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Everything posted by gimmy3

  1. tonight my boyfriend said he couldn't hang out because he had plans with his friend who is a girl. when i asked what they were going to do he said that she was going to cook him dinner..that made me really upset. i told him before he left that i didn't like it, but he told me to stop and that it was just a friendly thing. if she was cooking for other people also that would be different, but its just the two of them. isn't that something couples usually do?? none of my guy friends have ever cooked me dinner before..am i being silly or do i have a reason to be upset about it?
  2. i've been with my boyfriend for a little over 6 months and we both love each other very much.. recently he put up about 15 playboy pictures of naked girls all along the wall of his room. i know he's a guy and guys do this, but i HATE it. the girls are beautiful with perfect bodies and they're all on his wall which he looks at every day, and i have to also! i just feel like they are completely unnecessary and in a way immature. he's 19 years old. i mean maybe one or two pictures would be ok but does he really need that many? if i said something to him about it he would just say i was being ridiculous and wouldn't do anything about it. maybe i am being ridiculous..but i hate going into his room now and seeing beautiful naked girls everywhere! it makes me really sad. please help?
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