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Everything posted by corybrock

  1. oh i've definatly called in to see what's going on. But i switched doctors in mid-prescition -- and since the new DX didn't perscribe it -- I am just checking what he's said against what i've heard other people have gone through (obviously taking what he says pretty much to be what I am doing)
  2. It's been over 2 weeks i've been on the 5mg and up til this point i have had no problems besides slight mood swings (which I was expecting -- so i took them in stride)
  3. I had posted a few weeks back about Lexapro, and I have begun coming off the medicine. I started at 10mg daily -- so when I began to ween, I spent 2 weeks at 10 mg every other day. Now i am down to 5 mg every other day for 2 weeks, and for the 1st time since this began I am starting to get dizzy spins (nothing to make me fall down -- but more of a "head rush") -- I have read alot and I hear people go through ALOT worse, but I am curious if this is normal -- should I keep to the 5mg every other day for another week or two, go back up to 10mg every other day (which i wouldn't see why at this point), or just continue down to 2.5 mg a day?? Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again! - Cory
  4. Well after meeting with my doctor, it has been advised that for three weeks I take a half a dose, then the next three weeks, i take a half a dose every other day, then for two weeks take a half a dose every third day. again, thank you all for the information and guidance with this. It's the first time i've ever had to deal with something like that -- and I apologize for my lack of knowledge!
  5. First off my SINCERE apologies about the spelling!!! And thank you all for the comments and help. I hope I didn't make it seem like I was thinking about going cold turkey -- I was more concerned with other people's reaction TO coming off the medicine, more than HOW they came off of it (because that's the factor I was going to discuss with him in a few days - and the process he felt I should use). I definatly will NOT go cold turkey! And Tears May Fall, I am not sure if this changes anything, but I am taking 10 mg pills (one per day). My doctor felt that my situation wasn't extreme enough to warrant a 20 mg dose -- but he did feel that help was warranted. My only MAIN reason for concern was that I was changing doctors - and I wanted to have some prior knowledge of the process before going in to speak with him. Thank you all again -- and if anyone else has anything to offer with this, it would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Hey guys, I am new to this forum -- but am very curious about something, and it's hard to talk to people you KNOW about this stuff (at least for me). After a stressful year of some losses in my family, planning a wedding, and a passive aggressive boss at work, I was at witts end. I was snapping at the most mondane things and taking the littlest things WAY to seriously -- having a VERY hard time just "taking it easy." I had tried St. Johns Wort but had some stomach issues with it. My doctor suggested I try Lexipro for 3 months -- which I am now at the tail end of. However since starting I have switched doctors (we moved) and this new doctor may differ in opinion on the medication then the dx who prescribed it -- thus my looking for some feedback. Now, for me, I feel the lexipro has helped me significantly, but I also think since the wedding is behind us, my families' situation is much better, and work has lightened up -- that may be a big part of this as well! I think the year more than anything set me into a tailspin because I normally handle most situations well, and never felt the way did prior to the medicine. So I am not sure now if it's the medicine making me view things differently, or if it's my body's way of saying that I really AM feeling better and that I am ready to move on from the medication. I wanted to know, if anyone here HAS come off of lexipro --- how they went about it? Cutting the dose back and weening off of it or cold turkey, and how the transition was for you. Since I have only been on it a few months, I was told that any transition wont be as severe as if i were on it for years -- but again, i'd like to at least have some outside feedback on how people have handled this situation. I thank you for reading this and I hope to hear back from someone. Thank you.
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