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Posts posted by JoJo90814

  1. Hey-

    I did alllllll of that stuff and more when my boyfriend and I broke up. Breaking up SUCKS! I mean, damn, listen to about every song out there.


    You are not alone trust me.


    I just finished a developmental psych class and some interesting piece of data I learned was that most peoples (esp. teens) first major depression occurs with a first breakup. Pretty profound.


    Now let me tell you what you focus on only gets bigger.

    Focus on the good (healthy) things about yourself and your life. Don’t be stubborn- just try it.

    Then focus on what you want...don’t ever let the thought of what you don’t want come in because it will only make it bigger.


    Other things that will make you feel better:

    -funny movie

    -go outside and walk

    -write about it

    -keep yourself busy


    -pray for sanity (im not religious but it helps for some reason)

    -do something nice for someone/volunteer (even if it is on this message board)

    -No matter how much resistance, force yourself to go out (a date would be cool too)


    I know everyday and every moment is a struggle so just keep reminding yourself of what you want, what you already have (grateful for) and do something to make yourself feel better.


    I personally suffer from self destructiveness and obsessive thoughts on a daily basis- but I can HONESTLY say that all of the above makes me feel SOOOO much better and healthier.


    One more thing- time heals all wounds and this too shall pass.


    I love this:


    If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel sad I will laugh. If I feel ill I will double my labor. If I feel fear I will plunge ahead. If I feel inferior I will wear new garments. If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice. If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come. If I feel incompetent I will think of past success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals. Today I will be the master of my emotions.

  2. This kind of stuff happens all of the time. It just does. We grow apart from people. If you don’t want to be her friend that is a choice you have made for some reason that is important to you.


    Recently my best friend and I "broke up." The reason’s are not important but what is, is the way I started to FEEL around her, which was not good. Other events occurred and we don’t talk anymore. It was my choice but still extremely painful and the right thing to do.


    Here is a little saying I like:



    "We are like trees. There are roots who hold us up and maintain us and nourish us. These are real people in our lives and are few and far between. Then there are branches which are strong but still can break off and are not our roots. Then there are the leaves. These leaves are bountiful and colorful, but fall all the time and are not solid in our soil that our tree is grounded on.


    I used to think I had a lot of roots holding up my tree, but over the course of time I have realized these are my branches and leaves.................-Tyler Perry"

  3. OK- so im 25 and I am still working on my bachelors degree. I have a choice to transfer in the fall to four different colleges and I cant decide what to. I moved to the Palm Springs area to live with my mom and go to school. They have a four year extension college out here i can attend. The problem is that the social life for someone my age SUCKS. A lot of people are out here to retire and my age group is not high quality. Also there isnt a lot of cool stuff to do that Im used to doing. I have no motivation to try and make any social connections because I know I am eventually going to move again. The smartest thing to do would be to stay here and finish, and not take out loans.

    But I am very extroverted and social life is a big deal to me. If I go to another college it will be fun to have a better social life, get involved, build up relationships, maybe find a quality man. But I will definently struggle finacially. Ill have to take out a bunch of loans and work, and have no clothes and not really be able to afford an expensive social life. Im not a great student so that makes it hard for me to receive any special scholarships and grants.

    any advice?

  4. I do think it is very important to talk things through and I do think it changes everything. If you dont talk about it then its like its ok. It would be like saying that she can just betray me and gt away with it.


    I did tell her a few months ago that I felt very betrayed and she said she did nothing to betray me- that she was trying to help me. I got upset that she saw it that way and I havent talked to her since. Then I got the email acting as if nothing had happened- showing me that she still feels like she did nothing wrong and brushes my feeling aside.


    Anyway I wrote her telling her that I thought it was odd that she sent me that email as if nothing had happened and that I have really been in a lot of pain over it. If she wants to talk it through Id be willing to talk and I left the ball in her court.


    I just know that our friendship is going to be way different- that I cant trust her or confide in her about my frustrations with my sister or anything for that matter.

  5. got in a huge emotional fight with my best friend about two months ago. She betrayed me by telling (verbatim) my sister some really personal stuff that I vented to her about. Now some time has passed and Ive been thinking a lot about bringing her into my life again because I do really love her. Today I got an email from her acting like nothing had happen. It said, "how are you? Everythings the same but I have some great gossip to tell you! Call me!" I found that to be so odd. Its like she forgot how hurt I was or just wants to pretend it never happened. I am stumped on how I should deal with it or what to write her back.



  6. Hi Thanks for all of your replies.


    You know sometimes you have frustrations with people in your life and you need to talk about it with someone other than that person.


    My whole dilema was that my best friend and sister had become close and were leaving me out. I feel like my sister has done this over and over again in my life -with guys I have liked etc. I dont think she does it on purpose - I think it is who she is. Why should i have to put up with that? I shouldnt.

    Ive told my sister over and over again and it doesnt make a difference. Why cant she find her own life?


    Anyways I am moving away to go to school and I really think this is going to be great for me to be far and have a separate life from my sister.


    As for my best friend, she made a choice. She chose my sister. She chose to betray me when I specifically asked her not to talk about it with my sister. how can I ever trust her again?


    Think about if your family member did this to you, you talked to her about it in the recent past, it got worse, so you talked to your dearest most trusted friend about it, because, crap shes your best friend and you should be able to tell her anything(and you truly have trust and faith in her).....and the next day she spills it all to your sister.

  7. My best friend of 4 years has more recently become close to my sister. I recently discussed things with my best friend about my sister that were bothering me and she told my sister everything. I am so pissed at her and hurt. I want to cut the relationship completely because I feel betrayed. SHouldnt you be able to tell your best friend a bad thing about you sister without worrying that she is going to tell your sister or visa versa?

  8. Hi,

    I have done extensive reading on medication and some people say some medications make them feel worse and more depressed. Maybe Wellbut. has that effect on you.


    I am an avid Oprah watcher, lol, and she recently had a show on about people who had attempted suicide but survived. All three people are happy now and are very grateful that they survived. The message: Even in the worst times you will find a way out.

    Do you isolate yourself? I find that having love in your life helps relieve depression. Maybe volunteer at the Red Cross- surround yourself with people and help others in the process. : )

  9. I am 25 years old and I live in Long Beach, Ca. Right now I am trying to decide if I should move to Palm Desert (about 2 hours away) to live with my mom for free.


    You see- I am in debt from credits cards, student loans and other bills. I am almost done with my AA degree and I still have to transfer from community college and finish my bachelors.


    I currently work part time as a massage therapist, make good money, but am ready to retire due to throbbing sore hands/arms. I do not know what to do for work now and finish school.


    I could find a full time office type of job out here, take out more loans etc, or I could move to the boonies and live with my mom and finish school, pay off bills etc.



    The dilemma is, is that my mom drives me nuts (although I plan on being gone a lot), and there are less decent men to date out there. Also I love the area I live in and I love my friends. I feel there is more opportunity and things to do here in Long Beach.

    I cant decide if I should just stick it out and get through this hard time, or move my whole life somewhere so I can get things in order easier.


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