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Posts posted by crow

  1. I am in a situation close to yours. My ex and I broke up and she and my daughter moved to another state where her family is from. She is now dating another guy. I miss my daughter so much, and I am trying to get my situation together to move their to be closer to my daughter. Hopefully I will be able to move very soon.

  2. I agree with all of the above. If you think she is someone you may like to have a friendship and/or relationship with, Then tell her you want to meet her someplace to eat and get to know her.

    This way...you are in a public place with people around, you can find out if she is who she says she is, and you are safe. If everything seems to go ok with that, then re-evaluate the situation. If it is a joke, or a guy, or your ex...then doing things this way will make you come out looking like the good guy. You are simply getting a bite to eat with someone you met on myspace and making a new friend.


    DO not...I repeat...do not commit yourself to have sex or have sex with her yet...even if she is just looking for a "hookup" you don't know who else she has "hooked up" with.

  3. As far as the Adam and Eve thing. The Bible says Adam and Eve were the first, It does not say they were the "only" people God created. God may very well have made others in his Image after Adam and Eve.


    Secondly, Let me say that I am against this, but it is curious...for the sake of argument...that just about everything that I have heard against this case, I heard against gay people growing up.

    For instance...


    "it's illegal"...There are many laws on the books about same sex


    "That is gross"...many people have and do say this about gay sex


    "not healthy"...many people have and do say this about gay sex


    "It's unnatural"...many people have and do say this about gay sex


    "The social and psychological ramifications of this are very severe. In most countries, this not only is this highly taboo and illegal, but it is setting foundations for a potentially dangerous consequence"...many people have and do say this about gay sex


    "I am beginning to think that they have suffered sexual abuse as children"...again many people have and do say this about gay sex


    The list goes on and on.


    Again, I feel that this is wrong, but it is interesting that all of these things are what people have and do say about gay relationships.

  4. Ok. Please help me understand something.


    When a woman is caught naked (getting out of the shower, getting dressed, etc.) she will immediately cover her breasts, many times leaving her bottom area exposed.


    I have been in this situation a few times in my life, both with women whom I was dating and a couple of occasions when I accidentally walked in on a friend.


    I would think that a woman would rather cover her pubic area first, but that does not seem to be the case.


    This is just something I have wondered for a long time and I thought this might be a place to hear some answers.

    Can anyone help me out here?


    In the same area of interest...would women be more willing or comfortable to expose their breasts or their pubic area?

  5. It is hard to tell for sure why he is doing what he is doing, simply because everyone is differant and I don't know him. But one thing I have learned, is that everyone has feelings. Even if they are completely to blame for something that happened, they can still be hurt and scared.


    Please keep in mind, whern it comes to relationships, it is two separate people, and it's not about being fair or being right.


    That being said, you are right..."it has to come to some kind of conclusion??"


    You both need to talk. You both need to forgive each other and agree to move forward. Even though you may be right and you have given everything you could, he may see you as someone who may hurt him again. (That is actually a good thing because if he didn't care, you could not hurt him emotionally.)


    I am not saying you are wrong, in fact if you put all your effort into, you are very right. But again, this isn't about being right...it's about getting to a place where both of you can be happy again and move forward.


    I was in a similier situation, but I was in his shoes. I took my fieance for granted, she pleaded with me and tried her best to make it work. Now, after she left, I hurt like I have never hurt before. I messed up and if she were to want to work things out like you do, I would do things right. BUt I would also be scared to death that she would leave me again...i don't know if I could go through that kind of pain a second time.


    I have started to ramble, but I hope it helps.

  6. Another thing to keep in mind, is that you left him. You packed up and moved out. He may be scared of being hurt like that again. Emotional pain can cause deep, deep pain. Even if your leaving was his fault, he may still feel pain and may be weary of getting hurt again.


    Just something to keep in mind. He may very well want to be with you, it may take time and effort from both of you to trust again.

  7. I have been reading posts on here about nc and was thinking about this.

    HOw long does it usually take for someone(usually the dumper) to start to miss his or her ex to actually making contact? I mean, from the time they start to miss the ex until they actually try and contact?

  8. My heart goes out to you. I have been where you are. The best advice I could share with you is that if she does give you a second chance(I believe she will) Then always remember this and don't slide back into the same ol routine.(Believe me it happens)


    What you have is a precious gift in your wife, From what you have said.

    If and when she gives you that second chance, don't just try and change, actually change. I know that if you always remember what you learned and do not take her for granted, that you and your family should have a happy and wonderful life.


    The other thing to mention is to start your change now, actions speak louder than words, don't just tell her how you change, show her!


    I hope this helps.

  9. Can you walk/jog when you get home from work or before work?


    It sounds sinple, but when you have a tight schedule, even 30 minutes of a brisk walk will do wonders. In most cases, if you can walk by your home, you will be done in the amount of time it takes you to go round trip to the gym.


    Even if you can only do it 3 times a week, it will help!


    I used to work until late in the night and I would do a 20 minute run when I got home, or I would wake up a little early and walk/run. Please don't let time be a factor.


    It might not be as much fun, but even if you jog in place during your fav. tv show, it all helps.

  10. I am curious to hear from woman, mostly about the relationships they have had after their LTR. Did it work out? Did it turn out to be an "in between" guy?

    Why did or didn't it work out?


    Please share your stories.

  11. I am new to this forum and I am curious as to how many people get back together after a long break up. I will make a new post about my situation, but I am curious...expecially where the woman left the man and then came back.

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