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Posts posted by needhelp

  1. Hi i get that same anxiety feeling all the time when my partner is mad or i think he is mad at me..its the worst and i end up acting like a freak with text messages...i would love a remedy aswell to take it away..its almost painful..

  2. Hi there, i know this is so hard for you and i am sorry you are going through this..But you have to walk away in my opinon. Feeling this way is not healthy, and the way he is treating you is bad.

    I have been through the whole situation where they tell you its your insecurities and its all your fault. But at the end of the day he is not the same guy you first loved. That is now gone. Let go of the hope that he will become that person again. He wont and he cant. You will never beable to let go of what he did. Nor should you..Its not fare and you deserve better.

    Take it from me i know what low self esteem is. Dont let this consume you like it has done to me. To the point where you will stay because you havent got the strength to wak away. He will always treat you like this because he can, because you allow him to. Put your foot down..Life is too short!!

  3. Its weird when things like this happen. But its true. Relationships are very hard to understand. The memories are the hardest part. Its like they hold on to us and we cant seem to let go!!

    Thanks for your post, its made me realise in the end that you really have no control over how someone feels about you. You can only control how you feel about yourself..

    Hope it get easier!

  4. dont do it..please..it will only make her stand back and make you feel foolish.

    If you want to write to her do it..say everything you ever wanted to say..but DONT SEND IT. Just simply save it..read it in a few days then delete it.

    You cannot force someone to be with you or love you.

    Just take your time to get over this. She will always be a friend I am sure. But now you have to let go of the romantic feelings. You cannot do this while staying in contact with her. Once you have moved on then I am sure you will beable to resume the friendship that you value so much.

    Take it easy..it will hurt for a while but NC is what you need to pull through this..Do it for you!!

  5. Hang in there..Like i said they are clueless to the way we feel.

    You are doing the right thing by NC.

    Remember this is out of your control so try and keep yourself occupied.

    You sound like me when it comes to staying home and not doing things. I have locked myself up in my room and i tell you it makes things worse. Too much thinking is not good.

    Get out and do some excersise.. catch up with mates..just try and get your mind off her..

  6. hey

    i hope u r still on line..

    please please..i really know what you are going through.

    Its like this is so strange. My ex just came to my work. Yesterday he was all lovey dovey with me.. today he got here and started saying some mean things..I was so happy to see him. When he left i balled..

    Babes they dont care..they have some thrill as they know how to make us and break us and they enjoy the control.

    PLEASE PM me if you wish..

  7. wow..I am so sorry he has done this to you...

    I dont know why they do this..but my ex has the same mentallity.

    When he is a b***tard he realises..Tells me how sorry he was and that he will never do that to me again..But guess what..they do over and over and over again.

    Hun do not call him again. Its going to be so so so hard I know but enough is enough. He does not deserve your tears.

    Is he sitting at home feeling bad..no he is not, so why should you?

    Talk to me..

  8. I know what u mean. Its 1am here in sydney..I cant sleep and i have work tomorrow. Ever since my man and i split sleep has become something of the past.

    It will take time my friend..but we have to move on.

    We have to get over the lonliness..the hurt and the need for these people.

    I have concluded that he just didnt love me as much as i loved him..

    SO he has let go and i have to let go too!

    I am sorry for your upsetment..but its not in your control.

    I think back to how i could have done things differently in the past..maybe if i was better he would have loved me more..but i cant go back and i cant change this..and i cant change me..

    But in reality...after all this,,i will be a stronger me..this had to have happened for a reason..thats what i tell myself.

    Just remember, at the end of the day you still have you and you have your daughter too

    Chin up

  9. wow i am so sorry to hear that.. Why is she messing with you..thats not fare..

    NC is the only way to go... for you to get over the pain..there is noway you could just be friends now could there?

    Let me know how you are going.. I know how you feel..I have been through hurt like this too..

    You are not alone...

  10. How do you guys do it. My ex and I broke up yesterday after many months of pure hell. He is able to not contact me.. Me on the other hand.I cant handle it.

    I try NC but i end up looking at my phone for ages. Then messaging him.

    Does this mean he has stopped caring??

    How do i stop..Tell me how you guys stop the hurt. From a males point of view is it easier?? Do you just block the feelings?

    I still love him..wish this would pass..

    Good on you both..

    My question after all that (sorry) after 3 years didnt it really break u to not talk to her everyday..assuming you did while u were together. Did it not shock u that she was dating only a short period after you split?

  11. You sound very confident..which is great..but being good looking and really really reall y really knowing it can be a huge turn off for most people. Remember beauty comes from within aswell. There are people who are fantastic looking but on the inside they are not all that great..this in time deminishes their looks...People on the other hand who are average looking with fantastic personalities end up being the most attractive..

    Do you know what I mean...Try to relax a little..

  12. Yes I think it is so not right. How do you know so much about the contact? Do you go through her phone and email or does she tell you?

    I would talk to her about it and tell her you are not comfortable with this. Be honest.

    My ex wanted to near kill me if i even thought of emailing another man..that was extreme hence he is my ex, but the principal is still there if you know what I mean...its about respect!!

  13. Look, I know what you are saying. If she was not seeing anyone I would say yes do that. Do what it takes. But guess what. She is seeing someone, and that is saying something. I dont want to sound mean, but you have to be honest with yourself. Could she really feel the same for you while seeing another man?

    Why dont you try going out, not dating but getting your mind off this.

    I have an old saying "if you love something set it free, if it comes back, its yours. If it doesnt, it never was"

    Try it. Give her space. She might come back to you realising she made a big mistake. Maybe the fact that she knows you are still there for her is a comfort and it is making things easier for her.

    Look I dont know all the details. But you have nothing to lose now. Doing what you are doing is not getting her back, maybe NC will give her time and you time to figure out what is meant to be.

    This is just my opinion.

    I am a woman, sometimes when we know we have the power in a situation we take advatntage. Not saying she is...but just think about it.

  14. Man..i really think you have to do the no contact thing..She is dating someone else..dosent that bother you?

    I broke up with my man today..it was mutual, the thougt of not talking to him is breaking me. But I know it has to be done.

    If she has already found someone else then that should say alot for the way she feels for you.

    TRY and stay away for your own sake. Its going to hurt you so much more seeing her, and knowing she does not want the relationship.

    You are holding on to what used to be. Sorry if this sounds harsh but You have to look after you now..

  15. Relax i know how you feel. You are thinking the worst and the distance is not helping you either. Wait till she responds. If she dosent then you may need to give her some time. Sometimes people just need that time to think about everything, she may end up missing the contact you had. But pushing it is just going to drive her away further. The letter explained that you were sorry, there is not much more you can do for now.

    Its very hard to stay away i know, and i know how you feel about the eating thing, so i wont even try and force you to eat. When i am going through hell with my boyfriend the thought of food makes me ill.

    Please let us know how you are going..We are here to listen.

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