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Everything posted by saddee

  1. Thanks everyone... im glad i have my friends and family who are supporting me.. i know it will take time and i really do hate myself for even considering staying. i guess it's because im so used to his company and keep remembering the good times we shared however i know i could never really be happy because he would either beat me or verbally abuse me and i don't need that nobody does.
  2. That's the thing im usually much stronger than this.. in past relationships i always have been and believe me i would have left the minute they raise their hand... but with him i don't know whats wrong with me.. its like i love him so much and can see beyond it and i want to help him...i know i sound pretty stupid right now... and will prob look back on this and say what the hell was i thinking... i just don't know how to get over it.
  3. Hi, my names Dee and just yesterday my fiancee and i broke up... Reason...well for the past 2 weeks he has been acting funny around me treating me pretty badly even when i do so much for him... the thing is i really should have booted him because he was physically abusive toward me. in total he has hit me over 10 times... my friends say it's for the best... for some reason i just don't want to let go... i just want him to be like he used to... and the thing is he hasnt called me nothing... why do i want him so bad after he hurt me so much?? why can't i let go?? i love him so much i don't know what to do someone please help me...
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