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Everything posted by Snuts

  1. I've been dating my g/f for almost 4 years now. We've been having sex for almost 3 of those years. Currently in pursuit of that elusive O. I'll try to break it down and you all can respond. I'm 24, and have had previous sexual experience (mostly drunken fiascos) , but have never had issues with women and orgasms. She is 20. And I was her first. No prior serious boyfriends, no past trauma, no abuse, pretty normal. Now....this has kind of been at battlefield on too fronts....Clitoral and Vaginal First.... i need advice on things i can do during Oral to make things better. I've changed my style and technique many times but i've never been able to get the same response i've gotten from other girls. It's always good ... but not leg-shaking awesome. I've tried slow, fast, tip of tongue, flat of tongue variations of them all. I always end up getting her too sensetive. If i try to not be so direct, and roam a bit .... after 10 mins i get the "that's enough" tap on shoulder. Secondly...during intercourse, when i start to hit the g-spot. She says it gets "too good", and after like 15 secs i need to adjust so i'm not hitting the g-spot anymore. Its not that it hurts, it seems like she's a little scared of that feeling. She says it feels really good, but she doesnt want it to continue. Sometimes if i'm nearing orgasm, she'll endure it longer, and i know it'll feels good, she even said so (and no she isnt lying). Is this a feeling all women have dealt with, maybe at a younger age? Also when i hit the g-spot (whether it be through intercourse or manually) right when she nears orgasm, he gets that "have to pee" feeling. How should she get past that feeling? I've read that this feeling is common with vaginal orgasms and even ejaculation. Is there something physically she needs to do to get past that stage. About 3 months ago, she somehow got past that stage and she did have a mild orgasm. But that was the only time. Also while this "have to pee" thing is going on. I can tell the closer and closer she gets to orgasm, the more she loses focus. I think she starts stressin out about, maybe because she knows what coming. What exactly are women thinking about moments before they orgasm? Is it "OMG OMG" or are concentrating on the feeling? i dunno. I definetly want a women's point of view on that. So if any women have encountered this "close but no cigar" situation, please feel free to respond. My g/f and I will read your responses together, so if u need anymore info the situation, either of us can reply. Thanks, JT
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