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Liquid Dream

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Posts posted by Liquid Dream

  1. I think thats sweet. I mean at least you don't have some sort of commintment problem,

    if you let a girl know that you've taken an intrest in her, it would make her feel good about herself,

    and she will be happy you noticed her, and it will make her notice you...


    Sorry, I probally have no right posting...since I'm not a guy.

  2. I think you may have problems with your insecurities .

    I mean, maybe you just need to know that you have what it takes to have somebody fall in love/like with you,

    It may make you feel more masculine to make girls go (gah-gah) over you.

    Not trying to be mean, I'm sure plenty of guys are like this.

    Good luck

  3. Three years ago my best and only friend, pushed me out of her life

    when she got a boyfriend, he told her that She shouldn't hang out with me because I'm bi, so she never talked to me again, they always made fun of me, they excluded me from their group, even got a group of people to fight me, I still am hurt by this, , But I believe it makes you stronger and

    you don't really need friends like that anyway.


    So what if your not some scum-sucking barbie, you are all you have, lonliness is the human condition, nobody can fix this, but you always have yourself.

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