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  1. I hope everything works out well for you in the end. I'm sure it will. It takes alot for both of you to decide that and stick with it and realize that you weren't right for eachother. I also think it's amazing how you can be so strong and just go with it. Good luck
  2. Thanks Susie, those were some really nice words
  3. melrich: I am not 23, some how I messed up my age lol I know that sounds stupid but idunno how it got like that. I am younger than 20 btw. And I'm sure there are things missing in the post, I guess I'm just not sure what to say. We will be talking soon but can't right now and maybe that is just the answer: "I am not surprised that you are finding it hard to let go as it seems you have had no closure of any type at all." what you said. I also am wondering why he keeps mentioning talking to me if he is in an other relationship? Does this mean anything?
  4. I've got a cupboard with cans of food, filtered water and pictures of you and I'm not coming out until this is all over.
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