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Posts posted by sandyv

  1. krnelson, I'm here, and I know how you feel too, sucks doesn't it. I don't think anything could hurt more than what you've described. But you still have you, as I have me.


    You have to try to turn away from whats going on in her life now, and focus instead on you. No, I didn't say that it would be easy, of course its not going to be, but you have to move on....... i know, i know, but you have to, and I do too... do something to distract yourself, get a movie, go out with friends, something, anything...


    Hugz and I'm here.....



  2. It is Christy, short of a physciatrist, (not sure of the spelling right now) this is much more economical, not only that, people are for real, so its very good..... And yes I'm always lurking around, except at work, but I'm on after that.... I'm here for you too and anyone else who needs encouragement for sure..... we all do sometimes...

  3. I think BlueWolf you might need to post this again but with a more dynamic title to your post such as "What Did It For You" something more to catch people's interest...... sorry hope you don't mind me advising you, but I think this post will die otherwise....

  4. Shoes oh shoes, PLEEZE CALM DOWN, your gonna be ok. you poor baby... take a minute, breath, breath deep, think just about something that relaxes you, its ok, it is gonna be ok......


    You keep that money, you've earned every darned penny, don't do it!


    Not only that, your way, way to good for her anyway..........





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