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Posts posted by Yahko

  1. I'm 20 years old, and Still Virgin.... So what.


    Ask every guy/girl that is laughing at you , was it good when he/she did it. They will tell , that it doenst matter bla bla bla....


    Dont let it make you down. You been on a date, i never huged a girl in my life... So you are in a better position than i do


    You will just find the right person to do it with. Trust me you will always be able to pay 100 $ and get it, but where is the exitement

  2. Hello Virgins and non Virgins.


    I have many things to say. Fisrt i need to say I'm a Virgin my self. [i'm a guy, so dont pay attention to the pic].


    I had many talks with girls about it. Most of the people had the image that if you are Virgin you are not cool and you are a geek. And thats not truth, people do it for many reasons. Religion, self respect, shyness...


    Mine is Shyness. I think there is nothiung wrong with being a virgin. You have people that did it and didnt even enjoy it. I think people that loos it at age 20 +, enjoy more and get real stuff and satisfaction.


    I know guys that are Virgin, trust me .... plenty, and from outside they look the coolest... but may be they are afraid of it or something..


    AS one of my Friends said. Time will come, you are different , and you have other times to do that, nothing wrong with that.

  3. I"m male not female , and the pic is a cute girl i know


    Sorry i misslead you and your waist of time.




    But i think your right , about lonelyness and boredom. These are the 2 that make me do it more often proabably.......

  4. Wasup Room.


    I have a Q for the experts and the people here.


    I counted the numbers of times i Mast. , and I came up with some numbers.


    ITS 117 times a month !!!!!!


    Is it normal or what is normal, please tell me

  5. Wasup Rock !


    If you are friends......Dont ask her for a date ! She may get upset and never talk to you any more...... Try to ask her to hang put for a movie or a park or a mall. Then there hnt her how cool hse is and thats good you have a friend like her......than she may get what you want to say. But asking her would be really not good.


    I asked a girl for a "date", we were friends before, and since then she is not talking with me anymore......


    So be careful.

  6. Wasup LilScared !


    You like her......So you want to know if she likes you. How do you know she is shy. If she is shy and she likes you , defenetly she send you some tips about that. Maybe you didnt notice that....


    Try asking her note book to copy something , or ask her to help you. If she likes you you would notice......


    Trust me....

  7. Wasup Vampyr!


    I can tell you that it would be really hard on her...... I have no idea how you should tell her that. But try to skip the hugs and the kisses. So she would understand that you like her as a friend and you like ho hang with her. But its not nessesary all the hugs and the kisses.


    I can tell you that same stuff happened to me. I liked that girl so much , and we started to became friends..... Then I asked her for a movie and she got mad that it will be a date. Since then she is not talking with me , more than 3 months....


    So try to bring it really really slow on her. You can tell her that you wont like to have sexual stuff going on with really good friend like her.


    Good Luck !

  8. Wasup Jonny !!!


    I dont understand what you want to do ? You want to make friends or a date.


    If it friends , why you need to be shy , are you shy around guys.....? NO !!Same with girls. There is a problem when it comes to dateing stuff, becasue you try to be nicer and cooler and here you get why and all that stuff.


    I can tell you that I started to became a friend of a really cute girl [avatar pic] and you know how i blew it off, i asked her for a date. Since then she is not talking with me and its really over. WE dont know about each other more than 3 months.....So dont make that misstake too....


    If you would like to date a girl that is your friend, you need to be sure 101 % that she would say yes.....


    See ya.

  9. Wasup Anamarie !!!


    I can tell from my taste in women , I dont like miniscirts , I do like cut tops , but that it will be in a proper way and no that you will see everything in a second. For every dress there is a different kind of guy.


    1. If you are wild and sexual beast. You better open your top and ware mini with no underware.


    2. If you are regual girl that like fasion so you can dress less b***cy than num 1, and be okai.


    3. If you are shy and dont like to open your top too much and wear pants 25/7. So dress as you feel comfortable.


    Since your dress shows exactly who you are, so if you will dress different, you will get things you dont expect to show up. Dress as you feel comfortabe and follow fashion , dress stylish as you can.


    Help: About eNotalone.

  10. Hello Alien7 !


    I can tell you that going to the police or the authorities isnt the best way. Since you dont want things to get worst you need to start the job from inside your family. By going to the police, your dad will start hating you even more. He will not tought you BUT, he will never speak again to you ever. you want to solve the problem not to push it aside. Your dad will not change his mind becasue the police said so.


    Instead , talk to your mom and your dad together at a time when its comfortabel. [Not at the dinner table, as every body think]. Try to explain your dad ,infront of your mom, that its not helping to shout at you and get angry at you. You forget things and you make everything to do your best. And your dads anger only getting the situation worst. and you feel non confident having him as a father. Tell him that everybody talking how their dad is THIS and THAT, and you cant even say a good word about him becasue he is angry at you al the time.


    Push your mom to talk to him, and say that you cant live like that any more. And you dont feel that its your family anymore, and that you are thinking of bad things only when you think about home. Instead coming home and feeling support, you go somewhere else.


    Probably, your dad is very hard to talk to , and he wont listen to you. Dont say bad things about him, or insults. Say that you cant continue any more and where is the family you need. What is the point beeing grown up as a non cofident teen, and that you are not an army man, and times have changed and things working differently today.


    "If its not there, its not there!"

  11. Wasup Genello !


    To tell you the truth , asking a number from a customer isnt so appropriate. If you have an eye contact with them. Its your job, you can t look aside speaking with a customer.


    I really dont know how to help you. If you were working as a Bartender, that something else........

  12. Wasup Johnny !


    As people said here, try to smile. Or give it a nod and smile.


    Like "Yeah, I understand what you mean......" so she wont think you are some kind of guy that looking on her breast and when she looks back you dont want to appear rapeist or something.


    Being in eye contact too much isnt good too. Becasue she may feel uncomfortabe that you just "nail" her with your sight. And that you are mean guy or a "devilish" guy. Girls in general like normal guys, not freaks and punk guys....


    So just let her know by your face and body language , that she is nice and cute. Not a sex bomb or something........ A disent girl....



  13. Wasup !


    You should go see a doctor. Your problem has a name that I dont remember, but you just can overburn one day and end up in hospital with broken nerve system. I know one girl that didnt sleep and studied in the class and did everything like she was sleeping 12 hours a day , and after couple a months she ended up in hospital. SO I sujest you go see a doctor.....


    "Every system has it's weak point" - Diabolical Masquerade

  14. Wasup Soul[fly]!


    I always ask , WHY are you deppresed ? And the person I ask , cant really answer me. That bothers me the most. Its not that you broke up with a really good friend, or lost your mate. Its just a mood.......nothing more. So the person should try and find, why the hell am I deppresed. Everything is ok and good, make little change here and there and everything would be in place......


    "We control how much to pay!" - Fear Factory

  15. WASUP Shyguy !


    To tell you ther truth I'm the same like you. See that girl and never talk to her. She sees me and never talks to me. We both know that we want to talk to each other. And we kinda nervious around each other, but..... one of us must do the first step. Its kind hard to explain why I/you dont talk. Maybe its not enought, maybe we need more attraction from the girl , or really like her like hell.


    Its really hard to shy guy aproach non shy girl, because her rythem is faster than yours ......so she may just go forward and leave you behind, or slow a little for you.


    Just ask her if she would like to go for a movie , trust me she would say yes.....


    [Go to Bloor Cinema, and see City Of God , if she is inteligent , you would have alot to talk about......]

  16. Wasup Ashleynicole !!!


    I can tell you that you are jelous becasue you are 100 % into him. I dont mean that you need to dislike him from now on. But If you would surf the internet for cool naked guys...... You will feel better. It doesnt that you dont likw him. But for a minute you let you mind to be somewhere else.


    You need to be 99 , into him. Think that he is with you and he have no reson to be afraid that he will leave you. He is atractive and if girls look at him and he looks at them , not intentionaly , that mean that he is cool and you must be proud of him. Believe me , your world will crush if you will find that he have porn on the pc , and he is watching it without you. But its normal , its called space. If you would see him 24/7 , you will get bored of him. So sometimes its normal to think about someone else for a second , and it doesnt mean sexualy....


    Just , you know....



  17. Wasup Colls !


    I dont know about Catholics, but I can say that in jewdaism. All those books about ghosts and bringing people from the dead and all that stuff is forbiden. Becasue its not part of the Torah and the studies of the Torah.


    basically if its not books that teach the Bible , or give interpritations about the Bible. Its bad and Evil.


    But If you like it , read it. Unless you feel that it harms you religiously.


    Good luck !


    "Here Is No God S.T.A." - Aborym

  18. Wasup !


    Thats a good question ! I can tell you that many times guys IM me and ask the first thing "M/F?"


    I answer "M" , and then they say "Bye". So basically if I would say "F", they would stay and try to Cyber me or something. Many guys just tell stupid things over the IM. And I think she would think you are another punk over the internet.


    I can tell you that I chat with one girl for a month , and lets say now i can ask her to go out, becasue we know each other a little better.


    So talk to her about everything you can. Be nice.....and bring the "go out" stuff not directly but throught somekind of conversation.


    Like - "I'm going to a movie next week , If you would like to join me , just let me know...."


    Not Direct questions like "Would you like to go out with me!" , of course she would say "No". But if you give her time to think and she knows you better she may go out with you.


    Joee - "Feel It In The Air"

  19. Wasup !


    This is the question of the century ! Who to be free around guys/girls. If we would have the answer , this forum wont exist ! But I can tell you try just to go in a group first with girls and guys, then pickup one nice guy, and try to be alone with him....... And see how things move. You will not be that shy around guy that you know......So you will be more free......so you can see whats happening...


    Good luck.

  20. Wasup Lonely !


    To tell you the turth , that same thing happened to me. I can tell you by mine experience , she wont like you, she may give you a second chance to improuve your self , but ......you will need to becasme really good. And even when she said that lets be friends, thats not for sure too.


    If she will be your friend , thats good.... But there is nothing you can do , to "force" her to like you...


    Maybe I'm wrong [i hope so] but that happened to me........And its really over....

  21. Wasup Colls!


    I can tell you that if you feel shy around guys, it would be strange of you to pickup guys on the street, while you are shy. You know what I mean.


    Becasue normal guy , wont enter your car , becasue he would think you are some kind of b***c girl. Guys do like those , but they are b***c guys them selvs, and I dont think you want guys like these.


    If girls would stop in a car and say "Hey little guy , you want to jump in...?"


    I would think that there is some kind of trick or these are hookers....


    I wont sujest you go and pickup guys with a car. Go to the beach, mall , cinema , Even Mcdonalds.....


    I do like girls aproaching me. If they come and say "Would you mind if I and my friend join you for a moive......" Why not..... But If a girl says "HEY SEXY guy , you have such a good body....."


    Something fishy about it......


    Try aproaching guys in more conservative way.

  22. Wasup Duncan !


    All you 2 guys need is to be alone. Do your moves over the chat. Plan to do things, becasue you both are not shy to talk about things there. So go to a park and tell your girl "Dont be shy.....". It will boost her up a little bit. Give her many positive emotions that would make her less shy.


    About kiss, talk wth her about that on line , and say that you would like to try it with her.


    Good luck !

  23. Wasup Virus !


    I can tell you that it sux. My mom never made fun of me and you mom seems to be develish forward you. I dont know why but thats not right. If you like to hang a poster that you like or a band, thats your choise [unless its porn or gore pics]


    If its not secret , how old are you.


    I agree that computer in the middle of attention is annoying. Many times I watch porn over the internet and my mom comes I say "Please , I'm busy, dont you see !" My mom leaves me becasue she has nothing to say to me.


    How your mom is making fun of you?


    Just make fun of her too. Put a poster of a dead body or gore poster. And I want her too make fun of you then !!! She would ask "WHAT DA HELL IS THIS ?????"


    And you would answer - "I like it , you have problem with that ? Go make fun of someone else !"


    A little harsh , but try to do something like that...

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