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  1. i've been seeing this guy for a while(been about 5 months now).....the problem is on one hand, he appears to be very understanding, rather overlty understanding....he cares ...he loves...but offlate the expression of love has diminished..its like i am one who always calls first things first in the morning, whereas with him it goes like, after all the duties are done with , then he would finally relax and call up which would happen anytime after 12.00pm...the excuse being given here is "i'd want to be completely free when i am talkin to my girl...i mean it sounds valid, but this could also mean that i am not all that important...i am placed at the final position... secondly i am somone who would love to talk about everythin in this world, but he is more inclined to romantic talks....talks involving physical intimacy etc...( we dont meet often, only one in a while which may be for 45mins or lesser than that)....this kinda upsets me, it sounds like its only lust.....and not love...i mean he has even confessed to this extent that physical initimacy is his way of showing love, not that when it comes to emotional issues he hasnt given a hearing....he's played his part equally well....been there when i needed.....but i am somehow translating this emotional bondage stuff for the want of him having to alteast make out with me.....(we've never talked about having sex....coz i have my limitations on the same...and i've told him to respect that...which he has obeyed and respected of course....he;s never asked for it..)..if i presume, making out is the only desire behind all the love that he is tring to show, will a guy have patience to be into a relationship for 5 months, coz we've had like problems too....every second day we are upset over issues....still he continued to be with me ...and another thing he knows for sure too....that sex wont be possible without marriage.....Do guys who are cheating ..will have that much of patience.....and i know for sure, he hasnt strayed too.....while he's been into a relationship with me Thirdly he's not opened himself up completely and doesnt really probe into whats my life has been like....i mean he would know only the surface level stuff about me.....and with this much, he's claimed that he;s known me enough...i mean its like teh level of self confessed trust he holds for me...this too appears to me that he isnt bothered about my family, friends, and my life around me..... whereas i would want to know who is he, whats his friend circle like....what are his values like, he's never into this stuff.....all he wants to talk about is picturing us making out...I AM CONFUSED, is he fooling around or is he serious...I mean why all the one sided romantic stuff, i dont understand, i cant even say that i know him even after 5 months, coz we havent really spoken about our lives around....We have talked but only to a limited extent...which i have to always probe hard...to get to know about the other side, there is a lof of defensivesness displayed here when it comes to talkin stuff, it kinda freaks him a lilttle, though i manage to get the information out....but i have to put in efforts to do that.....and i cant say whether what he's parted with is the right information!!
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