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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. Wow, thanks everyone for the speedy replies. Well, he was hanging out with his exgirlfriend a lot after we broke up. That never bothered me. He even told me he would hook up with her, and i said go for it if the moment comes. He appreciated that i was acting like a friend, not another jelous exgirlfriend. and now? it just seems weird to me... as his girlfriend he made me feel so unique. He told me how different i was from other girls and thats why he fell inlove with me. To him, i wasn't a "type", i was one of a kind. And i know he's not the type to just tell me what i want to hear. Two years is a long time to be with someone, and we were good friends before that too.
  2. Hi, Well to start, i've never posted on a forum for advice before. However i do know that there may be a lot of fakes out there who create proposterous stories (not that mine is unbelievable or anything, im just saying). Nonetheless i am a real person, and i seek real advice. Here's my situation. I broke up my my boyfriend of 2 years a few months ago, and we've been super cool with each other. We consider ourselves to be best friends now, always hanging out and such. Now he's beginning to like someone, and is considering dating her which is fine. Thing is... she is exactly like me. Same hobbies, same talents, same interests, same ambitions, same neighborhood, even the same hair as me. I was at first ok with the idea of him dating someone else so soon...but someone who is me with another face? I feel like thats...kinda wrong. but i dont know. I'm really hurt, but im not sure why and if i even should be at all. please, someone tell me something.
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