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Everything posted by lostheart23

  1. yes... im not being defensive.. sorry if it seemed like it. i just know it's not a rebound this time. i already had a rebound relationship and know what it's like!!! it's awful!!
  2. i have been seeing the new guy for 3 months now and am in love with him. i mainly have feelings of guilt about hurting the ex now. i knew the new guy for a few months before we dated.
  3. no, it's not a rebound... ive dated a few other guys since the ex.. and this one is different. definitely not a rebound relationship
  4. yes, guys like when a girl isnt very experienced.. some guys like the cute and innocent type in the bedroom
  5. no i really do like him ALOT. we already have been talking about a future together. we connect amazingly. i feel like ive already lost my ex forever because even though we love each other, the special feeling we once had(i think) is gone.
  6. How do you tell your ex that you have been hurt by them so much that you don't want to be with them anymore? i met someone new and really adore him.. i still care about my ex and love him but i know it cant work because we've hurt each other too much. should i tell him im going off with someone else. or should i just tell him that i give up.. or should i just start NC? when do i start it??? i know that trying to work things out with him would be a HUGE struggle. and i don't want to stress myself out anymore. i don't want to hurt him but he hurt me so much. the new guy wants to spend the summer with me in another state and im supposed to leave in 3 days. the ex has no clue and we talk alot. i don't know what to do because i know im going to leave. im scared he's going to send emails and millions of phone calls if i just disappear. we were having talks about getting back together.. and he was still confused over a new girl. now i don't want him anymore. how do i end this with the least feelings of guilt possible??
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