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Posts posted by minnie

  1. Thanks for that, i see what you are saying.


    When i asked my cousin, whos friend got pregnant by her boyfriend!


    She said "she was supposed to be my friend". As if she was valued more than the guy at one point.


    But he was supposed to be your boyfriend(?)


    She was still talking to him, until he left the country but she is still pining over him. As if he did not do anything wrong.


    Its amazing, i dont think i will ever understand it fully.

  2. Hmmm.


    Thanks for all posts, they pose some great views.


    I have never been in the same room with my EX and Ex friend. I went out with a group of them, he saw me with them and came over, then i left with him. It was at this stage she had only heard about him and finally put a face to the name.


    So he knew i knew her and she knew i wa with him - i didn't even knew that they spoke until, one day she call and asked what was happening between us and if i am still with him.


    She said he was talking to HER friend and they exchanged numbers.


    I asked him and he said your friend is no good etc.....


    I have woeked that out to be - she was checking if i was still with him for herself, no-one else. His reaction was a little fishy although he denied exchanging numbers with anyone.



    I have pieced the jig-saw together and have it a clear in my head. they cheated.


    I hate them both, but i think iamteddybearfeelmecuddle is right.


    I hate him but think that i was talking to him 'acting' happy to make me feel validated. He wants me back but i dont think so.


    I will ask people there own views and post them, just for individual/personal reasons and reactions.


    I have to admit it is interesting.


    thanks again x x

  3. Hmmm.


    Thanks for all posts, they pose some great views.


    I have never been in the same room with my EX and Ex friend. I went out with a group of them, he saw me with them and came over, then i left with him. It was at this stage she had only heard about him and finally put a face to the name.


    So he knew i knew her and she knew i wa with him - i didn't even knew that they spoke until, one day she call and asked what was happening between us and if i am still with him.


    She said he was talking to HER friend and they exchanged numbers.


    I asked him and he said your friend is no good etc.....


    I have woeked that out to be - she was checking if i was still with him for herself, no-one else. His reaction was a little fishy although he denied exchanging numbers with anyone.



    I have pieced the jig-saw together and have it a clear in my head. they cheated.


    I hate them both, but i think iamteddybearfeelmecuddle is right.


    I hate him but think that i was talking to him 'acting' happy to make me feel validated. He wants me back but i dont think so.


    I will ask people there own views and post them, just for individual/personal reasons and reactions.


    I have to admit it is interesting.


    thanks again x x

  4. Well, everyone that i have asked always say they Can leave a man IF they want to, and are not afraid of being alone. But i think differently.


    This kind of thinking and reaction, is letting the S.O know that they can do as they wish and are valued more than the friend.


    In my situation,...... ........ i cant explain why i was more friendly with him and not with her - will have to think about that one.


    Bottom line is - i think it is unfair to treat them differently, when they were both close to you and both betrayed you.

  5. Yes i understand what you are saying, and i actually realised this after, but it was really weird to see what was happening.


    They both have been dumped but, i was on speaking terms with him.


    When i look around people are taking back, or have 'forgiven' the SO, but not the friend. The friend was hated as was everyone who 'knew' etc... I have now realised that i was doing the same - not now though.


    Its inquisitive and i was looking for reasons for this

  6. Hey guys,


    This is actually bothering me a lot as i am seeing it more often.


    Your significant other cheats on you with your friend


    What i have noticed is 90% of people this happens to ends up back together with - or at leats on speaking terms with the significant other but not with the friend.


    I would really like to know why this is, if anyone has experienced, or like to give their views.


    I ask this because i think it has happened to me (they both deny, but another close friend told me that they did and i believe her) and of lately i have started to speak with the 'man' more but not so much with the 'girl'.


    I realised this when i went to a club and saw them both, she said hi , i said hi. But me and him were talking quite friendly.


    After i realised what was happening and put an end to the friendliness between me and him he probably thought i was a psycho , but o well.


    Now im trying to analyse it, why can the SO be forgiven but rarely the friend.


    I know your friend should be your friends and not go there, but neither should the SO.


    I hear the saying men/women come and go, but good friends are for life but ??? most of the time its appears the other way around.


    I feel if you forgive one you should forgive the other, or forgive neither and move on, but this is rarely the case (?)


    Any views will be appreciated xxx

  7. Before you take anythingm you should make yourself aware of the side effect, and do your research.Most people do this then make the decision whether to risk taking the medication and the side effects. All medications affect people differently, which is probably why they havent banned it. For evey 1 person negatively affected there may be 2 positives.Just my views - i wouldn't advise anyone not to take depo, but try it, it might agree with them - it might not

  8. When you say you trust him, but you dont trust her....


    Ask yourself what can she do to him without him consenting to?


    If she is forcing herself on him, and he is truly not interested, then nothing will happen, and this wouldn't really be an issue.


    I doubt she will rape him or anything like that so - if you really trust him let him go. But if it was me and he DID go after he knew how i felt - i dont think i would be having him back.


    Because your mind will be racing wondering what happened etc... and those feelings are not good.

  9. Its a hard one, but i think thats rubbish. My opinion, but i dont really know his situation.


    They must can come to a compromise .


    He must can come to compromise with you, if he is really concerned about your feelings.


    Lets see what other advice can be given to you, because i feel its black or white xx

  10. ask him why he wants to spend the night there.


    I dont undertand. If he wants to stay with his daughter, why cant she come stay with you - or at his fathers?


    It doesnt make sense to me because if he was not interested in a relationship with his babys mother why would he want to stay the night with them.

  11. Lil baby girl, i dont understand you.


    I think you need to see someone about this because its not healthy at all.


    What can you offer a baby?


    You have your whole life ahead of you.

  12. O,


    I feel for you, really. I am in the same position.


    At first i really just didnt feel hungry, i could go a whole day and a half without eating anything!!!


    Now i feel hungry, but still cannot eat food if i am not in the mood for it, it has to be something that i really really want. The other day i thought i better have something - had a slice of toast and didnt even eat half, i started heaving.


    Its a pain and ive started taking tonic now, but i am starting to consider looking for medications the will increase the appetite.


    I have found one an ani-histamine which has that side effect and have tried it, but it makes me so drowsy, i cant do it.


    Im going to see my doctor after reading this post i think i have to, and you should go back too.


    Try to get this sorted once and for all. As it is affecting my life and my self esteem, my clothes dont look right, i dont feel right , i stay in.


    Go see your GP, i will too, just to rule out any other medical cause.

  13. congratulations on your pregnancy!


    Just be happy for you, even if she is not. You will always get people like that - i have them in my family.


    Every situation they find themselves in - however similar to yours is totally different to them.


    I thinks its self esteem issues or some kind of resentment or jealousy towards you, because if getting pregnant was such a silly idea why didn't she prevent it from happening to herself.


    I would be tempted to say something just to make a point but thats me.


    No arguments or anything but you know.


    You are doing what you feel is right for you, so next time you hear her badmouth, just kindly tell her what you think about it.

  14. I was speaking my aunt about revenge etc... And i asked her what would be a good way to make someone jealous and get revenge.


    She look at me and said "revenge makes you very old".


    Presumably i think she means wasting your time on someone you 'claim' to have no feelings for is only showing them that you do. Then you will realise your life is passing you by and you are still stuck in rut - angry and bitter. Not pretty!


    Move on and forgive him for whatever he has done

  15. I think as long as you know what you want to gain from contacting him then do. You will only be wondering what if.


    Remember you broke up with him, so he may not be in a hurry to contact you through fear of being hurt.


    What are you waiting for? he may be thinking the same thing as you why he hasnt contacted you already.


    Go for it. Just take it slowly x x

  16. To be honest Lucky1 you are right, it seems he only cares about himself. I dont owe him anything, i think i just have to tell myself that and stop thinking about his feelings.


    I always do this, which doesnt show my boundaries, then i look like a push over.


    Thanks for all your help, you have helped to clarify a few issues of mine

  17. No, maybe its just me analysing things too much. Becuase i know hes going to say something along the lines of, "its just a drink, as friends etc..."


    And because i have been talking to him the past week i feel that i should have told him, that i knew, when i did find out.


    Im definitely not going, thats one thing i am certain of.


    Talking to my friends, they say go as 'friends' but i wont feel right.

  18. Hi guys,


    I am sitting here wondering what it is about me attracting men who are married or already taken.


    I went out last weekend and met this guy on friday, we had a good time and at the end of the night i gave him my number. ( i dont normally do this but i was a little tipsy and thought what the hell).


    So he has been calling me - general chit chat throughout the week. he called me today and after a few missed calls i answered. He wants us to go out tonight. I said no as i am tired and have work both saturday and sunday morning.


    He insisted that i take a nap now and he will call me later and if not today then tomorrow.


    The problem is my friend who i was with the night that i met him, told me the day after, that his WIFE is a friend of her friends, and she told him that she new her and went to THEIR wedding last year - she said he was shocked.


    She said she could see he was interested in me so she made him know that she knows who he is.


    After all this obviously i am not interested, but he has the cheek to keep calling me and asking me out, when he knows i no he is married.


    So, i dont want to be horrible to him, but i dont want to go out with him, whether he says as friends or not - not after everything i have been through with married men.


    What should i say to him. I am thinking along the lines of i am not comfortable with his 'situation'. Or should i be blunt?


    This would have been alot easier if my friend had told me this on the night, and has reinforced to me why i dont give my number out, but i thought i would just be different to the usual me.



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