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Posts posted by devoted

  1. how old are you? are you from another country?

    it sounds to me like he is mistreating you. he is cheating on you, planning to leave you if his ex leaves her husband. that doesn't make you feel very secure does it?

    he says you aren't attractive enough, puts you down. that isn't right. he is both physically and emotionally abusive.

    You HAVE to leave him and regain your dignity. I don't know if you will, sometimes it takes a lot for people to do what is right for themselves.


    iam 22 years old a mother of 2kids but i never been married and i am from philippines...he is leaving today so sad but thats the way i think it is thanks for reading and giving some thought about it. if u are a western and do u look for a qualification of a woman who has a high digree of education?

  2. Hello to all readers,

    I wish theres a lot people wil give me some comments and thoughts about this situation. In maybe a couple months i really know exactly months happened but when i meet this guy i have some sort of bf in the internet i know him since months and even i didnt meet him yet in person but i was faithful to him which very unusual to happened in this situation and i dont know excatly to explain how im being falling inlove by internet and long distance relation even we didnt meet yet in person but i was so inlove with him and when i found out that he was married i was so broken hearted as hell its not all about that he was helping me with my financial coz i told him and keep not to do sent some money to me coz i am a stranger but he trust me so much which i can prove to myself that i dont need money even though i am poor but i wanna be rich in love i have my dignity to fight. So i was a bit distance to hi coz i dont wanna broke any family coz i dont want to happened that to me in the future if i will be married but stil we are communicating each other until one day i meet a guy from canada it was great in a about few months since he found out that i was still communicating with my chatmate and he said i was a unfaithful and a lier i didnt pay attention about it since met that night and i move with him and we live together so i thought that i didnt love him but when he wants to break with me i feel pain that i could die and it was turn into a violent figths he drag me out to the house and coz me a scrape my butt and elbow

    so i was asking very hard a forgiveness he is so tough to me very hard to ask forgiveness until he forgive me so i give up everything my pass word and sim card by then i was nothing anyway after about one day that i really dont like his x gf whos married and so close to his heart but the time when we have fights again it was so terrible he hit me again by stubing my back and i got bruises still i was with him coz i am so inlove with him i forgive him but under in condition to not to chat with his x gf i dont meant to be so strick coz having your pass people in our life is nice to talk with and become our friends but he cant give up on her coz she is only just a friend so i didnt bother about it so ok i let him.

    Day by day evesrything is turn to a very serious relation planing to travel any countries and marrying me i was very happy and excited to be married with him coz for me he was my man in my passion of my love and my fututre husband unfurtunetly i read his email accident that he love me but he wasnt inlove same what i feel for him that i could risk and die for my love he love his x gf more than me i am not acting like a kid i mean its very important to me coz if poeple planing to be marry it means they willing and share everything and inlove but he woudnt marry me if it not coz of a financial problem he was planing me to be a dancer in a club and he love that person and nobody could ever change his love for her and would willing to leave me no matter what bad happened to my relation with him.

    the girl was offering him a plane ticket good thing that he refuse but if she wil devorce her husband and anytime of the day he wil be with her since 8 months being with him 24 hours caring sharing showing my love but i am just not enough coz he said i am not smart not sexy and doesnt enough big boobs she reads a lot books he was comparing me with his x gf and if im responsible being inlove in relation i cant compare him with anyone he is m best coz i thought he felt the same way too but i was wrong.

    I feel that he he betrayed me and lied to me i almost keep asking him almost everyday but he said he is not inlove with her while he was saying to his email he miss her physically. Until now we are going to move our life he is going to leave me but still he insist that he was not a lier and he doesnt betrayed me after he is going to leave we have agreement that we are not going to chat until his with me which i was very faithful to him but i found again that he was contacting with his x gf before posiible to be with him its not fair at all anyway i dont care anymore with this since he is leaving i am just being too use to him and my heart is dead already for all awful things happened.Will i am not perfect also everytime he blame me i always accept it no matter i will glady and cheerful to be blame i guess everybody does do mistakes.

    i need ur thoughts is he unfaithful to me?

    pls pls pls help


  3. hello everybody,

    I dont know how excatly to tel this story its about my living bf the situation right now we live together for 11 months but my relation to him is not heathy at all we have really so very awful arguments and fights it end up of calling a police causing that he hit me and mislead me 4 times he keep promises that he wont hit me and i forgive him he is alcholic person everytime he is totaly drunk and he become a different person but i love him so much very much so by the 4th the he hit me so i call a police just to have his signature and promise not to hit me anymore thats why he hit me coz we have plan to be married soon but i found out by accident on his email with his adoring x gf that if its not about financial problem he woudnt marry me. This girl is a married person but as what i discovered from his email he love that girl more than any women in this world nobody could ever change that feling that he has but i feel like he betrayed me knowing that i thought he is inlove by me i feel like he is unfaithful to me when he is saying that he wants to intimate with her missing her physically and he could leave me if the girl devorce her husband coz she was giving some options that she is going to sent some air plain ticket to meet here and leave me for any days weeks if there is going bad to happened in my relation to him. So i finally know that he love that women than me coz she is sexy and having a big boobs and smart intelegent while he is discribing me dumb,no interest in life and what so ever.

    Now his giving me this reason thats why he is leaving the country because i call a police my lies who help me to know and seek his real felings

    people i need your all comments and advice

    he is leaving soon after christmas but it cause me moribund and dying inside but i already realize that i know iam not meant for him but is just i love him so much and the pain is attach to it

    eve though he is teling me that he is bored with me and i feel like insulted and its like his putting me down

    what should i do ?

    please help me it will be a big help me!


  4. hello every one,

    I had such very loneliness felings right now i feel like i am starting not to breath coz the fact that my bf is leaving in the country in a week and i already accept that he is leaving and knowing that he will never come back anymore and now i feel like iam drifted apart and drowning myself in death coz we live together for 10 months and its so so so sad

    i dont know what to do when i am use to sleep with him every night when i woke up in the morning i could touch him and kiss him and make love to him and then all of the sudden i will be alone

    pls pls help me

    i am going crazy


  5. Hi everyone,

    I am curious about anal sex coz my bf he likes being up to his bum! by using my finger or something object and he had the greatest orgasm if i do that to him. At the 1st i thought he is a gay but i was wrong he is totaly 100 percent man only desire woman and of course i know coz we live together for 9 months and we make love for hour and hour every day so i know exactly that he is a man, but it still seems strange to me that he likes sex up the bum.


    I don't really know what my question is. I guess I just want to hear from anyone with similar experiences. I'm 22 and have had other lovers, but am not really very experienced with a lot of men.

  6. I'm just curious as to whether anyone else here is turned on by spanking? Like, hard spanking upon one's bottom?


    Also, I got lucky twice last night! Woohoo!! First time in ages!

    Hello Serendipity,

    Yes i loved it i know sounds crazy but it is so fantastic infact i'd like to make it harder my bf spank me and squeeze my tight little bum! and somtimes i am begging for him to slap me in my face and the most things that drive me crazy when he do it from behind while pulling my hair ohh gosh!!! made me scream out loud i'd like to be called while we really passionate our making love and he will call me dirty little slat as i call him more papa pls pls pls and for me and my bf it is sybolize of our love in that way we really know that were very inlove eachother................

  7. hello everyone i have this problem i already go to a doctor to find it out what was it since i got this it is a yeast infection then i buy the medecine that the doctor prescribe to me it was working but then come again so since 7 months already before its is so discusting coz of itchy and easy to get sore and i dont like it so my bf try to reseach other medicine and still not working then until he found out that neem oil and tea tree oil mix together and much more with boric acid which really hard to find so we try the tea tree and neem oil mix together with the procedure of using with tapon to absurb the oil then put it

    inside i am already using it for 4 days but still i didnt see any changes i hate it coz i have a very high high level of sex but because of this i feel bad coz every we having sex coz i dont want to stop even its sore i still keep going

    but sometimes we have to stop coz i am dry inside even im so so very very horney as heaven but so bad..................

    what should i do i want to get rid of it coz i feel like i cant live without sex for

    many many hours!

    pls pls pls advice me

  8. My dear, you and your boyfriend are in love. You both know that.


    If there are things about him that are not perfect, what is your first feeling? Do you want to leave him because of that? I doubt it. If you love him, you will make those feelings small, and try to see what about him you respect.


    And if there are things about you that he doesn't like, what will he do? Please, dear love, try to accept his love. He is trying to love you. Just accept it. Just let it in. He wants to love you.


    You have so much good inside you. Focus on that. Focus on what you are good at - that is why he loves you. Don't pester him about anything. Love and be loved, for what both of you are. No one is perfect.

  9. hello everybody,

    this is my 3rd sharing about my life anyways its a big help that u can express

    ur heartbreak to everyone its a good felings somehow my living bf is still with me after all the tragic happened to me but i dont know why we still stick on each other i know that i love him more than my life since ive almost risk my life coz i feel like i cant breath without him so no matter what happened even

    i almost give up and try to stop loving him and break up for good even if i know how painfull it is as hell. Now i think he is doing good 1st he promise not to drink anymore but he is failed about it but thats fine as long he can control his emotion and he promise also not sent some email to his very beloved x gf that i just know recently that i am just a 2nd thought while he calling me wife and planning to get marry but its was just a day dream coz he wil choice his x gf than me so i know it from my deepest heart that i am nothing but just a second thought and teling me that i am not his level wil in fearness yeah we cant get along about educational stages coz i am not wel educated so i cant touch the goal that i can be his idea girl coz all i know that for him the perfect mate for him is his x gf who is married but they have a very strong felings as what i observe and now we try to make it freash as what he wants and maybe try but before that he needs to choke me and kill me coz i treathen him to put in jail coz he smak my leg and after that it was mess so we try to make it out for the last time.


    now he is murmuring about how awful and garbage my family back ground which it is true and theres nothing i can do that coz i have also my own family and i cant save them anyway he said he so sad and lonely coz he wants to have a friend and he is blaming me coz he lose his x gf there

    communication at 1st its fine by me since 5 months til i discover that she is not only a friend but a long distance lover and try her very best to steal him from me and my bf is wishing for her day dream that one day they can be together if she is going to devorce her husband and he adore that women like a holy sacred women of all. i am not a robbot i have heart and she didnt even respect that my bf is already had his own family and why she is bothering us and treat my relation and life which in my whole even if i am not wel educated but i know how to respect and move on to a new life which will given me by God. i sent some email to her that not to bother us anymore i really hate to do it but its too much to realize for a smart i think thats not a behaivor of intelengent i mean i dont know how to critizise or say bad things coz i dont want to hurt anyones felings id rather be hurt than hurting some else felings.

    u think he can do it that he wont send some email to her which i know he is dying without her and i dont want to take his happiness he siad he is lonely and want to someone to talk too

    and u think he doesnt love that women anymore

    but i trust his word but i am just afraid if he cant do it

    pls pls pls advice me

  10. ello everybody last night after i sent and share about my life i had this disaster happened to me my bf is a person that everytime he is drunk and dont know what he is doing and saying anyway he was so f***king drunk

    and naging me while to myself if i talk to him back it wil be a big fight so i have to shut my mouth and dont ever said a word coz i am also afraid and embarras to my neighborhood by his big mouth yelling at me and very inlove doing scandal and since for 8 months i dont know long to i am gong to put up with it so until i decided last night if he doesnt stop yeling at me i wil leave him since he is ruin my life for some a lot of reason until he fall asleep and wake up and again continue doing it til he broke the fun and glasses that bothers my family until instead they were on my side but they are in favor of my living partner after i am packing all my things a leave own my own house just to stay away from trouble and get rid of him until he hit me and choke me til i cant breath and now i have a bruse in my neck from choking and bruse from my legs the reason why is doing this to me coz he was gossip me to his beloved x gf how deeply he is inlove with her and teling that i have a problem from my vagina causes of my diet they call that candida which is its to personl and very embarrasing suppose to be coz he is my livng partner it shoud be between me and him and i am not happy when he did that and aside from that before he did it he promise to me not to tel anyone and he is not 2 year old kid if an udult behaivor somehow i was talking to my neigbor even he doesnt understand cebouano laugage i explain to him that i am not doing gossip about him and iam not crazy enough to do gossip own my own future husband and thats it he is rage and hit me....


    guys help me i dont really want to do this i sent some email to his xgf

    not to bother us anymore coz since 8 months she never respect my relation to my future husband she keep trying her best to ruin our life with my man. pls i need advice for all my respect pls pls pls


  11. Is that normal that my bf is more inlove with his x gf than me while he is asking me to marry him and teling me that he love me even if i feel like he

    is insulting me that i am not his level and i am not smart enough.


    We live together already 8 months at the 1st of month that i was with him i am still connected with my sort of bf from the internet but we never meet yet

    then i didnt tel him about it coz i know also that he was doing it at the same time and then by the time accidently he read my emails and cause a big fights and end to a violent situation so i give up my email and have him my

    pass word and thats fine by me i trust him aside from that i know also that he

    is sending email to his x gf at first i dont like it bothers me a lot and i just let

    him have it and i trust him a lot til recently i didnt meant to read any email from him since accidentaly an email just come up to the screen while i was helping him out to be online dialing through internet so i found out that he was so inlve with x gf and he wants to intimacy with her while he is calling me wife everyday and planning to get marry it was so painfull as hell coz i never thought about it i was giving all my life to him i was very deeply inlove with him that i could give up mylife to him. I ask him give up on her not send any email anymore he keep insist that he is just a friend but he cant give up at all he rather lose me than losing her i know how madly he is inlove with his x gf ....he could leave me any moment when ever my relation to him its not good or bad.even writing this i still feel how sore it is in my heart

    I am so sorry its my 1st time i dont know if i am doing right hope everyone understand.............

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