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Posts posted by brokenheart32

  1. Yeah I know is going to take sometime, what really hurts me the most is why come back into my life to just make it even worst for me. Sometimes I even think she enjoys doing this, I had to seak Therapy for all this crap and my counseller tells me she is the type of person that likes to be in control, and since she knows she has this power over me that is why she do this. But yes I did deleted her from all my contact and now Iam maybe going to change my phone number. So I just have to try to be stronger I can lied to you but I still am in love with this eveil woman. I really do think she needs some help because she has some serious issues, but the crazy thing is that she is bringing me down with her whole crazyness, because sometimes I don't even know wheather iam coming or going this is really driving me insane. Sorry if Iam coming on to strong about my feelings but I really need to vent and let this all out.

  2. Hi all, is being a while since I have came in to write about my 4 month break up with my ex gf. Many of you had giving me some advice about no NC. I did this for 3 months an one night on my visit to nyc, I get a phone call from the ex gf, I didn't want to pick up my phone but I did I was just wondering what she had to tell me after almost 3 months of not having any contact with me. I would try to make it short and less painfull for me. Here it goes, she told me that the only reason why she wanted to call me was because she didn't want me to think that she didn't care about my feelings and my kids feelings. That she wanted to apologize to me for hurting me and lieing to me the way she did. She went through the whole bull crap that i didn'r believe for one second but (maybe i did). I did want to believe her but at the same time I knew she wasn't trust worthy of it. Anyway she said what she had to say to me and then it was my turn, I told her that I couldn't understand why she had to lie so much to me and betrayed my family and my kids the way she did. She started to cry and said that she deserves everything I tell her. So that conversation when on for like 1/2 hrs, then I just couldn't take it anymore and told her that if her counscience was clear that we had nothing else to talk about. So she calls me again the next day to tell me thank you for not slamming the phone on her and i told her np, and then we chat for a bit and I said I had things I had to do. I then came home and wrote her an email telling her that I wanted no more NC with her because regardless of everything she said my heart is still broken and I needed sometime to fix it, and not only that she is living with the woman that she has being with for the whole 3 years we were together, and I said to her I don't think she would be happy to know that she is calling me again. So she writes me back and tells me that she would do as I said and she wont call me anymore.

    So that night she calls me again and tells me that she wanted to explain somethings to me, and that the only reason that the woman was living with her is because she is not going to kick someone out, she said they don't have a realationship as lover is more of 2 ppl being comfortable together, I told her that I don't care what it is but she made her choice to be with her and that she needs to leave me alone. She started to cry and I started to cry I really told her this time how I felt. And then we left it like that, she told me she was still inlove with me and I said ditto but that we needed to say goodbye for good this time.

    But something told me to call her house # to see if the only reason why she was intouch with me was because she had disconnected her home phone, and there was no way of me letting the other woman know that she is calling me again. Sure enough I called her home and it was disconnected so now I am feeling like crap because this is another way of her getting back into my life again after 3 months of me doing so much better with myself and now iam feeling like * * * * again. Now not only did I found out that she bought a home but she has the woman living there with her, I just don't even know what to do with my life, I was doing so much better and now is like she just creeps in on me to stab the knive even harder this time. Iam a totla reck this days and I really don't know what to do. She told me the only reason she bought a home is because she was tired of renting and got a good deal,bu tthis where the plans we had made together so I thought but this is all a joke to her. I told her on an email that I hated her and wanted her to drop dead and to pls not calling ever again. She said she promise me that she is not going to call again, and that her intentions are not to play with me but how can I believe a liar. Please help me out here I really need advice bad.


  3. Well I understand how you may be feeling, but stalking him is not the answer. You need too let things be and try and see if maybe you guys can be friends someday, but you really need to stop what you are doing. Is just going to drive you crazy, is obvious he don't want too talk to you. If he don't even open his door. You need to try and have nc with him, trust me I know is hard is being a month for me, and sometimes I feel like I can't do it with out her. You need to let things be for now and then see what happens from their.


    I hope you can find some peace.

  4. I really appreciate you taking the time to write too me, I have being trying to keep myself busy, and not think so much. Today makes a month of NC, and it feels like is never going too end. I have too be honest, I can stop thinking about her, but I know she is not even worth my thoughts. It gets hard on the weekends but I'm going too try too keep myself busy with my kids.


    Thank you again.

  5. I understand exactly what you are going thru, since I'am in the same boat you are in. Is really sad when you feel like you want too hear from your ex, and she don't even make the attemp to call you. I feel you trust me is being a month for me tomorrow and I feel like it happen yesterday, our situations are not the same but the pain I have I feel like is the same you are having. I don't know what too tell you too make you feel better, b/c I need someone too make me feel better. But I can tell you that hopefully things would get better for you (and me i hope), but if you need too vent right me I'am here, maybe we can help each other.

  6. Oh yeah, I know they lie for a living and this is what I asked her if it went too her head or somthing. But to answer your question, the other woman know's about me because i called the house one day and she picked up the phone. She was shock too hear all I had too tell her about her lil roomate, but for the sounds of it she really is with her because she is comfotable, that's what I got from the whole conversation. But you know what, whatever it is I don't care was done is done and she distroyed my life. This is someone I opened my doors and my heart and she just did what she wanted with it. And know I have too pick up the pieces and get my heart where it use too be.


    I'am actually having a heart time with this I can't stop thinking and analizing why someone would play with a human bein this way. My kids opened up too her and all she can say is that she is sorry, like everything is ok. She lied too me my kids on how we were going to move together and then just tells me she was affraid to lose me, so that is why she lied. I think that she really needs some serious help, you just don't do this to somone you say you loved. She never loved me or care for me or my kids, she is just a and evil person. And I can believe that I have day's when I just want too die, because this is the person she has created, someone that just wants too die.


    This pain is killing me I really think I need some help.

  7. Trust me I would had never thought she could be capable of such eveilness, I'm still shock today for this whole mess. She emailed my oldest daughter and apologize to her for hurting me and them aswell, but I really think is just her conscience messing with her. She hasn't contacted me or emailed me for almost a month, on her last emailed she said she is going to punish herself for all the pain she has cause everyone including herself. She also said she care/d love/d me, but that she didn't have the guts too tell me because she knew she would lose me. She also said that their were truth and they were lies but that her feelings for me are real. The crazy thing is that this woman is a lawyer with a great job, I never thought she could be capable of so many lies.

  8. Well the reason for my question was because I feel like my ex is a patholagical liar, when we met 2.5 yrs ago, she told me she was living with her ex gf but that they were just roomates. I later found out that she was living with her but not as roomates, and not because she told me I found out on my own like a month ago, she lied about her best friend dying in a car accident, and then lied about her friends mom killing herself over the lost of her daughter. Last month I found out that the whole time it was her acting like she was the friend on my msn the whole time. So she made the whole story up. Not only that I found out from the (roomate which is not the roomate)that they were looking for a home together, for them but this whole time she send me emails telling me this home was for her me and my kids. So this is a real mess, my kids were involed in this whole mess thinking the whole time we were moving. And now I'am just a total mess, her explanation to me was that she didn't know how to be honest with me because she didn't want too lose me. She said she is not in love with this other woman but that she feels and abligation with her.


    I really don't know what too do anymore, I still love her but I know I need too let this go.

  9. Hi all,


    I have posted a few things on here about my relationship with my ex gf, I'm a lesbian for those of you who don't know me.


    I have being trying too have no NC with my ex, and last Thursday I sent her and email, I was replying too and email she had sent my daughter too congratulated her for her 8th grade promotion. She never answer me back and I felt like crap, but I notice that is harder for me on the weekends. I start too analyze things and wonder what she is doing, I catch myself missing her more, but at the same time thinking what she is doing with her ex which she is still living with her and was never a roomate like she said she was . I know this may be a little confusing because it's confusing for me even when I write it. But on my first post I had explaing the whole situation.


    Yesterday I went out too a club with some friends since they feel I should let go of my pain(easy for them too say that). I had being their with her before and I couldn't stop thinking of the good time we had there, I felt really crapy and I wanted too go home. I saw here in the club the whole time I was there, I wanted too call her so bad even though I know I shouldn't have any NC I really miss her a lot, I know she don't deserve me because she really lied big time. Is being almost a move but I still cry everyday like it just happened, my kids are worry about me and honestly im worry about me also. Do you guys think a counseller may be good for me?....

  10. Hi guys,


    Is being a little over three weeks that I haven't posted something, But today I feel like * * * *. Well it goes like this for those of you who don't know my story, I would just tell you a little something. My gf was living with her ex the whole time she was with me. We basically had a long distance relationship, but I thought I trusted her enough only because she told me they were just roomates. I was with her for 2.5 yrs and she would come and visit me and my kids, I mean it was a relationdhip, my whole family knew her but I didn't know none of her family since they all live in another country or state, I did speak too some friends. Well I had no NC for almost a month. but on Wensday, my doughter her a promotion from 8 grade. So I guess my ex emailed my daughter to congratulate her, and wish her the best. I was a little upset but at the same time happy in a weird way because she just stop calling me or writting, so I felt like she cared in her own evil mind.


    My daughter calls me at work that evening, and tells me that my ex emailed her again. Apologizing for what she had done too me and I guess she when on telling her she was scare too tell me the truth, but that she never meant too hurt us. So yesterday I wrote too her telling her too safe her apologise for her gf she has living with her. But I send her the email with an old replied that she had wrote too me like 2 months ago about some homes that she was looking at for us, but then I had found out it was for her and her ex. So now I feel like crap because she never respond the email I sent her yesterday, and I feel so stupid for doing it. Can someone please tell me if I did wrong by sending the email?... I can't lie I still love her but I know she has lie over and over about so many things that I would never trust her again. But I guess what hurts me the most is that she don't even try too contact me, even if I curse her out but she don't even care I guess. The last email she send me she said she care/d n love/d but did she ever loved me I don't think people hurt someone they say they love.


    Please help!

  11. Thanks Ash, I think your reply has really giving something too think about in a good way. I really appreciate you taking your time too answer me. If you have any more advice please right me again, it helps me is my pain when I feel someone else is out there and may have good advice. I won't lie I still can get her out of my head, she is there when I get up and when I go too bed. I guess is going to take sometime too heal.

  12. Hi all, I have not heard from her in a week today, and Iam feeling like maybe she never did love me after all. I wonder why she stop sending emails or calling, I think I deserve and explanation for what she did. She told me in her last email she sent me that she was going too punish her self for what she has done to me and my girls, and that her feelings were never lies, that she did care/d and love/d. I really don't know if I should believe this or what?... It gets harder for me when I don't here from her, but I think maybe is a good idea not too know what she is doing. She also said too me she didn't choose anyone over anyone. I don't know what she meant with that. But I think I would have some peace if I know that after 2 yrs she had some feelings for me.

  13. I would like too understand why is it that I can stop thinking about her, I know she hurt me really bad. So why do I wake up thinking about her is like I can't get her out of my mind. I need to ask someone who has being in my position too please help me out here. I can eat I can sleep just wondering if maybe it was my fault that she lie all these yrs to me, I think the thought that really hurts me the most is knowing she choose her over me, which makes me even more sick too know this and still care. I think what hurts also is I haven't even gotten a real explanation from her. She stop calling and my world has stop with it, I need too find some peace so can someone please help me out here, I'm not doing so good this day's.

  14. If someone can please telling why I can stop thinking about her, or why is it that I still want her too cantact me after all she did. I think is kinda crazy too feel something like this for someone who hurt me so bad. I'm crazy for still loving her knowing she choose her ex intead of me, would I be able too forget all this ever happened. If there is someone out their that has being in my position please help me out I feel like I'am making myself insane with this whole situation. I have no one I can speak too, or maybe conselling would be good for me.


    P.S I would love too be at peace again.

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