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Posts posted by butterflydreamer

  1. I think looks do matter especially if you are in a relationship. Compliment what colors would look nice on her, buy her the make up, or go shopping together.


    If you think your problem is bad, it can get worst over time even sexually if you don't do something about it.


    I'm glad you really like her for her personality but sounds like she just needs a little help....Good Luck!

  2. I experience kinda the same thing but I'm more aware that they are not relationship material. It's because we have certain expectations and we are catagorized as "picky".


    Don't be discouraged though. One day we will know he is the right one. Good Luck!


    "My last relationship ended after 7 months when I found him cheating on me. The one before that was 6 months ended in cheating as well on his part. For the last 3 years have not really been in a relationship cause they never get off the ground, they only want one thing from me????"


    OK....maybe their is a pattern of the guys you are picking. Do any of these guys have anything in common? Tell me more about yourself...............

  3. Thank you for your comments. I wrote this poem in my literature class in JC. After five years of divorcing, I had the courage to write it. It empowered me in a such a profound way that it seems as if that was another person. Thank you!

  4. Through the bedroom mirrors, I saw tears fall from my eyes,

    Just right beside me was a horror in disguise,

    Morning after another, I heard his unpleasant snoring,

    Remembering I had left my mother, to end to see him scowling.

    I am dedicated to my family...


    With all three children in the house, he bruised me eternally,

    The dry taste in my mouth grew with urges for liberty,

    Wandering around the house for refuge,

    quietly praying for sanity, but left me more confused.

    I am dedicated to my family...


    Breathing deeply until he was gone,

    Waiting for someone to fix what he had done wrong,

    The countless hour when he was out,

    gave me the chance to release myself and shout.

    I am dedicated to my family...


    I carried all three on my back,

    Keeping my promise to leave and never remember "Jack",

    Our lives began fruitful, finally

    Although he is no longer with us now,

    I am dedicated to my family.

  5. I think you should move on and don't get into that sticky relationship. Sounds like he meant a great deal to you at one time. Sorry for all the pain he caused you.


    Things do happen for a reason. Maybe he's aware of what he let get away, but time for you to give that to someone that deserves it.


    Don't be impatient, being single isn't that bad. You will learn lots about yourself......good luck

  6. I'm glad to hear that you are being careful about choosing a university because some employers don't like certain ones. My advice to you would be to ask the cooperation or agency you ultimately would like to work for. Then, maybe you can make a clear decision on this.


    Good looking out....I think more people should be aware of this..........

  7. Do you have any tips to give me? Thanks


    I have been a case manager for a non profit agency for 4 years. We work with pregnant and parenting teens. I have an A.S degree but position requires a BA which I don't have but I have the experience and I "know" I can to the job. I know the program inside and out.


    Actually, the position that is available was my own supervisor and she was terrific but got sick and could no longer work. I miss her. My co-workers encouraged me to apply which will be the ones I will be supervising and I thought about it for at least a week.


    The positions requires supervising up to 8-9 case managers. In the office is the program coordinator, his assistant, and 2 other supervisors. The staff is great and supportive. Other co workers say they have never worked in such a caring environment. I would definitely like to keep it that way.


    That was my worstest fear. I stressed about someone from the "outside" coming in and not doing their job. So, the only control I had over that was to apply. Somehow I feel very empowered about applying even though I don't have a BA right now.


    there are already 8 applicants and if I don't get the job, my evaluation is coming up and I know it will be good. So, it's a win win situation.


    I'm still looking for interviewing tips and tomarrow I have a test to do. I think it is like a personality test. Any suggestions?

  8. "I feel so alone in this cold world, I want to curl up and die!! I go through this everytime!! Im so sick of it."


    I think everyone in this world kinda has been through what you are thinking of right now. You are not alone. I'm sorry everything could be better for you but right now it isn't.


    But I'm sure their are things you can be in control of or have other options to decide from and if there isn't right now, there will be later.


    Hang in there...............

  9. "Soft meaning assuming he is OK?"


    I mean softy because I have let him get away with things as far as not following the rules at home. It's that I think he has angry management issues because of how his dad is and because only male here at home. He gets frautrated and right now I can't figure it out. What can I do?


    My daughter was having problems because self image and got seriously depressed and at one time was taking meds for it. She has been through counseling too.


    I know it takes 30 minutes at least to calm them down but mean while I feel like their referie. thank you for all the questions and commets. Help please.....................

  10. Thank you Nottoogreen for your support-


    First, I have to admit that I'm kinda a softy with my son because he never used to complain or be picky about anything. He would go to school everyday even though he would have disapline problems such as flicking a pencil in class and being disruptive. He's also a aggrevator. He likes to make my daughter yell by hanging the phone up or fights over it, turning off lights, scare her, and of course they start to use profanity and just escalates from there.


    My 16 yr old daughter, is very bossy, demanding, and gets irritated quickly. Last year, she missed so much school and would just sleep all day if she could. She is very social when awake (only with peers and extended family). She is overall a good kid, no boyfriends, goes out rarely and distrust people don't know unlike my son. Now serious about getting caught up with school.


    Couple things they have in common- They both tell their dad I don't understand them. They gang up on me when they can't have their way or they go to me individually to tell on the other.


    They are good kids but don't know what the chemistry is between them? RAGE? I guess?


    The night my son OD, she was the one to respond to his call because I was out to get dinner and didn't have my cell phone with me. She told me she was so scared he was going to die and that she hated the things he does but loves him so much. When my son awoke after the OD, I told him that his sister saved his life because of how fast she responded. When we came home, he hugged & thanked her and hasn't called her a bad word since.........................

  11. Thank you for the commet--


    I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I feel the need to protect my son but he's not letting me.


    My son has never been a communicator. I think it's because at 4yrs old. I was getting out of the abusive relationship with his father. I was depressed and now that I think of it, I never really talked much to him. Boy, I regret that.


    For two consistant years, I hug him, kiss him, and tell him I love him every chance I get. He comes to me to sctrach his back. But it's something about his 16 yr old sister that drives him crazy. Well, they drive each other crazy and I'm in the middle.


    I pray to God he will change and the day he OD his father had promised him school clothes and dumped him that day braking his promise. The hurt my son was feeling became rage.


    I am my son's emotional punching bag. How do I help him?????????????

  12. "Flatly promise him that you will not hit him again and please do not hit him again."


    Thank you for your comment-


    Again, I love my son and the fact that I hit him is a BIG deal because I never do. That night before his OD, he was out of control and disrespecting me and his 16 yr old sister. He got so angry that he punched holes in his bedroom doors because I wouldn't get out.


    I had explained to him-give respect to get respect. I told him that in our house we were going to respect each other if not he needed to leave.


    Of course, he left and I went driving down the street to get him and told him he will respect me, his sister, and our home. I made him get into my car, we drove for a while so that he could cool off and when home.


    But then next two days is when he OD.....

  13. I am a single parent and my son is only 14 yrs old. Two nights ago, I dropped my son at his friend's house and in one hour, he was in the emergency room hooked up to an ivy and Dr.s were monitoring his heart because he has a heart murmur. His alcohol level was 1.4.


    I lefted his eye lid and all I saw was a empty, vacant look. I thought the worst and prayed for the best.


    Why do teens do these things to their parents? I'm trying to understand why they are so impulsive after very many times warning him about the consquences.


    He had been acting very aggresive and using profanity (which he has gone to counceling for). I've had to even slap him to remind him that I'm the parent here.


    I'm still very upset because he won't tell me who gave him the alcohol. I see he has been more considerate after his life changing experience but I wonder how long that will last. I love my son but I feel so confused and burned out.............

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