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Posts posted by Kamue

  1. they both bring up good point!

    but maybe, if you would like to feel her out a little more, you could invite her somewhere public. not a movie or something, because that may make both of you nervous. but perhaps to a coffee shop or the mall or something. that way, you both are in a situation where its not completely personal but very social.

    she does sound like she likes you, because like HurleyBabe said, they become physical. i know that when i like a boy, i will go out of my way to put my hand on thier shoulder or be like "i like your hair!' and then mess it up a little, or grab thier hand to make them go somewhere with me. i think things like that are really common amongst any teenager, really. i mean, even you could do subtle things like that!

    good like with her, hun!

    and yeah, girls are confusing as hell! i should know, i am one

  2. we've done the group meeting, plenty of times. i mean, *a lot* of times. and im not looking for legal actions, or anything like that. i just want something rational to stick in his head... a reason for him not to do this weird stuff anymore. no ones looking to kick him out or anything remotly drastic. we just want him to stop breaking stuff, and taking his rage out on his roomates.

    i like the kid, personally. he can be a * * * * * * *, but he also can be nice. i just want him to understand that he cant be so selfish when he lives in a house with so many other people. escpecially, when four of these other people have lived her twice and three times as long as him. he just needs to realize that what he does, affects our microcosm.

    no, he doesnt have a girlfriend, i think if he did, hed probably cool off.

  3. its a group lease, and the land lord doesnt care to much because the people who live here fix everything. and like i said, its not just us hes harassing; its everyone in the house, and we are constantly telling him that hes being irritating or offensive. and why is it such a problem if i stand up for my friend? i live here too. its more his house then mine, but the majority thinks hes whiney and extremly selfish.

    its a problem with the masses, not just myself.

  4. no, but the other girls pay rent, its just me who doesnt. and he physically damages the house. the other day he through a stool through the main door and completely destroyed it. and hes always busing stuff up everywhere. hes a complete *** to everyone who lives here and always has this holier than thou attitude.

    its not jsut me hes being annoying to, but the other kids on the lease.

  5. lets see, i was sitting on a couch in my living room, waiting for my boy to get home. he walked in the door, and said, "i have a present for you," i was like "aww" but didnt expect anything much.

    he pulled out a teddy bear, dressed in a turkey costume for thanksgiving. i read the tag on it and it was in support of the "luekemia and lymphoma society -- fighting blood cancers". i started crying, because my dad was diagnosed with leukemia last year, and he doesnt have a lot of options left with it, if it comes back.

    so the fact that he went out of his way to buy this teddy bear, made me just fall into his arms. it means so much to me.

  6. my special male friend thing lives in a house with 8 other people. i get along with all of the pretty well most of the time, and i like them all.. again, most of the time.

    but because the girlfriends arent on the lease, we are considered "guests". so we dont have much of a say in the house. i guess i can deal with that, considering i dont pay rent or anything, but this adds a lot of conflict with some of the people here.

    specifiically one kid. he is always picking fights with the girls and just now he took the remote from a girl and i and changed the channel to something we dont like. and when i stood up and said, we were here first, and watching something, all he said was, i dont care, im watching this.

    what the hell!?!?

    someone help me with and give me some brutal witty comments to say back. he is totally stupid, and he treats us unfairly.

    thanks everyone!

  7. i wear sented oils. they seem to be more effective then purfumes because they are less potent and stay on longer. i also find they kinda meld with a persons natural sent which makes them uber sexy.

    my favorite essential oil (i think thats the brand name) is "egyptian goddess". it works for both genders and it smells sexy but mature.

    id definatly recomend essential oils though. lots of hippy-type stores sell them and they are sold online.

    try them out. theres tons of different types!

  8. thats definatly tough. sometimes in really intense relationships one can feel nervous and almost childish.

    first off, id make sure you do REALLY love him (not trying to sound rude or anything). because ive seen a lot of my friends sort of "get used to" thier partners and the relationship feeling somewhat disapears but they are so used to eachother, they dont want to leave.

    im not saying this is the case for you.

    ive had a long distance relationship before, and they are indeed tough. perhaps you could start with writing a letter or something; this way you know you both want to put in that kind of effort to hear from eachother. try something simple like that.

    sorry if this sounded rude or anything, its not intended to be

    good luck!

  9. thats nothing, hunny. if you love him, than its all up to you. seven years isnt that bad. my aunt is more than ten years older than her boyfriend. look at it this way, if you were 25 hed be 32, and does it seem so bad then? not so much.

    id say, go for it. if you like older men, than thats you. theres ABSOLUTLY nothing wrong with it.

    good luck hun!

  10. so im currently staying in a house with one of my very best friends. him and i have had a short relationship before but separated because of distance circumstances (he lives 8 hours away from me and goes to college full time).

    so ive been in his appartment which he shares with about 7 other people, for a week now, and i visit him regularly.

    but keep in mind, we are not dating.

    but my problem is, is that he doesnt want me fooling around with other people, hes extremly nosey when i talk to boys, and he says * * * * like "why dont you ever do what i say?" all of that makes me argue with him, all the time. he blames me fore his paranoia about other boys though. when we were in a relationship, (we only had it for about a month), another boy kissed me. and then after me and my boy broke up (not because of that, he understood that i didnt kiss him), i reluctantly did some sexual things with the boy who had kissed me.

    so the kid i live with is constantly arguing with me. and when i argue with him, and bring up, "should we even be having a relationship besides our friendship?" he starts to cry because he doesnt want me leaving him. and then when i say things like, "if you act like that, than why arent we dating?!" he retorts with, "cause you dont want to," and every time he says that, i remind him that he didnt want to have a realtionship either.

    anyway, what my question is, is how should i deal with him when he gets pissy at me (because i have a tendency to blow up, because i get so frustrated from having the same argument with him over and over). also, how do i get it into his head, that i am an independ creature and he needs to stop guilting me for acting like the perverse girl i can be?

    thanks for any help.

    i'll be happy to answer an questions, cause im sure this is a somewhat confusing topic.

  11. ive been where you are. i found that what my main issue was that i was so burdened by so much crap that i reacted the same way. i just couldnt care anymore.

    i felt that my needs were being ignored and i was forced to help everyone else. thats when i just decided to give up and not care.

    i relaxed and started tending to myself more and kinda indulging myself once in a while. i tried not to think so much about everyone, but about me.

    it helped a lot.

    id say, try to focus on yourself. dont worry about your friends. they will understand. you may be burned out. sometimes solitary time is the best time.

  12. i have a terrible short term memory. its only been recently (in the last few years) that its been this bad. im not sure if i just naturally have a bad memory, or if im subconsciencly blocking things out.

    see, i have a tendency to forget about anything bad thats happened to me during the day. it started getting worse when my dad was diagnosed with luekemia last year. this was extremly emotionally traumatic for me, and im wondering if thats playing any role.

    but its not only just bad things i cant remember; i cant remember movies, what ive done during the day, if ive left things on. i really cant remember a lot. sometimes i have a vague recolection of whats happened but as i said, its vague.

    im wondering if anyone knows what can help this, or is anyone has this problem?

    thanks for the help!

  13. it doesn't sound like a problem at all, just don't become obbsessive compulsive about it. i would say that if you get to a point where you feel you need to look or find pictures, then you have a problem. otherwise, i wouldn't worry.

    like Zoe100 said, maybe you should get into photography. you could learn how to do photoshop and then make them look really neat.

    it just sounds like you have a passion for art!

  14. okay, so this is kinda weird.

    i have these bumps on my eyelids. not the bottum eyelids, btw. i had heard people call them stye(s) or sty(s) but when i looked those words up on google images, i got pictures of these pimple looking things on the eyelash region of the bottum lids. thats definatly not whats on my eyelids.

    see, i have these little bumbs, i mean really little, like .

    ive heard that hot water, hot black tea bags, and gold or silver rings will help them go away.

    i was wondering if anyone knew what i was talking about and if they had any ideas for remedies.


  15. like stated, you can help this too. both partners should eat yogurt that specifically says on the ingredients label "live active culture" or some variation of that. this is a specific bacteria that naturally grows in the vagina, however its the good bacteria. this will keep you from getting yeast infections often and perhaps it will help him against them. did they check if you had a mild yeast infection? and does he ever get thrush (yeast in the mouth or other sensitive areas)? he can also take yeast drugs like diflucan ( think thats how you spell it). also, perhaps you should try using non latex condoms. they are a bit more expensive, but they may be better for his sensitive skin.

  16. i can see why you'd have issues with this. id give him another chance though, like you did. this girl said she had met him, and it seems she met a bunch of people as well. perhaps he just really forgot who she was. i mean, ive had some phone calls with people i dont remember, and i kinda go along with it for a few minutes then i get off. maybe when he was talking to her, he was trying to figure out who she was in relationship to him.

    i wouldnt completely forget about this though. just keep it in mind and if something happeneds similarly again, then you should call him on it.

    it may have been an innocent mistake with him.

    good luck hun, i hope things work out.

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