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Everything posted by AGrPerson

  1. I think he just wants to lose his virginity. I don't think that it's the latter. He has told me though that he looks for a long term relationship. He keeps saying how excited he is for his first time. He has purchased and will use condoms. I'm afraid about the condom failure too to be honest.
  2. What do you think is the best way to handle this situation? Tell him that I want us to take it slower and try to get to know him first?
  3. I'm really sorry if I have confused you. I just don't know how to respond in this kind of situation.
  4. I said that we got intimate with each other. We didn't have intercourse though. We kissed, cuddled and had some foreplay. Well, when I suggested it I had in mind that we would just kiss and cuddle. But he mentioned having intercourse too.
  5. He's definitely excited to have sex for the first time. I'm not sure about the other one though.
  6. I mean I don't like that he told me to go to his house in order to have sex.
  7. To be honest we have been intimate with each other but haven't had intercourse yet. He wants us to get together at his house in order to do that. He is excited because it will be his first time, but I don't feel comfortable. I also don't like that it's something that we get to decide, cause it makes me feel like we're planning a sex night. Like we are planning to have a ritual or something.
  8. That's exactly how I am feeling. I've told him that I think it was too soon to get intimate with each other and that I would like us to get to know each other better first.
  9. No it's not. I would prefer to take things slow. Getting to know the other person better first.
  10. I didn't think that it would get to a point where we'll only be meeting at his house.
  11. No I don't. It just happens with time. I feel though with online dating that we tend to pressure things.
  12. Well, it wasn't planned, it just happened. Not exaclty better conversations, but that it would get us closer emotionally. I'm not so happy that it happened though since I think that things move too fast. He wants me to have a date at his house again in order to have sex. I don't want that though to be honest. He hasn't done something with a girl before that's why he was so desperate for us to get to bed.
  13. I understand what you mean. So with this guy too getting intimate with him too fast is not a good idea since I might get emotionally attached to him and get heartbroken if in the end he's not the guy he seems to be.
  14. No we're from the same culture. We both haven't been in a relationship before though. So we both are trying to process something new. We've both never been in more than 1-2 dates with someone.
  15. You mean why I keep thinking that a guy I barely know is ideal to be my boyfriend? I haven't had a relationship before so it's difficult for me to understand when is the right time to get official with someone or what are the signs that someone is great to be my boyfriend.
  16. I thought that maybe it would bring us closer? I really don't know... It sounds stupid now that I think about it...
  17. I think we are both socially awkward, and yes I'm not gonna lie, I feel anxious because of that.
  18. No, it's because if we don't have something to say we will cuddle, or kiss and there's no anxiety.
  19. I see. Yes it's the first time I've been to more than 2 days. All this is a first for me. I wouldn't say that I find it boring, but I get anxious that I have to say something in order for the other person to not find me boring.
  20. I am socially awkward yes. I have 3 friends with which we are pretty close. We can easily discuss about anything. And there's no social awkwardness.
  21. He's really sweet, likes hugs, cuddles, will say nice things to me. And it's not that we won't have a conversation with each other, it's that it's awkward at times with long times of silence during which we don't know what to say. Maybe it's the kind of dates that we go with each other. We usually go for a drink, or coffee. So during the whole date we are sitting across each other and chat. During at home dates it's completely different, we're both pretty relaxed and comfy, so the whole awkwardness goes away.
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