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Posts posted by Krosis

  1. The best way I found to get rid of hair on the sack is to get some of that hot wax stuff women use on their eyebrows and such. Get it good and hot too then paint it on. After it cools just RIP THE HAIR OUT BY THE ROOTS!!!

    Then pick your testicles up off the floor and put them in a jar of alcohol 'til you can contact the emergency room doctor or a plastic sturgeon. How easy is as that?


    Wow! I'm sorry but I don't even have to do my sit ups tonight. I got enough of an abdominal work out from laughing so hard at that!

  2. Thanks for replying again Beec. Yeah, that's how I found this site today. Today was harder than most days at school, so I came home, and talked with Emily. She of coarse calmed me down and told me everything would be okay, and that she loved me. But I wanted to find a site that I can talk to other people with about this, and I found eNotAlone. Though I did not realize how much more there is to this site. It's amazing. But you are correct Beec, I should not worry so much about others words. Thanks.




    Wow Allie,


    Thanks so much for that awesome reply. Yes, both Emily and I are rather mature for our age, though we're still kids at heart when we want to be. But you are correct when you say that I love her, because I do. So much! I can't descibe the way I feel towards her. She's not only my girlfriend, but my best friend. I love her more than anything.


    Thank you for the best wishes, and the offer to PM you when needed.



  3. Don't worry at all about sticking your finger in her Urethra. I highly doubt you could get your finger in there. Just go slow, play around. Slowly move your hand from her stomach and slowly reach down till you start feeling her vagina. Play around with her lips to get her wet, then gently slide your finger in. I suggest one at first.


    All it takes, don't worry about it so much.


    About the being blind, don't worry about doing a 100% good job. Focus on her facial expressions and her breathing. You will definetly know if you're doing a good job.

  4. Krosis,


    First, your posts in response to marlena regarding her intent to committ suicide are eloquent. I cam here becaquse I am in awe of a person your age with such eloquence and passion.


    Second, if you have naysayers bothering you, stop telling them things. Emily is there and the people who support you should know, but isolate the naysayers. That's my practical side.


    Third, what would you really do for love? I hope the list includes endrugin such talk, which is really not a heavy burden is it?


    Thank you for your kind words Beec. I know I need to just zone then out when the talk about us, it's just hard. But I will get into the habit of doing that eventually.



    Tim, I watched on Youtube and you and she look so happy. You two are adorable!

    Who cares what other people say about you and she, if you are happy, then that is all that matters.

    Being in school is tough and growing up can be tougher, but who of those in school are going to be there after graduation?

    I know that after i left high school I only kept in touch with about 2 people out of our entire group of friends (about 30).

    Just make YOU happy and not them!


    Marlena, thanks for checking out my topic. And thank you so much for your kind words towards this dilemma of mine. But you are right, after a few more years I'll most likely never see over half of them ever again. So thank you for pointing that out.


    Long distance relationships are tricky. But it seems you have it down pat. And I wish you the best of luck but the biggest problem is, out of sight and out of mind. But from the sounds of it, you should be fine.


    Thanks bud. You are correct, LDR's are hard. I thank you for the best wishes.

  5. I don't believe you wrong, but I don't believe you're right either. If you believe that she only tags a long with you when she has nothing better to do, tell her. After all, the number one thing in any relationsip is communication. If you don't have that, you don't have much.


    Tell her how you feel about it, and ask her why it seems like that. Though I can understand why you would be upset if she does in fact only tag a long when she has nothing better to do, you have to remember she has other principles, responsibilities, and priorities in her life.

  6. Hehe, yes I'm only 15 years old. I'm not sure how I've been "so wise". Though I really do appreciate the kind words.




    But my offer still stands, if you need to contact me I'm pretty much on Yahoo, as well as MSN all day. Minus school and sleeping.


    Yahoo - email removed

    MSN - email removed


    I hope to hear from you some time Marlena.

  7. Yes! You have no idea how big of a smile I got from just hearing (or reading) those words. "I guess I have a little more thinking to do." I'm sure everyone agrees with me.


    Please, don't give up. And I mean it when I say if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you in anyway overcome this pain, please tell me!


    Through this hour and a half of replying, I feel like I have grown to know you, like you're not some distant stranger, but a friend of mine that's in trouble.


    I love my friends with everything I have, that includes you.

  8. 1 1/2 and 3 years old. Marlena...they have so much more growing up to do!


    I can't imagine growing up without my mother. And if you were to kill yourself right now, or even in a few days, they wouldn't remember you. Your three year old MIGHT remember an image or so in there memory, but that's it. Do you really want that?


    All they would have is pictures, and home movies. And one movie in particular saying that there mother is going to kill herself. Now you know, I know, and everyone else here knows that movie would stick out like a sore thumb, and when someone mentioned there mother (you) THAT'S what they would remember.


    There mother on TV, saying she's going to end her life. I know you don't want that. They're still babies Marlena, enjoy your life, as well as theres while you still can!

  9. I have no idea how to make it stop. It started when I was a child. I had an emotionally and physically abusive step-mother, her father molested me for 4 years(from 8-12 years old), I was in foster homes, my mother died of cancer when I was 16, My sister and I have not spoken in 16 years, my father and I have not spoken in 18 years, I had abusive boyfriend until I met my husband 4 years ago.

    I don't know what else to say, I have had a messed up life!


    Wow, that does seem like a hard life to live. And I'm sorry that you had to have gone through that. But does all that make suicide okay? Because that's what you're telling us. I'm sure over half this forum have led trouble lives. Myself included, my father used to be a BAD drunk, and used to beat my mother, my brother, and myself. Sure I thought about suicide. I wanted life to end. I couldn't handle it anymore. But then I would think about my mother, and how terrible she would feel. I thought about my brother, and how broken up he would be. I thought about my father, and how miserable he would feel and quite possibly take his own life.


    But as you can see, I didn't give in. I kept going. I wiped the sweat off and kept pushing through.


    I'm not sure what I can say to make you see reason. I wish I could make everything better? Are you a religious person? Either way, I will be praying for you that you do make the right decision, get help, and continue to live your life, and to live a great one.

  10. The kids sound great. I can't believe you would be willing to give that up.


    I can't wait to have kids, to see them laugh and smile for the very first time, with there chubby cheeks as a baby. To see them crawl for the first time, and then walk. To hear the words "Dada" for the very first time, and them talking about me! To wake up every saturday morning with them and watch cartoons. To have little food fights with them in the kitchen. To play "peek-a-boo" with them. I just can't wait to be a parent. To see them laugh and smile would just be so great.


    I can't see why on Earth you would want to leave that, and also a husband who loves you, and cares for you.


    If he were to admit you to a hospital, it wouldn't be him being mean, it would be to try and help you!


    Is there anything I can do personally?

  11. Yes, it has been tough, but I have to keep telling myself that I am doing the right thing. I cannot be miserable and try to raise productive members of society. I am afraid that if I were to stay and raise them that they will end up not being very happy people.

    My husband is awesome and I know that he will be a wonderful support to them.


    But the thing is, you're not doing the right thing! And how about right now? Are your daughters happy? Have you seen them smile? Have you seen them laugh? Have they ever ONCE told you that they loved you? If so, I must say that you have made a damn good mother! You may not realize it, but you have no idea how many kids grew up without a mom and/or dad. Who never got an "I love you" there entire life.


    Your husband may be awesome now, but if you were to kill yourself it was be devistating to him. Hell, it would be devistating to all of us! Including myself! Sure he'd support the kids I'm sure, but he would never be the same.


    You both pledged in sickness and in health, right? This counts! Talk to him about it, that's what he is for!

  12. I have not and will not tell anyone. I have no one to tell anyway. The only people in my life are my husband, children and one "friend".

    I know that life will be tough for my children, but they will have their father. I also left a video.

    I know that I am a coward, weak and selfish, but I have been nothing but giving, helpful, kind and caring towards everyone I meet. It is "me" time.

    I'm sorry, I did not mean to make anyone upset or angry.


    You're not a coward yet. You havn't commited the act. There is still time to pull out of there. Talk with your husband and daughters face to face. They're your family, they WILL help you!


    And trust me, telling them that you THOUGHT about commiting suicide is A LOT better then following through with it.

  13. Marlena, think about what you're doing. Just close your eyes and try to imagine what you will be doing to your friends, family, daughters. If you do this, they will never be the same again. I'm sorry to say it, but they may fall into the same trap that you may be getting into. What if they were to get so deperessed that they were to kill themselves? It's the escape. But it's the wrong escape. Before you do anything, please reply on here about what has happened, or anything that we can do. I know we're all strangers to you, but we do care about you, and none of us want you to do this.

  14. Wow! I really hope this is a sick joke for a teenagers amusement. If it's not, please stay here and talk about it. Suicide is not they key to solve anything. Life is hard, everyone knows that. But you are judged by how you cope with it, one day at a time. To kill yourself will not solve anything, and turn even more people into a state of emotional desperation that I believe you are in now, such as your husband and daughters.


    Please, talk to me.

  15. Haha, ya'll make it sound so simple. That's what I get told by everyone, even Emily. It's just not that simple. I guess I'm just really self conscious about how other people think of me.


    Anyways, next time it comes up (tomarrow most likely) I'll try to just tune them out and not pay attention to them.


    If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know.

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