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Posts posted by sandyv

  1. Aww Enit hugzzz firstly, and you made me chuckle, had to let you know, the remote control thing its cool, gotta try that myself lol Yes I snap at Mikey, (my son) alot... then feel bad later about it too


    TJones: I do dance sometimes, I'm gonna try doing that again.... you are right about that, sorta takes you outta your head doesn't it? Good idea..... but for tonite I turned down going out at all, just not up to snuff.....

  2. Hi TJones, good to hear that, yep its sure nice to know that they still care, but not so much that they are moving in accross the road however lol, yeah the hardest thing for me still is the weekends, used to be constantly doing something with him.


    I turn down friends wanting to go out mostly, I hate the thought of another bar night, I have to force myself to do that lately ......

  3. Fleur, first of all lotsa HUGZ for you, you poor thing, you are smart though, and yes there is a pattern in these men's behaviour, for sure, I can see that. If they loved us enough, we wouldn't be here, right? They DON'T know what they want, so they keep us on a string, its sooo true.... don't let him hurt you anymore.... hell I'm one to talk, I'm still hurting very much still too

  4. Luv, I hear ya, I know but like I said before, I don't think they EVEN KNOW what they want lol ...


    Yeah, they wanna keep you on the line, but don't wanna close the door to being able to doing whatever they feel like doing... and that could be ALOT of things.... so its better to stay away for now and assess things, no doubt about it.....

  5. Yeah understandably your confused, that its totally screwed, so what he wanted was friend with benefits deal right? Thats sucks and I'd never agree to that, nope, you should make sure you tell him to drift, unless he wants something more, that just isn't right or fair to you either.


    I understand confusion, bc my thing with Jack has been nothing but confusion, they call some girls drama queen's... well I think he is a male version of this himself...... he wants me to chase him... and I won't do that...... no more..... but I still love him, my heart hasn't caught up to my head yet thats for sure......

  6. ](*,) Thats true fleur, how I came to know my ex's is bc a mutual friend of Jack's (ex) and mine, helped him set up an email account, and guess what.... Jacks so-called friend likes me more (he even came onto me)yecky..... but he GAVE it to me, I didn't ask him for it.... but sometimes I check it out.... I know I shouldn't either.... but can't help myself.

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