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  1. I'm really in need of help, and urgently. On Friday my gf of three months' ex boyfriend came to town. Her mother invited him to stay AT THE HOUSE knowing that she had a new boyfriend who she loves. He had mistreated her throughout their relationship and I am nothing but good to her, treating her too well while she talked to her ex on the phone (everyday) and treated me terribly. She would always say that I'd never understand what they had together, and that even though he kicked her out of his house so she had to move back here, she still loves him. She said she loved him unconditionally, as he cheated on her and forgot her birthdays. I've realized I'd be better off alone than to be mistreated like this, but I love this girl so much I can't let her go. On Saturday she called me saying she just wanted to be friends with me, but this morning, Sunday, she calls saying she loves me. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. I couldn't stop crying. I don't know whether she slept with her ex or not, but I don't think I can ask her if she did. And she promised she wouldn't. If I ask her she'll say I don't trust her, If I just let her back into my life, I'll continue to be mistreated. I don't know how to mistreat her and get her to still stay with me. I could say to her that I won't stand for being treated like this, that I'd rather be alone than to let her treat me like this. But then she might leave me, and I don't know if I'm willing to take the chance. But I'm not willing to easily let her back into my life, for she'll just continue to mistreat me, thinking its ok. And I'm not willing to be her bf just until her ex stops screwing around and wants her back. I want her to love me like I love her: is this even possible? She knows I want to be with her, and her ex says he doesn't want to be with her, and she thinks she will be able to forget me if she goes with him but that she won't be able to forget him if she goes with me. Is this relationship over? But he lives far away and she lives here and neither of them can move right now, for at least 2 years. But I'll always doubt that she was faithful if I never ask her, and I don't think I can marry someone I don't really trust. If we had been together longer maybe I could've trusted her more over this weekend, but her mother invited him to stay over this past weekend. He leaves in two hours and she wants to come over and see me. What should I do? Please help.[/i]
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