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  1. Gemma, I now exactly how it feels to be cheated on, more than once and even with a former close friend. I have gone through alot of the insecurities you have. Now that I have a brilliant girlfriend, I don't want to feel like that again and certainly do not want to my girlfriend to be cheated on by anyone, least of all me. Please read the original posts again. I havn't cheated.
  2. thanks again vanilla and huntsman i think ;-o I'm gunna start being the passionate guy I was again on sunday when i return. I will make it up. Hopefully the guilt will pass quickly. I don't know if she will ever get the txt message now because i deleted it from my outbox while the sending was still in progress 6 hours after i initially sent it. Huntsman, none of these questions are important, I aint with her and am not in love with her anymore.
  3. I am getting away this weekend to go see my friend because I'm not too good at hiding my feelings and i want to relax without this constant pressure of being 'caught'. As I mentioned, the text message has not being received and i have not been charged for it so my ex hasn't yet got it. I so hate being in this position which is another reason I won't be making this kind of mistake again. I do appreciate what I have, moreso now. So if she calls (and eventually she will) should I still answer and say what we discussed above or do I ignore and just get on with it?
  4. doesn't stop the guilty feeling of the first and hopefully the only time i ever have to keep something from her. The message has not been received yet so I probably won't know the outcome till tomorrow. I may just accidentally on purpose lose my phone tonight.
  5. i just sent that message. 'I made a stupid mistake and i love my girlfriend and her daughter very much and you and i are over, please don't contact me ever again and i will respect that on my part too.' fingers crossed.
  6. Thanks all, i didn't mention that my ex has a boyfriend for the last year or so. I think the truth would be a great idea here, but I am not willing to hurt my current girlfriend with this 'news'. If my ex contacts me again I will say what vanilla has suggested. Whether she will accept this or not is a different matter as i have explained this before. Of course me showing up puts a doubt about that in her mind i suppose. I had no contact from her last night. I think that somewhere in the back of my mind I wanted revenge for the whole ex thing even though when i am sober(i don't drink that often really and when i do i dont think i have a character flaw(at least ive never been told that)) i never really think about her. Anyway, If she comes into my mind I am going to blank it and think of why i love my current girlfriend. Also, I will try to know my limits when i do drink so as this never happens again. Thankyou all so much for the advice etc.
  7. We didn't do anthing thank god. I won't contact her but I cannot stop her from contacting me and feel she may be out to cause disruption because I have blanked her for so long. Thx for the advice by the way.
  8. Hey, I have an issue I would love advice on. I am 27 and am currently in a wonderful loving relationship with a girl I care deeply for and love with all of my heart. We have lived together for a year and everything is mostly perfect. I met my current girlfriend in April last year and had split with my ex-girlfriend 2 months earlier. I went out with my ex for 9 years on and off and she was my childhood sweetheart. She broke up with me just when I thought everything was going well. Once my ex found out I had a new girlfriend she began texting or calling me almost every week, none of which I answered. I would show the messages to my girlfriend and she would say 'wow, she really isn't over you'. Then one night a long time afterward, when I was drunk I called her up and told her I would only see her if we had sex thinking this will make her get over me quickly. To my horror, she agreed at the time but we didn't meet.The texting and calls stopped. Last weekend, I got drunk and for some crazy reason I called her and suggested we have sex. Again she agreed and I went to her house and jumped into bed with her for an hour. Again, we didn't do anything thank god but she has begun texting me again this week. I have no idea what made me go to her house, i really can't explain it and i know that i am not in love with her anymore but would still care about her. It was a long time. Obviously, I didn't mention any of this to my current girlfriend and have been feeling guilty about it all week because I am normally so open with her. I do love her. I have had my phone on silent all week and I don't think my current girlfriend knows anything is up with me. Any advice at all please. My heads pretty messy. I know that silence on the current text messages will eventually curtail her texting and calling me because it did before. Should I feel guilty? Should I tell my girlfriend? Should I continue with my phone on silent? Should I contact her and tell her to stop(afraid this won't work with this girl)? What can I do.
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