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Posts posted by Jealous1

  1. I had met soemone online - It was horrible (don't want to put you off!)


    i remember one incident that happeneded on that day:


    We were in the car park and he touched me on the back, as a gesture for me to move along with him. I JUMPED! and it put me off like you wouldn't believe. I felt as if he was invading my personal space, and he caught me off guard.


    Afterwards, he was really apologetic and didn't touch me again (which i am thankful for).


    So if i were meeting someone online, i wouldn't want them to touch me (no matter how well we knew each other over the phone), because i would feel as if they were invading my space and assume that i like being touched.


    Plus, you never know if they are feeling the same way as you - even if they say they are, they could be thinking differenty - remember that.

  2. Hi,


    From my personal experiences, i have never contacted past exe's, or let them contact me. In my opinion, it ended for a reason, and i wouldn't want to be a friend with any of mine. It all depends on the terms as to why you broke up.


    Maybe she contacts you because she doesn't want you to meet someone new and is still a bit possesive? I wonder how she would act if you told her you met someone. So eventually you will stop talking to her, when both of you meet new people.

  3. AntiLove_SuperStar - i've adopted a new attitude towards myself - i contantly am thinking to myself "if he doesn't like what i have to offer, that's not my problem, he can leave"


    I know that sounded bitter, but that's not how it is. We love each other a lot. I am working towards how i can improve myself, and change my attitude.

  4. ok so we have been seeing each other for over 2 years (comitted relationship) but we dont kiss as much as we used to. during lovemaking we kiss, but its not for long, and its not really deep kissing session,s its usually closed lips. I have to admit it doesnt feel as good as it used to.


    However we do kiss each other on the lips when the other goes out, or comes back etc.


    Is this a common thing to happen? less frequent and intense kissing as you move along in the relationship?



  5. You will get over it.


    After a relationship with my ex that lasted a year, we decided to have a "break" and come back 6 months down the track and try again.


    It was so hard i can tell you that, for about the first month. Then i got over it.


    6 months down the track he called, wanting to get back together, but i wouldn't. I remembered how things were when we were together, and that if he loved me enough the first time around, he wouldn't have done what he did.


    So in my opinion, you need to let her go. If she doesn't want to get back together now, i wouldn't hold on. Try to forget the relationship you had. If she wan't you she will come back, but don't go chasing.


    Good luck with it all, and i hope you have the strength to move on.

  6. Thank you so much guys.


    I have talked to him, poured out my heart and feelings. Didn't hold back on anything... and he appreciated it. I sent him a massively long email as i didnt want to wait until i got home that night.


    I'm glad i mentioned everything. I am going to the Dr tonight to talk to them to see how they can help me (i'm not taking drugs) i just want advice on some things i can do from a professionals perspective.

  7. Thank you very much for your advice.


    I am not going to fake it anymore.


    I am going to continue to prolong the love making, stretching it out, maybe more foreplay before we get into it. We will see how it goes. Maybe we should try a few more positions than the usual. I will try something different tonight to see how it goes.


    Thanks again everyone for your replies.

  8. I haven't told him that i cant because i dont want to hurt his feelings.... I'm one of those people that hate making others feel inadequate and insecure about themselves. I mean if i didn't fake it and let it go on forever, he would put himself down, thinking he is not good enough or useless. I would hate him to think that.


    You see eveything he does feels great, it's just not for long enough. and if we do take it slow, it wares him out, and i lose the feeling too. I have been on top, and love it, but that makes him come so fast and when i prolong it, the rhythm sort of goes...


    so should i tell him i wasn't being honest with him when i pretend to orgasm? or just dont fake it anymore? i have not been faking for a while, because i need to feel some love as well, instead of just giving to him.

  9. I can orgasm every time i masturbate (which isn't very often) but when i have sex, i just can't orgasm. Oh i have been so close, but before i am about to orgasm, my BF comes.


    I enjoy sex a lot, but am annoyed that my BF comes before i can reach an orgasm. He isn't coming fast, it's just that it takes me a while to get to that point. I have tried stimulating myself while he is penetrating me, but again, it takes a while to get to that point.


    I sort of feel guilty because sometimes after we have had sex, i want to masturbate just so i can orgasm because i missed out.


    I also feel bad because my bf thinks i do orgasm, because i fake it every time.


    I'm starting to think i will never orgasm during sex. We have tried diff positions (some of witch i LOVE) but still he comes before me.


    Anyone else like this?


  10. Hi.


    If i were you, i would be fuming with jealousy, and would hate for my BF to be doing that. If you dont like him talking to other girls in a chat room i would have told him. I would have left him if he continued to do it, as he should be willing to stop if it bothers you so much. You did the right thing, and you have a lot of strength for doing it.

  11. Hi guys, i'm a new member, nice to meet you all. Thanks for listining to how i feel and my emothions!


    I've read a couple of others posts, but i still feel the need to write my own, so i can get personal advice.


    I've been with my partner for just over 2 years, and it has been great. we moved in about 8 months ago and things have been going really well, we get along great.


    About 6 months ago i caught him on photo sharing sites, complimenting girls on how they look(eg "you are a babe" etc), and also recieving comments from others about himself. This made me furious and i forbid him to ever do anything like that would hurt me again as i was shattered that he would even talk to another female like that, when he wouldnt talk to me like that.


    Anyway a few months after that i saw images on his computer of girls(everyday girls) that i would assume he still had on his machine from a while back, but i really dont know). I got jealous again.


    About 5 months ago i had an abortion because i got pregnant, and was in no way capable of having a family due to other issues. When i was pregnant, i saw my BF looking at porn. This made me feel horrible, as i was feeling bad enough about my body as it was, and was feeling inadequte. I expressed my feelings to him, and made me realise that he didnt love me any less and all guys looked at porn. anyway i accepted that.


    Since the whole issue with him joining phot sites etc i have been on constant look out, searching his email addresses on google and usernames he uses etc. because i am so paranoid he is doing it again, and want to know if he is looking at other women behind my back. I havent found anything by searching recently.


    The thing that gets me really jealous, is i know what his type of girl is (as in physical looks) which is the exact opposite of me. I have brown hair, i am overwight, very rarely wear skirts/dresses as i am uncomfortable with the way my legs looks, and i am not exactly skinny. He likes girls with blonde hair, nice legs, skinny, nice clothes. I mean how am i to compete with that?

    I dyed my hair blonde once because i knew he liked blonde hair on girls. It looked shocking.

    I've realised now that i am not going to change myself for him by dying my hair and looking how he wants. I am my own person and shouldn't have to change to suit his preferances.


    Anyway i see him glancing at blonde girls, and i have seen the type of porn he likes to watch (blondes) and i know he whas watched porn recently, and i am feeling really jealous.


    I wish i was skinny, i wish i was a supermodel, and i wish i was happy with my appearance. I hate feeling like i am not adequate for my BF and when i see nice looking females in the street i get angry. I picture my BF watching them and wanting them(even if he isnt with me at the time) and i just envy those good looking girls. I remember how it was about 5 years ago - i was happy with my appearance, i had guys looking at me, and now i dont. It makes me angry. makes my blood boil and turns me really bitter.


    I don't know what to do. I have these feelings every day.


    Thanks for listening to my thoughts, i appreciate your ears. Please if anyone has any thoughts or have gone through the same thing, i would love to hear from you.


    Thanks you,


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