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Posts posted by Beaker5

  1. Can I just say something? All of you guys are great!!! I'm so glad I found this forum. I was actually going nuts when my relationship ended. I didn't really have anyone to talk to at all times. I needed support. Imean, I started talking to my parents and to the therapist, but when I was taking my summer courses, I was basically alone and I would break down. I actually started looking in link removed but realized that no one really posts much there and you need quick responses from people when you're going nuts. Then I searched for relationship forums and found this one by chance.


    I'M TOTALLY ADDICTED. I feel like I have friends that actually want to listen to what I have to say and won't get bored or cut me off. Thanks you guys.

  2. Hi neolithic,


    You know, I kind of feel the same way right now. I found out this past Saturday that he had been cheating and he had broken up with me 3 weeks before that. I think it's great that you have decided to do this. I've been thinking about just being single, concentrating on my studies, and just having fun with my friends. I also am going to graduate school and the relationship with that ahole that was with me before, was actually starting to affect my schoolwork. So I guess I should thank him. (NOT ACTUALLY TELL HIM) But internally. Because I could feel that I'm growing so much.


    Here is what happened if you would like to know.

  3. Hi guys,


    It's me again.


    You know, I was definitely addicted to this peson because this morning, I couldn't stop shaking so I went to the school counselor and practically broke down. Then afterwards, I just felt sooo much anger. How could he do this to me? He lied to my face continuously. Oh...and today, when I was walking out of the library, his roommate sees me and I already had an angry expression on my face and I was just tired, and he said "what's up?", and I was like "nothing" and he seemed to take offense and said "me too". I think he went to tell that * * * * * * * that he saw me.


    You know....some people can be so deceitful. I believed eveything he said, until I started to get suspicious, but he would always deny everything and blame me. I just don't understand how someone could do that to someone else. It's just cruel. You know? I'm just so hurt right now because he wasn't just my boyfriend, he was also my friend. And in the meantime, he was talking to that girl and practically telling her everything...Our private information and they were probably laughing at me...as they are probably laughing right now. I'm just embarrassed right now. I'm ashamed that this happened to me. I'm in so much physical pain right now and I'm just tired. My parents seem annoyed that this happened to me.

  4. You know...there's a quote that just came to my mind which I think is ridiculously false. "If you love something, let it go...If it comes back to you, then its yours forever." What a crock of *%$!. Relationships in which the ex's get back together usually don't work they usually go from ex to partner and continue to oscillate between the two.

  5. thanks guys. I'm trying to take your advice and have almost forced myself to get into a catatonic state in which I won't be distracted by the shaking but feel my body burning all over. It's working...very slowly but surely.

  6. This is must_move_on. I left my sign in information at home and am in college right now and started a new account because I don't have my login information. I did this because I AM DESPERATE!!!!!


    Please help me!! I can't concentrate on a paper that I have to do that is due tomorrow and I haven't been able to stop shaking. I've been seeing the school counselor and she gave me a book to read called "breaking the addiction to a person" and has been helping but I can't concentrate. I can't do anything.


    Here is the information of what happened to me. Please help me!!!


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