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Posts posted by jadednhated

  1. Maybe it's the promises that they won't do it again. I know it's not because we as women are stupid,but when you look back on it kinda makes you feel that way doesn't it? After I got out of that relationship I didn't date for awhile then met this guy who treated me like a queen until he moved in with me and showed his real self. He was verbally abusive no violence now I'm trying to pick up the pieces of that

  2. I too have to agree with the rest of you. It wasn't until my ex was sent to prison that I began to hate him, the time apart was the key I think. It's been 3 years and the fact he was deported back to portugal if not for that I would more than likely still be with him. The road to recovery for me is still a long one, the bitterness I feel inside is still strong. He was sent back and started a new life where as his children and I were left here to struggle. Sometimes when things get real bad I wonder was it worth it ? Only time will tell.

  3. A friend who's girlfriend is still in love with her ex who abused her real bad and he asked me this question and myself a victim of abuse couldn't really answer anyone out there have a answer please? How can someone love a person who beats the hell out of them all the time? It's crazy to believe that a woman would rather be in love with an * * * * * * * than be in a relationship where she's treated good.

  4. I have an online friend that I've talked to for almost 5 years now and still haven't met Sure we talk about meeting all the time but with me here in California and him in Kansas that meeting may take another 5 years who knows. I know our friendship grows stronger everytime we talk and I hope we do get to meet soon I would love to see the face behind the screen that has made me laugh and cry so many times

  5. Sorry now that I read it your right lol the ex and sister in law are having problems with the fact that me and her boyfriend are friends now its a real weird situation all around I have no romantic feelings toward the boyfriend whats her problem she don't care about him my ex is playing all of us for fools I'm really sorry I'm not making sense bad bad day I'll post again when I'm thinking clearer goodnight all

  6. Well if I had a date (lol) and needed to be reminded of it (far and few inbetween) I'd write it on my calander handheld or paper which ever! If I asked someone out and they told me to call and remind them first thing to mind would be see ya...there's plenty of fish out there with better memories to boot sorry this is my opinion but what do I know I wouldn't be here if I did

  7. Hi it's me again well here's my problem well I dont think of it as a problem but my ex does you tell me what you think. As a few of you know my ex was having an affair with his sister in law sister in law at the time was living with boyfriend that she hates. I have become good friends with her boyfriend after we ran into each other at my exs place even though I would never do anything with her boyfriend dont think the idea crossed my mind lol though Him and I share one thing in common and thats the pain these two of caused us he calls me for support see he is trying to get her back why i dont know but anyway now both my ex and the sister in law are having big problems with him and I being friends well my opinion is they should have thought of that when they decided to spend every moment of their lives with each other and when they spent the night in a hotel together if it not be for them acting like idiots this would have never happened. This has nothing to do with trying to make them jealous who cares It's all about 2 people hurting like hell and having a friend to vent. thats all it is I have no feelings for him we sit and talk period So what should I do please let me know thanks

  8. Thanks for the great advise, I'm in the process of removing him from my life. I find little steps work for me best just as long as the steps go in the forward position lol even after all he's done I still hurt when I should be angry I should be happy getting this man out of my life instead I'm so devastated its unreal. Why do I feel this way? it's so stupid I just don't understand it. Thanks everyone this has helped me so much just being able to post here He has me even questioning my own thoughts and feelings I figured I'd throw it out here and see myself if I was crazy or he was. I feel he is a narrcissit after reading up about the traits they have he never accepts blame for anything and he's the world's best manipulater I swear everything he touches he destroys ( note to sister in law hahahaha) anyway I'm going to focus my attention where my attention should have been from day 1 and thats raising my little girls as best as I can and not worry about having someone in my life for the time being I asked myself this in the end ..What's more important a life with him being hell but at least he was here or a life being loney ......Well hell I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday lol lonely is looking real good at least I'll be happy!!!! bye

  9. Hi everyone I'm new here I recently found out my fiance is in love with his own sister in law. they spend every single waking moment with each other she's at his placee all night they have took off together and stayed in a motel she just recently left her boyfriend they both say nothing is going on on that they have not slept together but I know he wants to bad he treats me like dirt when she's around and Im so fed up and hurt I dont know what or who to believe when he has done everything possible to make me think they are bf and gf I dont understand why they have to spend so much time together please any insight here would save me from looking stupid thanks

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