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Everything posted by Nfllover99

  1. I didn’t know we were having a war on who is more relatable. No one is saying you have to like abusers, I never said I did either
  2. Wasnt trying to be funny so glad I’m not making you laugh. I’m glad you guys are letting him know what he doesn’t deserve. Kudos. Now let’s focus on what he can do to have a more successful relationship next time… be truthful, grow up, and learn respect.
  3. I agree with you, as I’ve told the other thst have gotten bent over what I said, is tht I’m not here to counsel the gf…this post and these comments left here are meant for the bf.. and so I feel we should focus on helping him see his error more so than hers. She will figure out her own issues.
  4. Never said I disagree with you. I just don’t see the point in analyzing the gf when the OP is the one asking for advice.
  5. I’ll refer you to the post on the bottom. You guys are making me laugh
  6. You guys think too much. My point in saying that is that this post is for the OP. Not the gf. He is the one that is gonna take away from whatever we say. So I’m focusing more on helping him self reflect rather than focusing on bashing the girl. Who yes is also wrong but I don’t feel like wasting my time pointing that out because he already knows it, especially with everything everyone else has posted, so I’d rather point out what he may not realize about himself in order to maybe strike some self reflection for his future relationships.
  7. Dude. Really? Second date you wanna show her your room? Chivalry really is dead I feel bad for women. After dinner you kiss her goodnight and plan a third date, preferably not at your apartment.
  8. You need to leave ASAP. Plenty of good guys like me to go around. Drop him it will be better for everyone l
  9. You should get over it. How it happened doesn’t matter move on.
  10. Again, I never said it was justifiable or okay, just asking for a little self reflection as well. If she wasn’t abusive and he did this in another relationship, he would constantly be “losing the love of his life” also looked at some of his past posts and it looks like a previous gf saw him as not prioritizing her at all. It looks like that’s the same thing this girl feels every time he dismisses what she asks him to respect and puts the porn and lying first. I’m not defending this woman, she is not on this post or reading this so he knows what’s okay and what’s not. I’m simply offering him some insight on himself, so that he can learn from his own mistakes as well because this man has also shown very manipulative and emotionally abusive behavior
  11. Also, obviously it is a deal breaker if you can’t watch it, because if you can’t watch it you lie to her, which IS the deal breaker.
  12. Well she made it clear she wasnt one of those women that were okay with it and he stayed and misled her. That’s one him for ignoring her early on boundaries. Also I never said hitting is okay, I just said he wonders why she got to this point, it looks like he drove her there and she lost control. Still wrong to hit I agree, but let’s stop pointing and labeling the one who was emotionally abused first.
  13. Why would she choose to walk away, when clearly he is a good liar and probably manipulating her into staying. He says she packs her stuff and threatens to break up, that means somewhere along the lines he asks her not to.. wanna know how? The answer is in his OP.. he tells her what she wants to hear and reels her in. Emotional abuse. You all are quick to point fingers at the physical abuse which probably hurts him less than the emotional abuse he’s put on her.. how many times did he say he lied and said he’d stop? Oh he said at least 4 times. Stop dismissing emotional abuse as a society, it can be just as harmful
  14. Ive gotta ask, are you 18? 20? This can’t be a grown man talking because the If I can’t have it I want it more statement sounds very immature. I’m not sure how old you are but if you are a grown man, start acting your age and start wondering why the woman you love is hurting you after you’ve hurt her multiple times.
  15. You are your own worst enemy. You love her and it’s heaven, then why did you put her through all this just for porn? It sounds like you are immature and undeserving of an honest and serious girlfriend. Stick to the basement and using porn, and stay away from women until you figure yourself out
  16. This is what I don’t get, you took the words out of my mouth. He says he loves her, and she has sex with him frequently, yet he continues to lie to her. To me, I believe she shouldn’t hit him, but I don’t think she is the one to blame at all. Lying is manipulative and you my friend has constantly manipulated her. The only thing that is her fault is that she has chosen to give you multiple chances instead of leaving. She is trying to make it work with you, but she is falling apart is looks like and hurting. You may need to break it off, not because she is abusive as these people are quick to say, but because if you truly love her you wouldn’t lie to her and you’re doing this woman a disservice. Not all women are clear with what they want and it looks like she was with you, and you took advantage.
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