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Posts posted by Crazyaboutdogs

  1. Hi Crazyaboutdogs! Did you see any other very appealing styles of ceramics?


    I am not sure what other pavilions were at the event. I love ceramics and tiles but I couldn't actually name styles. Kind of like how I view a painting..I may love it but I wouldn't know who painted it.

  2. This isn't anything you should discuss with your parents. I am probably their age and would think it's very silly. Old people just don't get that type of thing.


    I hear you. I don't understand today's obsession with "let's pretend I am a Victoria's Secret model" or for those who like to send naked photos of themself or film themselves having sex "let's pretend I am a porn star". Even boudoir photos are not the kind of photos one would want floating around the universe...and since photos are now electronic, someone has a copy. So giving them to a boyfriend is a bad idea. One day he is your boyfriend, the next day he is not..and then he has these sexy photos he can accidentally leave lying around for his friends to see. Sure, there is no boyfriend now...but the intent was to give them to your boyfriend...so once you have these photos, and they will cost a pretty penny, it is very likely you will decide to give them to your next boyfriend. As for the boosting self-esteem...self-esteem should come from within, it shouldn't come from a bunch of contrived sexy poses that are pretty standard fare for any boudoir photo shoot.


    Having said all that, it is your life and your choice. If you want to do the photo shoot then do it and don't worry about what your parents think. Don't discuss it with them and don't show them. They will not change their opinion and you don't need their approval.

  3. Sometimes people react to grief by shutting out those who care. They just want to live in their own bubble and can't deal with anything else. Perhaps in his mind you represent the life that was, when his mother was around and now that his mother isn't around it hurts too much to live life the way it was so he wants to start over. The bottom line is that this is about him, not about anything you did or didn't do. This is about his own pain and ability or inability to cope. You did all the right things...he is just not in a frame of mind to appreciate it. That is not your fault. Just to prepare you, he may soon find someone else to be with...someone who doesn't represent the old life. Be strong and just move on with your life. There is nothing you could have done because this is all about his frame of mind. Maybe one day when he feels better he will come back..but don't wait for him. You need to move on with your life.

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  4. I think it is a great idea to do this...but after all your hard work doing this, my suggestion would be for you to keep it. You are both young and either of you may end up finding someone else. If he finds someone else then your quilt may end up stored away or given away. Keep the quilt so that you can look at it and feel proud of your accomplishment...and so that you can make use of it. I would also suggest that some of those squares be about you and not necessarily about things you shared with him.

  5. Lots of people write bios of themself and their life experience. It doesn't matter if nobody else ever reads it...it is something you have which you can look back on in later years to reminisce about your life. It is kind of like having photographs except in writing.

  6. I'm still in love with my ex....and I probably always will be. We were really wrong for each other, but in many ways he'll always be the love of my life. It's been a year since we were together. I still think about him every day. I've watched his antics (he's an internet/blogging freak) and realise that he's single again.


    I"m getting married again to a really good fella, who I love, who I think is good for me, who loves me back, who is not my ex. Never will be. Where do you go with your heart? There are no controlling emotions. Especially if you still want to be open emotionally.


    Sometimes I wish I could start my life again.


    It has been only a year since things ended with your ex and you are already getting married to someone else...even though you are still in love with your ex! Why are you getting married...you may say you love your current guy but what comes out in your post is that you are not crazy in love with him..that your heart is still with your ex and that you are marrying this other guy because he is good to you. In other words, you are settling for a less than stellar relationship simply because the guy treats you right. But what do you bring to him? Half a heart? Your heart is elsewhere. Yes, you could indeed eventually get over your ex and find someone who makes your heart pound..but clearly the guy you chose to marry isn't it..and it sounds like you chose him in order to just get married. Why not stay single for longer than a year post breakup with your ex and find someone else who truly knocks your socks off. I have read plenty of posts on this forum from people who settled for someone less than stellar because they couldn't get their first choice...years later they regretted marrying for those reasons and they felt they shortchanged themself by marrying someone who didn't knock their socks off.

  7. From a practial point of view if you are seeking contributions there might still need to be some kind of contract drafted even if they are not getting paid...if the book sells I am sure they will want a cut of the profits..and also they need to ensure that their name is listed as a contributor. Before you start asking people for contributions I would highly recommend looking into all these contract and legal issues so you won't run into problems later on. I think it is a great idea...just make sure to protect yourself.

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  8. When I was going through years and years of hell with my stalled career and all my experiences related to job hunting and crappy jobs, I wrote a book about my experiences and added some information I obtained from newspaper articles with respect to the bad economy (this was in the 90's). I never could get it published (and in retrospect it certainly needed finesse) but the experience was therapeutic. I bound the book in plastic binding and keep it as a reminder of what I went through and how far I have come.

  9. Day 30 something


    Yesterday I fooled around with someone else, someone I know and have flirted with. I felt awkward at times but pushed myself. I wish I was free enough to sleep with him. I'm trying to trash all hope from ever being with my ex again but it feels like I'm tearing my heart appart. I know I'm not ready but unless I push myself a little I might hold on to that ideal for a very long time.


    Is forcing yourself to fool around with someone and have sex with them really going to get you anywhere. Don't prostitutes force themselves to have sex with people they are not too keen on because they are looking for a certain outcome (money) that has nothing to do with feelings. Kind of like what you are doing here...fooling around with someone not because you are really into them, but because your goal is about trying to forget about someone else. That is how people get into rebounds..they use the other person as a means to an end...in the case of a prostitute it is money..in the case of rebounds it is empty sex and companionship in order to take away the ache of heartbreak.

  10. I plan on rereading them all before the last movie comes out. It's so much fun! Those books are great and I can appreciate them as both an adult and a child.


    The third time around I am also focusing on how she wrote the books...introducing certain things that will become important later on in that book or in a later book.

  11. I always thought this was a Beatles song. Never liked it. I didn't know James Taylor did this song. I like his version.



    Something in the way she moves


    Theres something in the way she moves,

    Or looks my way, or calls my name,

    That seems to leave this troubled world behind.

    If Im feeling down and blue,

    Or troubled by some foolish game,

    She always seems to make me change my mind.



    n(and) I feel fine anytime shes around me now,

    Shes around me now

    Almost all the time.

    n(and) if Im well you can tell that shes been with me now,

    n(and) shes been with me now

    Quite a long, long time

    And I feel fine.___________


    Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning,

    And I find myself careening

    Into places where I should not let me go.

    -- she has the power to go where no one else can find me,

    Yes, and to silently remind me

    Of the happiness and good times that I know, you know.

    Well I said I just got to know that:


    It isnt what shes got to say

    Or how she thinks or where shes been.

    To me, the words are nice, the way they sound.

    I like to hear them best that way -

    It doesnt much matter what they mean,

    Weh (when/well? ) she says them mostly just to calm me down.



    n(and) I feel fine anytime shes around me now,

    A-shes around me now

    Almost all the time.

    If Im well you can tell that shes been with me now,

    And shes been with me now

    Quite a long,


    Time -

    Yes, and I feel fine.___________

  12. I see plenty of desperate people find what they term is love..but really it is more of a desperate need to find someone, anyone...so whoever wants them is who they imagine they have fallen in love with. So yes, desperate people never seem to be without a partner because anyone will do..and desperate people do end up getting married because they will settle for anyone.


    As for finding someone when you stop looking...some people do, some people don't. Finding someone is not about what you do or don't do...much of the time it comes down to either being lucky and at the right place at the right time...or simply just settling for the next person who comes along.

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