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  1. Deadline: yes I did, but it is unenforceable due to the child and the law of residency (received US mail for 1 year). Biological father: in and out of jail, NC for 6-7 yrs Grandparents: both sides extremely bad influences (many multiple partners, drugs, excessive alcohol, etc.) I moved all my items, or most of them, into the bedroom which is now like my "apartment". This morning I wake up out of a sound sleep and look around and she's actually standing there! The child is away for the weekend, thank god. She asks if I want her to cancel plans she had and go see a movie!? I really am dumbfounded that she does not operate on the same plane of existence! I am tired of yelling and trying to get through to a crazy person that IT IS OVER! However, she has been calling about apartments and setting up appts. so that is my only light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for the replies.
  2. She cheated once and somehow after moving out I was able to forgive her - probably because at the time, I didn't know how far down the rabbit hole went. I just recently found evidence that, with the same person as before, she was at it again...and I learned the full extent of her affair. When I met her she had a little girl, less than one-years-old. That girl is now 7, and bright, and calling me "Daddy". I am struggling with severing all ties or allowing "visitation" for the girl; regardless, because of the child she is free to take her sweet time leaving, even though the lease is solely in my name as are all the bills; I am a prisoner in my own home. Thanks for reading, I appreciate any advice or uplifting comments! JBH
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