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  1. Yes, sadly it's true. No one would ever know. I feel like I am putting on an act when around others and I know he is doing the same. I didn't, until I became involved!
  2. I have tried that - and then still allow things to happen. Have you ever done something you know was wrong, but did it anyway? I want to stop, I need to stop...but it is very hard!
  3. We have tried not being friends, but still keep coming back to each other. This guy makes me feel good about myself. I know that my husband is still attracted to me, but I don't feel it anymore. I have talked to him about my feelings but don't think he knows how seriously lonely that I am. I didn't want to admit, but I do have 3 children that I hurting with this.
  4. I am married and about a year ago, I started having a relationship with a married friend. We have so much in common and the attraction is unbelievable! We both love our partners but have feelings for each other. We have talked about it and know that we can only be friends, then we go for months without seeing or hearing from each other - attempting to move on then we do see each other and end up talking about "us". Recently, we were drinking together and it went further and we had sex. I told him how it made me feel and how we have to end everything. I have never cheated on my husband and now I can't take it back. I hated myself for it! I could never tell anyone what a horrible thing I have done and went thru weeks of depression because I had to deal with this alone. Another few months go by and I really thought it was finally over since I have been feeling better (even though I still think about him all of the time). I just saw him last night and kissed again! Talked about "us" again. The conversations about "us" are how we know that we are attracted to each other and can't be anything more - but since this keeps happening, deep down we must want more and just can't admit it. When we are around our partners, no one would ever know that we are unhappy...including them! This has gone on for over a year and I need and want to move on...everytime I think it's over, he is back and I fall for it. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Why does he keep doing this to me? I know what the answer is, but need to hear it from others - I can't talk to anyone about this and I think it would really help!
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