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Everything posted by jacs82

  1. more i think about things the more dumb i feel, we met througha website faceparty and even then he messaged me saying hi please reply sorta message argh why did i. he did things to hurt me, he went out with his friends one nite to a club and said the most horrendous things, he was meant to come and see my parents with me but he never showed up but then i after bein angry with him forgave him. i told him it had made me lose those "fuzzy" feelings and he after me makin him see what a fool he had been worked to get them back between us. why cant he forgive me for my faults when i did with him
  2. how does the no contact work, if u dont contact them wont they think you dont care? if u dont tell them how u feel then they might think well she was never bothered then
  3. how did u feel better? i feel like theres just no point in me living my life anymore
  4. im so grateful to everyone here,i have got so many questions going around in my head i guess the bigest one is why am i just not good enough
  5. im so used to him being around, yet again i have another failed relationship to tell friends and family, and as time goes on and i get older and older my chances get less and less i want to have a family, my own house,children now i have to go thro the motions again of meeting someone new gettin to know them, lettin them see my bad habits and meeting my/his family and friends and that will happen i dont know how many times till im too old for anything anymore
  6. yes because he completes me, i feel empty at the thought of him not there, i miss his company, his conversation, i miss everything i cant stop thinkin about the good times why cant he be thinking the same
  7. please tell me how do i fix that? i had to have councilling for thatt before, i cant have gone back there? please no, what do i do to fix it for good?
  8. mayb he felt he couldnt tell me cos of the way i was? why did i have to fall for someone that sucked me in made me believe he loved me then just spit me out like i meant nothing to him cos i obviously blatently never did
  9. but people are different, i must have done something wrong cos why else would it end?
  10. i hate myself so much it took me so long to trust he wouldnt hurt me and i was just beginning to let the barriers down hes hurt me so bad my heart is so broken please what am i going to do
  11. i cant stop crying how do i focus on myself rather than whats happened today, how do i fix things
  12. what does "i dont want a relationship anymore" really mean when he acted like it was fine until today
  13. im so hurt this is my 3rd relationship in 3 years what am i doing wrong, what is it about me?is it because im so ugly? telling me he doesnt want a relationship just sounds like an excuse, i have got so many questions, i got so used to seeing him at the weekend now hes not going to be around. i have friends but my family live so far away. i hate my job too i feel so depressed. it was my birthday thurs just gone he brought me a heart anklet, what changed so quick please someone has to help me answer these questions in my head cos its driving me mad ill never move on if i cant work it out
  14. why does it keep happening to me, arrrgggghhh my bf of 7 months broke up with me this morning and i cant take this pain, when we got together he was so into me and said he loved me from the start, he brought me so many things, said so many nice things, looked after me would do anything for me! then suddenly out the blue he says he doesnt want a relationship, doesnt feel the same anymore, yet hes done so much to prove he does right up until today. we talked about marrige he said he would tomorrow if i said yes, gettin a place together. so i just dont get it! what does it mean?? iv begged him to give me a chance, i have got nothing but blame in my head, was it my fault all the times i took my bad day out on him, the fact i needed time to see he wouldnt hurt me, all the things i did wrong what am i going to do please help i cant stop crying i love him so much i feel so empty i cant imagine life without him
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