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Posts posted by sibling295

  1. NJ- I am in the same boat. Last night i was a little bitter about the whole why cant he ask me to be his girlfriend again. This morning he asked if he could spend the night at my house tonight. I said yes see you after work , but i drove away soooo confused. He said thank you all night last night too. Oh and my only other input is he said see we never fight anymore. Its been almost a month now since the break up and this "special friendship" but i dont get it either . Will they ever want a relationship of b/f g/f again??I dont get it????Whats upp???Is there any guys out there who can answer.

    NJ- also this forum and your story has saved my life.

  2. i just realized its julie not juice! Sorry! I just hung up with my ex- things are horrible again. I freaked out and started cryin. He said we just took a hundred steps forward now i feel like a thousand backward. Its my fault i freaked out about if we were working on being a couple again. He said I love you and this has been the hardest thing i have ever done ,but i caant handle the pressure of knowing you deserve so much more. He told me i could date other guys he would deal with it, but he doesnt want to date anyone right now at all. Then i calmed down we made a joke. he said lets see each other on Sunday. i said okay , i know he loves me still , he said i miss you allot , we had a great relationship but its toomuch for me , i want to travel and not feel bad . When i was cryin he said stop making me feel guilty. Geez even as i write this i feel like a sham. I could go on without him. why cant i get out of this rut. Why do i torture myself???

  3. natalijuice- i know some people are not going to agree with me - but i say lie tohim that you are going. Do the whole NC thing all weekend.You know he will call for bowling on Tuesday. Say oh i had the best time ever. He needs to know that you are not dependent on him . i know peeps out there will disagree with me but i say lie. Yes no one likes games but geez you guys are getting along great (so am i) why not just keep at it.

  4. Okay i really need advice ! Short story 17 month relationship he broke up with me because he felt pressured. He explained to me that i in No way pressured him for marriage and kids (i didnt) It was all something he created in his mind. (it is) He tells everyone (mutual friends) that he still loves me but we want different futures. So i beg and plead but eventually a week later i say okay thank you i can meet someone else. Well then he starts callin"I still love you , want to be friends" I say okay we are friends. Well, of course, everything now is great. We are back to sleeping together and now he says lets take this day by day , but i am a little taken a back. I do love him and yes i want to marry him and maybe one day have a child. My question is does this faking being great friends ever work? I say faking because i am. Plus i am alittle upset he went around and told everyone we were broken up. I told him this and he apologized but i cant help but be embaressed. I am focusing on my own life and happiness now but still at night feel down that he was so willing to walk. Not to mention had i not gone along with this friendship we wouldnt even be together today. does this make sense? Sorry just wondering if anyone has had this expierence and it led to rekindled love. Thanks in advance.

  5. Whether he's into you or not shouldnt matter right now. ONly think about yourself. When you start to think about him change your thoughts. I know its hard my b/f broke up with me on Tuesday of this week. And i am telling you the key is to act happy. Act it and somehow it just happens. I swear. Live your life , its the weekend go out with your girls. Have fun , when he see's you are okay with out him , he might have a change of heart - but maybe you will too and you will figure out you deserve a guy who will love like you love. Oh and if there ever is a chance you might see him - make sure you look HOT!!! and HAPPY!!!

    No one wants to talk to desperation. Good Luck!

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