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Posts posted by Gia2Cute4U

  1. I would suggest the same as "virus". You'd better hurry and call her and ask her out. Speaking from a females perspective, when we like someone we want THEM to initiate everything. She probably likes you so much and she can't stand sitting at home not knowing if you feel the same way. You have to take a manly step and catch her as fast as you can before she looses interest. Have a lotta fun, and don't let her go once you get her.

  2. I am so torn! I've been dating this guy for about 6 months and he's been my best friend for about 8 years. I love him and can only see my future with him. But the thing is, I'm starting to have feelings for someone else. Does that mean I don't love my boyfriend? I don't know what to do. Sometimes I wana break up with my boyfriend just to see if things would work with this other guy, but I don't want to lose the love of my life! HELP!! Thanks.


    P.s. I am in a long distance relationship with my current boyfriend, could this also be part of the problem??

  3. Hi Thrawn888,


    I'm sure this pain you're going through is not very fun.


    My suggestion (in short) is to give her some space.


    You don't want to be with her if she doesn't love you right? Well, this is how you find out if she does. Back off, she will come to you and realize you are the only one that is right for her if she loves you. If she doesn't come back to you, than you know she is not the right one because she doesn't love you and you deserve to be with someone that loves you just as much as you love them.


    You see my point?


    I hope this helps.


    P.s. if she comes back to you, try your best to work on the issues she doesn't like about you. it's for your best interest (if she loves you).

  4. Hello Annoyed Husband,


    I'm sure this situation is very difficult for you to face. I personally think you should have nothing to do with someone who is out to hurt you like this. How could she do this right in front of you if she cared at all? I don't see how you can stick with her this far.


    Don't make any threats, make promises. When you say you're leaving, LEAVE. If she thinks you won't than she will continue in her pursuits.


    Don't put up with this load of crap! It's not worth it.


    As far as the child you have together, it will always be your child no matter what. But I'm sure your son or daughter would rather have parents that are separated than fighting in front of them all the time.


    I would not contact this guy that she is communicating with. Leave that up to her, but don't stick around for it. It's too hurtful.


    I would consider you get a separation, until you know FOR SURE that she will not continue abusing you emotionally and tormenting you with all of this. Than go back to her. Otherwise, stay away, stay far far away.


    Good luck.

  5. I'm in a pretty serious long distance relationship. We're doing pretty good, except when he's been calling lately. I've noticed we have a lot of blank, silent moments. I feel like we've talked about everything there is to say, but I can't stand not hearing his voice! Talking less isn't really an option, because we can't see each other for a while and it's too hard to keep the relationship going w/o communicato. What can we do to fill these blanks? Any ideas? Thanks so much!

  6. If I were you I would spend this time enjoying yourself. There are so many things in life that you can just soak in and enjoy.


    I understand how you feel about losing the excitement you once had. This is only temporary, it will come back.


    Don't fret over the whole romance thing. You don't have to have a woman to be complete. Besides, one day you will meet someone, just have patience.


    Get more involved with the friends you have. Go to singles groups, get out and meet people when you have the chance. It's not that hard to make new friends. Just give them a smile, and be yourself and anyone will be happy to be your friend, and possibly girlfriend in due time.


    One of my favorite sayings... "To love ones self is the beginning of a life long romance."


    Keep up hope and stay active! Life will get better, it always does.

  7. Men often do exactly what your ex is doing to you. It's a control issue (in my opinion). He thinks if he remains friends with you, he can see other people in the mean time, yet you will still be there for him. So, in the drop of a hat... you are his once again.


    If I were you I would tell him how you feel. If what you said is the whole case, than it looks like he's not interested in you as anything more than a friend.


    If you were really meant to be together, than why are you going through this "friends" stage? Maybe it's meant to be that you remain friends.


    Don't let him be your only option as far as boyfriends, and romance goes.


    Keep kissing those frogs, and one day you will find your true prince.

  8. If you love this man, than why can't you marry him? Who says it's a sin to follow your heart?


    I understand the situation with you and the father of your son, it must be very hard.


    My advice to you is to do what's in your heart. Being a mother you often put others before yourself. For once, consider yourself first, and do what you want.



    I wish you the best of luck in love and life.

  9. There is no reason for you to die, although I understand why you feel that way. Life is not the easiest to live when you realize you've hurt someone. But you can't beat yourself up for this.


    Have you apologized to her? If you have, that's all you can really do.


    It may not seem like it now, but life does go on my friend. We all make mistakes, and the first thing to do is acknowledge them. You have succeeded in this area and I congradulate you for that.


    Keep on going, just have it set in your mind that the woman you are with in the future needs to be treated with more respect.


    Don't keep dwelling on her, if she is not giving you a chance then I would suggest you move on, just as she is. And whatever you do, don't keep begging, that will drive her insaine!


    Everything will work out in the end. Just remember, life goes on and (believe it or not) things could get worse.

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