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  1. Ahh yes, always communication. Any pointers as to how to approach the discussion? Both our shyness(es? Is that the plural? Ehh, sounds like some disease) towards each other are definetly going to be problematic in any conversation of that sort.
  2. Okay. I'll be perfectly frank about this - both my boyfriend and I are shy people. Yeah, we're "popular" in terms of having a lot of friends, but neither of us have really gotten physical. Anyhow, a couple of days ago, we kissed for the first time. Heh, we were really self-conscious, and we both wanted to kiss, but were afraid to do it for the longest time. Anyhow, the kiss turned into a make-out session before I really realized what I was doing. It was just like coming out of a trance, and yeah, I was happy. Anyhow, first kiss, done. Problem? He's gotten more (is that even possible?) wary of getting closer to me. It's like...I want to make out again, damnit! =P I don't want to come off as over-aggressive or anything, so does anyone have advice?
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