeah...you might be popular and your so called "boyfriend" might have a big dick but thats not all that matters hun. the inside is what counts. being popular is not going to get you anywhere. so i hope you have brains too and i also hope your a good person because what i think of you, from just hearing your post, is that your just a popuar wannabe who thinks too much of herself. heres some advice: stop bragging and dont go send a post when you dont have a problem because some people like myself have problems and actully need help! ok? thank you very much!

  13. hey,

    i am in love with the most wonderful guy i have ever known. i have known him all my life and he has always been there for me. we have grown up together and our parents are best friends. we go on vactions together and everything. we had a strong realtionship and we talked everyday. until one day he cheated on me with a girl at our school (who was considered my friend). we broke up and i didnt talk to him for a month or two. it was very hard to ignore his calls every night, aviod him at school. he wrote me sweet emails and letters everyday apoligizing for what he did and saying that he never wanted to hurt me. he would leave notes in my locker, send me roses, write me emails, call me every night. and at our prom night, i won prom queen and he won prom king. he made a special announcement for me and it was the sweetest thing i have ever heard in my entire life. i took him back, i couldnt help it! was that the right thing to do or no?


  14. hi,

    i have a problem, im falling in love with my best friend. i have known him all my life and i love him more than anything and i would do anything for him. he has always been there for me and he tells me everything. but his parents are in a really bad divorse and he is going through alot right now. he's starting to hang out with the wrong crowd, hes now getting poor grades, and hes taking part in drugs! its not him, he would usually never do something like this and i dont know whats wrong with him! i want to help him but he doesnt like talking to me anymore and he says that hes not my friend anymore! i feel so hurt and broken up inside. i feel like no one is here for me anymore and i feel like i have no one to help me. what should i do? who should i talk to? he needs help and i need to do something to make him stop getting involved in bad situations! i love him more than anything and i need any advice i can get. i sent soo many of these emails to so many different websites because i need help.

    Thank you,


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