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Everything posted by BeatleJon

  1. We've been together for a little more than 3 yrs. I believe deep inside, there are still feelings for me. We did EVERYTHING together. Everyone I know didn't think this would ever happen. She has also been very busy with nursing school and I believe that stress also had to come into play. I've been buggung her for the past month off and on. So, I'm going to try the No Contact thing for a month or 2 and see what happens. Thanks, Jon N.
  2. Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it. I'll give the "No Contact" thing a chance for a while. If that doesn't work, I'll have to try to move on. It's weird because it seems like one day she loved the heck out of me and then the next day, she pulls this out of her pocket. I'm just wondering if she's been talkin to her friends or something? Thanks, Jon N.
  3. Hi, My name is Jon and I'm new here. My girlfriend has recently broke up with me after 3 years of being together. It is hurting SO bad. The reason she broke up with me is because she said she dosen't see a future with me and she basically wants me to make more money than her....it's all about money. She also said we didn't do much in the 3 years we were together but, I really didn't have the money to do something all of the time. I went to talk to her about our problem last night and I got shot down again and I got kind of mad and said things I should not have said but, deep down, I still believe she has feeling for me (I hope so, anyway). I have also decided to go back to school to get a degree in something so, I can make more money in the future but, she dosen't really know about it yet. Is there any chance I can get her back? Does the "No Contact" theory kinda work? I've read the posts on here about it and sounds pretty interesting. Thanks so much for any help you my have. Jon N.
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