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  1. well i have this g/f and we haven't been going out THAT long but, i always thought we had a strong connection. Well to sart with an the jist of things, basically for a lil bit there was kind of a trust issues mainly due to some things i saw on myspace that she had written about other guys, now i confronted her about it and she just god ma d because she though i didn't trust her but i told her that it just seemed kinda funny that's all, but i mean most of the comments were made before we started to date. Now we've had our tiffs and we just finished a kinda big one, and since we've been fighting she's been talking to this guy she met up in Washington, where she is moving, she told me from the 1st day they met like a month ago that she's just looking for people to meet up there so she has a friend, well apparently this guy likes her, and he told her that, she swares to me she doesn't like him back, but The fact he calls her everynight and she talks to him not only for what seems like hours on end, but also about mine and her's relationship problems. Now since we've fought she's been acting a ili different, kinda distant too me, not really wanting to do the niver things like she used too, she got mad and stopped telling me she loved me and this was a week ago today, she's just changed it seems...but the fact is, is that even when we talked on the PC about our problems, i asked if i could call her, she said i couldn't because she was on the phone with this guy, and it took a lot of pleading to get her to let me call her....so i dunno what to think, i mean lastnite i asked if i could talk to him online to get a feel for the guy, she agreed, but then when we were there she wouldn't say anything, well she would say things when he would say like "i have to be up early" and she was like "What when?" all quick, which is something that kinda stood out too me....So is she just trying to play games, is she trying to hook up with this guuy but just wants to keep me around until she leaves or what? i mean i told her how him calling her makes me feel uncomfortable and she told me "it does bother me, but i'm mad at you so i don't care". so ya, any advice on what you think would be GREATLY Appreciated.
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