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Pure of Heart

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Everything posted by Pure of Heart

  1. From her hole??????? It is called a vagina. You do not seem to have much regard for women or the female body.:sad:
  2. Another thing I forgot to mention. He said although he has always been monogamous in relationships he finds it hard because he really misses having sex with other people. He said this won't be a problem in our relationship as long as we go to swingers clubs together to have sex in front of others and watch others' having sex in order to "keep things exciting." He also wants me to have sex with another woman (I am not gay or bisexual) while he watches. I don't really feel comfortable about doing any of these things and in fact I am insulted that he feels the need for all of that only 3 months into our relationship. Like, am I not enough?
  3. Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I'm having major relationship problems right now and I think I might be in an emotionally abusive relationship. I'm in my early 30s but I don['t have much of a relationship history. I had an abusive childhood and then I kind of avoided getting too involved in relationships as an adult and focused on my career instead. Three months ago I met Mike, a man in his early 30s. The first few weeks were wonderful. He was the first man I was ever with who seemed really interested in me and to really care for me. Then things deteriorated..... About a month into the relationship he told me that he'd just got out of a psychiatric hospital a couple months before meeting me. When I expressed my shock at this he sort of turned it around and somehow blamed it on me. He said that my response to his confession wasn't the response he wanted and he actually gave me a script of what I should have said and told me in what tone of voice I was to address him. He also claimed that everybody is mentally ill including me and that suicide is not necessarily a bad thing adn that quite a lot of people kill themselves. Since then he has criticized me frequently about my response to his confession. There are also now all these topics that I'm not allowed to talk to with him. Politics. Mental illness and various other things. If I think there is an aspect of the relationship that's not working, I am not allowed to talk to him about my concerns because he finds it too upsetting. Just today I tried to raise something with him I thought needed discussing about our relationship and he started crying adn then told me "I told you before, you have to say things in the right tone of voice. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him. Since dating him I have become really depressed where I was never depressed before. But I'm afraid of breaking up with him because I don't really get any support or love from my family or friends. Although if truth be told I don't get any support from my boyfriend either.
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