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Everything posted by Writer26

  1. Due to some circumstances that cannot be explained at the moment, my ex-boyfriend is now engaged to be married. He has been engaged for quite some time. I still love him and haven't been able to get over him. In order to have closure, I asked him whether or not he loved -- and he did not answer. Three weeks ago, he told me he loved me. I know he loves his fiancee, and I want him to tell me so, for it's the only way I will be able to move on. However, he refuses to touch on the subject until he and I meet. (We are only communicating electronically at the moment.) I feel so depressed and brokenhearted. It has been a year since he and I broke up. He always told me that he still loved me -- until recently, that is. Now he refuses to tell me how he feels. I told him I wanted to move on once and for all, and the only way I could do that is by hearing those words. I've had it with the healing process -- I want and need to move on. Though I don't think I am ready to hear him say that he doesn't love me, it's about time I have closure. I would like some advice. Also, why on earth doesn't he just tell me that he doesn't love me?? I know it sounds crazy, but I have tried every method known to mankind to get over him. This is the final straw. I'd appreciate some advice.
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