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  1. Some more information and details…. Me and my girlfriend are both freshmen at different colleges and we have been together for one year. This is a long distance relationship. I was with her the whole month of January. Then in February we started to have fights over little things. I labeled it as a bump in the road due to the fact that we haven’t seen each other in a month. My birthday is in February and I thought she was going to come home to see me but she didn’t. Her words were “I’ll be too busy partying for the both of us” that really upset me. Then the next day my girlfriend tells me that she doesn’t remember things from the night before but shes sure nothing bad happened because she was in her room the whole time. Then in March a friend of mine sent me pictures of my girlfriend from the day of my birthday dancing with another guy with her butt all over him, and dancing with her friend that kissed her. Last week when she came home for spring break she confessed to me that this same girl got drunk and kissed her again on the night of my birthday, and convinced her to let the other man sleep in her bed the same night. After she told me she had said she didn’t remember anything I had lost all trust for her, but I gave us another chance because she said she was willing to do whatever it took to keep us together. Last week before she left for school again we agreed that there must be some changes, no more drinking, partying, and staying away as much as she can from the girl that kissed her due to the fact that this female changes my girlfriend into something shes not. She agreed, but when she was back at school she started saying I put restrictions on her. After I posted last night she changed her mind and said I’m right about everything and shes having a hard time being away from home. Then she tells me the real reason me and her had problems in February, that she had a pregnancy scare from making love to me and she took it out on me by fighting with me and that’s the reason she didn’t come home to see me. As of right now shes been following through on the changes she agreed to make. It’s been a week so far. But she hid the pregnancy scare from me, and it makes me think theres more. I was just talking to her, and she says she’s going to come over here tomorrow to visit me for the weekend. (edited heavily for clarity)
  2. My girl friend is away at an all girl’s college, last October she told me that another girl kissed her and it meant nothing. Recently my girlfriend confessed to me that this same girl kissed her again. And that she let another man sleep in her bed along with her. She claims that nothing happened that she spent most of her time awake and in the bathroom. But I remember the day this incident happened; she told me that she got drunk and she some what has no memory of what happened. But she told me she said that to upset me, and that in all reality nothing happened between her and this guy he’s just a friend. And it was wrong of her to let him sleep in her bed with her in the first place. So how do I know if she is telling me the truth? How can I trust her again? Aside from that issue, the girl that kissed my girlfriend made that guy sleep in the same bed with my girlfriend. This girl changes my girlfriend into something she is not. And I told my girlfriend that if you want us to stay together things must change, that you can’t drink, party, and that you cant let this girl continue to influence you and turn you into something your not. She agreed. Now my girlfriend returned back to college and she is making me out to be the bad guy for creating these restrictions.
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