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Posts posted by Japanfreak05

  1. I'm in the same boat K-mango. It's only been 2 years for me and my guy. But I fake it every time too. I wish I had some advice, but I don't know what to do myself. It is so fustrating!!!! I hope things work out tho!!

  2. I have been on birth control for over a year now and I was suppose to start my period over the weekend. I never got my period, just a barely noticiable spot of pink when I whiped, Some other times it was brown mucus looking stuff. I started on a new pack of birth control already, so I don't think i'll be able to get my period until next month. Could I be pregnant? It is really stressing me out, I won't be able to buy a PT until Sunday, So I'm trying to figure out if I could be pregnant or not.

  3. I won't be able to get a test until the weekend. But I feel like i'm stressing myself out already. I don't think I'm pregnant. I've been reading about pregnancy symptoms and I don't have any. The last time I had sex was about a month ago, and I thought I'd have some of the symptoms. The only time I did have symptoms was right before I was suppose to start my period, PMS, it was at the usual time and everything....I just didn't really have a period.


    I told my boyfriend and he's kinda making things worse. He's mad at me because he says I've been stressing out all last month and I made my period late. I don't think he understands at all heh. Cuz my period wasn't late....either the spotting was my period or my period hasn't come yet. And it probably won't come because i've started a new pack of birth control. Ugh!!!

  4. WOW...... I couldn't have said it any better.....I feel like you just wrote out MY life.


    I'm also 20. I'm the oldest with a younger brother and sister. They get away with EVERYTHING. They bring home F's on their report cards and their punishments usually last no more than a day. While ME on the other hand, I'm left to clean the house, while they sit around a play video games. My mom will get mad when I don't clean the kitchen ONE day. She always says "you need to do some work around here, I can't do it all by myself" which is such a lie!!! cuz I do EVERYTHING lol it's fustrating.


    We went down to FLA last weekend to visit family and the whole time I was their my parents where trying to force me to stay because "they need a break from me" and want me out of the house. My MOM NEVER says more than 2 words to my boyfriend, and she always talks bad about him when he's not here, trying to make me feel bad or something. I've been with the guy for 2 years, clearly he's not going anywhere.


    OK I buy myself food and someone always eats it. I confront them and I get told "you can't have your own stuff, if you want your own stuff you can get out"


    I believe my parents are also emotionally abusive to me too. There's no way I can move out because I'm also in school with no money. Does your boyfriend live with his parents too?? If he doesn't, maybe consider moving in with him. My boyfriend still lives at home tho.


    I try to be tough and not let what my parents say get to me. But it still hurts. What I realized was, You have to live your life for you!!!! You determine YOUR future NOT your parents. Once you get out the house, they will be long gone, wanting to come visit. YOU decide if they can come over or not. You'll be a RN making big money.


    I know it's hard now, but it's so crazy how our stories are alike, I know how you must feel. I posted in here awhile back about my mom it's called "my mom is jealous of me" Alot of people said things that made me feel better, maybe they can help you too. We can make it I know we can!!!! It sucks so bad and I really wish things were different, cuz I feel like I'm the only one on my side at home. I really wish I had the kind of parents I could talk to about my problems, but I don't.


    I know one thing. You are NOT a horrible person. Your parents see you doing well and better than them, all they can do is be jealous and make you feel bad, make you feel like you arn't worth anything. But you've got to live your life for YOU. Knowing that keeps me going.

  5. YEAH!! that's what I had a LITTLE bit of pink and other times there was some brownish something. But it wasn't ANYTHING like my normal period!!!! I also had a lot of headaches over the weekend too...if that means anything. I thought it was the lack of sleep I had during the week. I also had the normal PMS I usually have....but that could also indicate pregnancy right?? ugh...

  6. Ok!! I'm on birth control. I've been on it for over a year now. I DON'T miss a pill if I ever missed a pill it was no more than ONE. I get freaked out easily and if I'm on top of anything it's my birth control.


    I was suppose to start my period this past weekend. But nothing ever happened. I saw LITTLE traces of what could have been blood, but it was not enough to tell me anything!!! So I'm kinda freaking out, I've already started on a new pack of birth control, so I won't start my period until next month. I didn't miss any pills at all last month at all. I know I'm stressing myself out about this, until I get a test, but could I be pregnant?

  7. Thanks guys!!!! Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! I know he's with me and all but sometimes I can't help but get like that!!! I bet he gets like that too sometimes with my ex boyfriends. he's never seen them, but he knows all about them. I have more confidance to talk to him now about it tho!! YAY Thanks!!

  8. Have you ever seen your boyfriend's ex girlfriend and wondered.....


    "why'd he choose her"


    "what did he see in her"


    "She looks better than me"


    "I can't compete with that"


    Well I've been thinking that the last couple of days. I don't know why....I saw my boyfriend's ex on Friday. I see everything in her, of what he wants in a girl. It just so happens he chose me instead. Him and Her went out for 2 1/2 years. They lost their virginity together. She cheated on him twice but he still stayed with her. She still tries to send him emails and he's had to change his number 3 times to keep away from her. She's even shown up at my job, looking for me.


    I think I have a case of "I don't think I'm good enough for him" coming on since I saw her. I don't really know what's going on in my head. He said the only reason he stayed with her was cause he didn't think he could do any better. I guess I just need to get over this hahaha. ](*,)

  9. Thanks alot!!!!


    Yeah, my family moved out into an appartment, it wasn't enough room for me, so they put me in my own appartment that was close to my college. I was going to stay but my mom put up a fuss with my dad to make me move back in with them. So I had to drop my classes and move back in with them. It totally sucks.


    I wrote a letter to my boyfriend's mom today and mailed it. I told her she was an inpiration to me and I want to be like her once I get a family. Hopefully I've scored some brownie points, even tho I was deathly afriad of mailing it!!!! I hope she's not mad lol.

  10. Sunday was my birthday, I just turned 20!!! I'm a little uneasy about going into adulthood, so far it's nothing but stress. But I'm trying to get my head straight. Sometimes i really don't know what to do. or if what i've done was the right thing to do, maybe I'm thinking too hard.


    I need to go back to school, I"m only a college sophomore. I'm going back in the summer, so right now I'm working like a dog, to get a car. Without a car I will not be able to go to school. I don't have any support in the house that I live in. My mother cruel to me, she never has anything good to say about what I do. She told me a few days ago, "I don't like you living here with us". I feel like I never have a good day. My day could be going great at work, but as soon as I come home she bashes my character. I share a room with my sister and most my belongings are in boxes out in the garage because "this is your sisters room not yours, you can't have all your stuff in here." just yesterday she told me I needed to put some more stuff in the garage.


    I'm always reminded how I "don't do anything". Though just last week I put gas in HER car 4 times and bought HER "cancer sticks" 3 times. I didn't even drive the car I put gas in. She just threw a tandrum, kicked doors, until she got what she wanted. I got nothing in return...just a fake "thank you" ....she didn't even tell me "happy birthday" Sunday. But now I'm feeling warn out from the pain. I'm tired of always feeling bad. My boyfriend of nearly 2 years really helps me out a lot. He always makes me happy. But I've realized, I have to make myself happy. I have to stop listening to the cruel things she says to me. Even tho more than anything I'd love to have someone I could talk to about what I'm going though right now, with school and work. But I don't. I do have a dad that supports me, even tho when my mom is in the room he suddenly switches opinions. But I am happy with the things I've done in my life so far. I just have to go with that.


    I would love to talk with my boyfriend's mom. If anything his family is everything I wish my family was. I just don't know how to go about writting his mom a letter. I don't really know what I should say to her, or if I should tell her about my mom. Or if she's the right person for me to talk to......any advice would help. Thanks guys!!!

  11. Hmmmm....It's not your fault at all. Everyone is different. There are alot of things that could be going "wrong". Maybe he's not thinking the right things? Maybe he needs some foreplay? Maybe you should wait a couple of days before you have sexual contact. Usually when my BF and I go a couple of days without doing anything, the day we do do it, it takes no time. I guess cuz you want to do it so bad, and you don't, it just builds up. *shrug*. Just use some lotion or something when you do it with the hand, and put all your attention on the head when you do the blow job. Good Luck!!

  12. My opion....


    I don't think her family can say anything about ya'll getting married. THEY are not in the relationship, thereforeeee THEY don't really have any say in what goes on in the relationship.


    As for the kiss....things like that happen. You decide weather you tell her or not. I'm sure you didn't mean anything by it. And she should to, especailly if it's been 4.5 years. I think that now things are getting serious and you might not be ready for that. I mean you ARE 20....You've got your whole life ahead of you.


    I'm sure the past 3 years ya'll were in high school and the relationship was strong, but not that serious. You had no major worries around that time. Now that your in college, experiencing the real world, you've got issues to deal with. It's all apart of growing up. Maybe you've out grown her? or ya'll have grown appart? It's just appart of life, you can try to hold on to something that's not there....but it's just not worth it.


    Just let her know how you feel. Most imporantly. The way she reacts to your feelings, may be the deciding factor on what to do from now on. Good Luck!!!

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