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Everything posted by samlee1912

  1. I did give her reasons why I wanted to break up when we broke up...it's not like fully out of the blue. On some level it was out of the blue (she wasn't expecting a breakup obviously), but I did justify my actions for the split. This kind of how I feel about it: Her obsessive behavior with the friend thing makes it difficult for me to even WANT to be friends with her. PLUS a few months after we broke up, she ended up getting into a sort of "online" shouting match with my sister and mom. AND, she even drug one of best friends into the whole mess. So, that alone is steering me clear of the whole friend thing with her.
  2. All righty, I've got a problem here... I broke up with my ex back last summer. It was a very sudden and unexpected breakup for her on her part. A part of me wishes I had handled that better but what's done is done. Anyways, I had told her that after the breakup I wanted nothing to do with her anymore...no communication, nothing. I felt had we continued it'd make things awkward. I blocked her on IM's and ignored most of her emails...she only called maybe a few times before giving up. From what IM's and emails I did receive, she had a desire to want to be friends with me since we couldn't be boyfriend/girlfriend anymore. It kinda went in spurts...every so often she'd send more IM's and emails begging to be friends and what not (I'd ignore them basically). Well I received yet another set of IM's from her over the New Year's holiday begging to be friends plus telling me how she hasn't been able to comfortably date again b/c she keeps thinking of me (which I think she's exaggerating some of it). I'm kinda unsure what to do...a part of me wants to keep ignoring her and another part of me wants to start being a mean, well,"you know what" to her. In the beginning of the breakup, I kinda was thinking maybe I could possibly be friends with her down the road...but at this point, she has been a little over obsessive for my tastes to even consider a friendship. But anyways, do you all have any suggestions?
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