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  1. thanks alot everyone really helpful advice and sites. Much appreciated
  2. hey guys,i feel i have huge problems when it comes to talking to girls and making conversation.Also whatever i seem to say is bad about myself and i put myself down alot which obviously is a bad thing for them.after a recent incident i feel very low about myself and im not sure if i can have the courage to meet new people after this,this is what happened, i met a girl online who i chatted to on msn and webcam and phone etc and she was flirting ALOT and i was trying really hard not to show feelin or give too many hints that i liked her but it was going well,she was really excited to meet me,so we met up yesterday and wham! she totally was disappointed i think when she met me and saw me,i think becoz she was way out of my league and i didnt hav a flashy car or anything or not really big built also i was sayin MORE negative stuff.im not confident anymore especially after i heard her on the phone sayin "i dont like him like that" felt really down today and i need help really to sort out myself.thanks alot for reading.
  3. well i have lasted this long which is 8 months and i dont want to lose her which is why im on here writing this,i love her with all my heart,btw im not young im an adult of 18 thankyou.im gong to be driving in 5 months time and so i will see a hell of alot more of her which i cant wait for and im gonna see her next month too.i just need advice on forgetting other girls and everything.
  4. hi,i just registered to this site becoz of a huuuuge problem i need help with! well my gf and i have been together for 8 months and its a long distance relationship but we have met over 3 times for bout 2 weeks each time and its perfect and i am sooooo happy but..... for the last month i have been basically obsessed with other girls particularly one girl in my class at college,she and others just dominate my mind like a black cloud and its ruining my relationship with laura to a huge halt! i dont want anyone else! i love laura and i just want these thoughts and things to leave my head. the thoughts i have were always wondering what it would be like to be with them but then i would have these girls stuck in my head for days and now weeks and its now got to the point where i am desperate for help! i just need some help to help me get rid of all of these thoughts,its really making me exhausted inside especially about this one girl who knows all about this as i told her and everything we cleared it all up but she is still in my head and i want her out.i love laura soooooooooo much i dont ever want to let her go she is perfect for me and i just need help sooooo much in getting rid of this girl and other girls from my head! plz plz plz help i beg you! thankyou
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